Right Wing World: Conservative America's Coming Civil War?

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Right Wing World: Conservative America's Coming Civil War? :laugh2:

Conservative America has a vast noise machine, and one arm of it consists of avowedly conservative noise makers otherwise known as think tanks. One of these think tanks is the newly demented-de-minted Heritage Foundation which has lost what little credibility it had by appointing Tea Party Whack-a-doodle, Jim Demint, as it's head. Another think tank is the American Enterprise Institute (AEI - a home for demented cold warriors and other misfits). At this AEI they have visiting scholars, one of which is paid to pump out alarmist propaganda under the guise of scholarship...

Meet Arthur L. Herman, a revisionist historian ("an American popular historian, currently serving as a visiting scholar at the American Enterprise Institute") who "generally employs the Great Man perspective in his work, which is 19th-century historical methodology attributing human events and their outcomes to the singular efforts of great men (and occasionally women)..."

Fox News Opinion blogs:

We're now one step closer to America's coming civil war

By Arthur Herman | Published January 03, 2013 | FoxNews.com

Consider this story from the Wall Street Journal a few days before Christmas:

“Thousands of people in several Argentine cities ransacked supermarkets for a second day in the latest challenge to President Chistina Kirchner, who is struggling to revive a weak economy...In the central city Rosario, two people were killed during the incidents and 137 people arrested.


Some have said my warnings about a coming civil war between makers and takers are exaggerated. It’s true that Argentina’s politicians have been waging class warfare since Juan and Eva Peron–and they aren’t fazed when it turns bloody. Obama and the Democrats are relative newcomers to the game. But Argentina reveals who really suffers when those who create a nation’s wealth get mugged by those who spend it–as just happened this week in Washington.

It’s the poor and the middle class, the very ones big government says it’s trying to protect.


When the economy tanks and the government checks have to shrink, their only alternative is to take to the streets. That’s what happening in Argentina, and in Greece; and that’s where the growth of government is taking us here, as this current budget deal increases handouts–and more and more Americans are finding that an unemployment or Social Security disability check is their only life line.

Washington’s Republicans and Democrats alike have become the toll collectors on the road to serfdom–and the road to Rosario.

Now you know the how, where, and why wingnuts at USMB and elsewhere get their whacky world views...

note: did I fail to mention Arthur is part of the Liars Club? Yup.

This idiot regurgitates the right-wing unending bullshit that the failure of the Bay of Pigs was the fault of one, and only one man, JFK. He is either completely unaware or choses to completely ignore the fact that the CIA's own internal Inspector General's report put the blame for the failure, not on JFK's shoulders, but on the CIA's.

These simple minded right-wing idiots actually think it was so simple, just send in the Air Force, or the Marines and the problem of Cuba would have been solved. They never explain how. They never tell what would the Soviets do if JFK did that? Would they take Berlin in response? Then what happens?


The Administration has called us "the enemy" has labeled veterans as "right wing extremists", Dems talking about denying rights to Conservatives, Harry Belafonte talking about arresting us.

Yeah, we're starting trouble.
"It’s true that Argentina’s politicians have been waging class warfare since Juan and Eva Peron–and they aren’t fazed when it turns bloody. Obama and the Democrats are relative newcomers to the game."

Lol!! Dems have been pros at this for at least a hundred years. Juan and Eva took notes.
One of these think tanks is the newly demented-de-minted Heritage Foundation which has lost what little credibility it had by appointing Tea Party Whack-a-doodle, Jim Demint, ...

few Republicans have helped more than Demint to insure the Democrats remain the majority party in control of the Senate - and by doing so has moved the country as a whole to the center of the political spectrum.

and surly will have the same effect on the Heritage Foundation by popularizing its reactionary, regressive and extremist political philosophy with the result of its inevitable collapse and dissolution.

On one hand, ya just can't get a Republican to admit there's a problem in the first place (only a couple of exceptions on this board), and on the other they scream about RINO's and anyone else who dares to stray from dogma, and loudly threaten to "primary" any who doesn't toe the line. Diversion is the standard tactic, pointing the finger at the Dems.

So, we'll just have to wait and see how things shake out.

One of these think tanks is the newly demented-de-minted Heritage Foundation which has lost what little credibility it had by appointing Tea Party Whack-a-doodle, Jim Demint, ...

few Republicans have helped more than Demint to insure the Democrats remain the majority party in control of the Senate - and by doing so has moved the country as a whole to the center of the political spectrum.

and surly will have the same effect on the Heritage Foundation by popularizing its reactionary, regressive and extremist political philosophy with the result of its inevitable collapse and dissolution.
You should try reading "What is to Be Done" in English sometime.Surly, it might help.:D
"We are God's Partners in matters of life and death" -- Our Malignant Narcissist POTUS.

Yeah, Republicans have a problem, they've not accepted Obama as their Lord and Savior
The left must feel real threatened. The boogey-man is around every corner...

actually, if you had and reading and comprehension skills you'd see where the right wing is saying they feel threatened and they say why...the boogey man is poor people and minorities, as well as the 47% rioting in the streets.

The Administration has called us "the enemy" has labeled veterans as "right wing extremists", Dems talking about denying rights to Conservatives, Harry Belafonte talking about arresting us.

Yeah, we're starting trouble.

Harry Belafonte?


poor Frank... :lol:

Dems have a hivemind, so you can pick the saying of one and know that's what they all believe.
The left must feel real threatened. The boogey-man is around every corner...

actually, if you had and reading and comprehension skills you'd see where the right wing is saying they feel threatened and they say why...the boogey man is poor people and minorities, as well as the 47% rioting in the streets.


I'll alert the media with that bit of breaking news...smart ass.
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It should be obvious by now that the public is arming itself for something. Although it's probably not any kind of action against the government, but the people fighting one another.

In Utah a gun show drew 20,000 people the first day and the vendors ran out of merchandise. California, long lines waiting to get into a local gun show. Chicago's gun shops have empty shelves. 8,000 people in a few hours at a Florida gun show. In Colorado a background check that used to take 15 minutes now has a lag time of 8 days.

What do you think is happening?
How very weird to see right wingers come here and not grasp what the American Enterprise Institute visiting scholar is saying...it is the right wing who is paranoid and fearful.

good gawd, can the wingnuts here be that stupid they can't believe what one of their own leaders is saying in print?
It should be obvious by now that the public is arming itself for something. Although it's probably not any kind of action against the government, but the people fighting one another.

In Utah a gun show drew 20,000 people the first day and the vendors ran out of merchandise. California, long lines waiting to get into a local gun show. Chicago's gun shops have empty shelves. 8,000 people in a few hours at a Florida gun show. In Colorado a background check that used to take 15 minutes now has a lag time of 8 days.

What do you think is happening?

In a word, paranoia.

The left must feel real threatened. The boogey-man is around every corner...

actually, if you had and reading and comprehension skills you'd see where the right wing is saying they feel threatened and they say why...the boogey man is poor people and minorities, as well as the 47% rioting in the streets.


Since it's the poor people and minorities being threatening, there is good reason to feel threatened. That, and liberal judges are emptying the prisons as fast as they can.
The left must feel real threatened. The boogey-man is around every corner...

actually, if you had and reading and comprehension skills you'd see where the right wing is saying they feel threatened and they say why...the boogey man is poor people and minorities, as well as the 47% rioting in the streets.

The 47% were rioting because they weren't paying taxes? Or maybe this is another example of your mastery of statistics.:badgrin:
The left must feel real threatened. The boogey-man is around every corner...

actually, if you had and reading and comprehension skills you'd see where the right wing is saying they feel threatened and they say why...the boogey man is poor people and minorities, as well as the 47% rioting in the streets.


I'll alert the media with that bit of breaking news...smart ass.

:lol: you still don't get IT!!! :lol:

It's a right winger fearing civil war. :lol:


Right Wing World: Conservative America's Coming Civil War? :laugh2:

Conservative America has a vast noise machine, and one arm of it consists of avowedly conservative noise makers otherwise known as think tanks. One of these think tanks is the newly demented-de-minted Heritage Foundation which has lost what little credibility it had by appointing Tea Party Whack-a-doodle, Jim Demint, as it's head. Another think tank is the American Enterprise Institute (AEI - a home for demented cold warriors and other misfits). At this AEI they have visiting scholars, one of which is paid to pump out alarmist propaganda under the guise of scholarship...

Meet Arthur L. Herman, a revisionist historian ("an American popular historian, currently serving as a visiting scholar at the American Enterprise Institute") who "generally employs the Great Man perspective in his work, which is 19th-century historical methodology attributing human events and their outcomes to the singular efforts of great men (and occasionally women)..."

Fox News Opinion blogs:

We're now one step closer to America's coming civil war

By Arthur Herman | Published January 03, 2013 | FoxNews.com

Consider this story from the Wall Street Journal a few days before Christmas:

“Thousands of people in several Argentine cities ransacked supermarkets for a second day in the latest challenge to President Chistina Kirchner, who is struggling to revive a weak economy...In the central city Rosario, two people were killed during the incidents and 137 people arrested.


Some have said my warnings about a coming civil war between makers and takers are exaggerated. It’s true that Argentina’s politicians have been waging class warfare since Juan and Eva Peron–and they aren’t fazed when it turns bloody. Obama and the Democrats are relative newcomers to the game. But Argentina reveals who really suffers when those who create a nation’s wealth get mugged by those who spend it–as just happened this week in Washington.

It’s the poor and the middle class, the very ones big government says it’s trying to protect.


When the economy tanks and the government checks have to shrink, their only alternative is to take to the streets. That’s what happening in Argentina, and in Greece; and that’s where the growth of government is taking us here, as this current budget deal increases handouts–and more and more Americans are finding that an unemployment or Social Security disability check is their only life line.

Washington’s Republicans and Democrats alike have become the toll collectors on the road to serfdom–and the road to Rosario.

Now you know the how, where, and why wingnuts at USMB and elsewhere get their whacky world views...

note: did I fail to mention Arthur is part of the Liars Club? Yup.

This idiot regurgitates the right-wing unending bullshit that the failure of the Bay of Pigs was the fault of one, and only one man, JFK. He is either completely unaware or choses to completely ignore the fact that the CIA's own internal Inspector General's report put the blame for the failure, not on JFK's shoulders, but on the CIA's.

These simple minded right-wing idiots actually think it was so simple, just send in the Air Force, or the Marines and the problem of Cuba would have been solved. They never explain how. They never tell what would the Soviets do if JFK did that? Would they take Berlin in response? Then what happens?

The Liars Club: Today's Idiot - Arthur Herman


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