Right Wing Warning???

THE VET 'THREAT' - New York Post

Threat from the vets!
By Ralph Peters Sunday, April 19, 2009

Hollywood and countless professors warned us:

Military vets are drooling trailer trash who beat their wives and, at best, wind up as homeless street people and, at worst, as homicidal psychos deformed by war.

Now, thanks to our ever-vigilant Department of Homeland Security, the full extent of the danger has been revealed:

Our so-called "war heroes" are rushing back to join right-wing-extremist hate groups to overthrow our government.

Let's not quibble about little things like evidence. The Obama administration just knows that vets are all racist, Jew-hating crazies waiting to explode. Thank God, DHS has a fearless leader, Janet-from-another-planet Napolitano, who isn't afraid to call white trash "white trash."

In this administration's published opinion, those who've served in our military are a menace to society and the state. And DHS's racist, bigoted implication is that the only danger comes from white, Christian vets (there's not a whisper about minority violence).

Thanks for bringing us together, Mr. President.

Racism is racism (unless you're a left-wing celebrity; then it's just humor). The left-wing propaganda document, published officially by your government under the title "Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment," might be the shabbiest U.S. government publication of our time.

The report warns that "the return of military veterans facing significant challenges reintegrating into their communities could lead to the potential emergence of terrorist groups or lone wolf extremists ... carrying out violent attacks."

The document's evidence? None.

The report contains no hard data, no statistics. It's nothing but a racist, anti-military opinion column that might pass muster in The New York Times but shouldn't be issued by our government.

The report continues by saying "rightwing extremists will attempt to recruit and radicalize returning veterans" who "possess combat skills."

The point? Our hayseed, uneducated, unskilled, wacko vets aren't able to think for themselves and will be patsies for right-wing fanatics. Guess that's how things look from Harvard.

Then the report warns us that "a prominent civil rights organization reported in 2006 that 'large numbers of potentially violent neo-Nazis, skinheads, and other white supremacists are now learning the art of warfare in the [U.S.] armed forces.'"

Which civil-rights organization? The Rev. Wright's? Why not name it? Why accept this bigoted hearsay? Where's the proof? Where's the data?

And where are those "large numbers of potentially violent neo-Nazis," anyway? Last time I checked, American Nazis had trouble mustering a couple dozen overweight losers in Halloween costumes.

Of course, Timothy McVeigh is invoked. Repeatedly. He's the sole example of a violent anti-government vet the report's drafters could produce. And there's no mention of the fact that, when he tried to join Special Forces, McVeigh promptly washed out and soon found his butt on the street.

No, McVeigh will serve as eternal evidence that a homicidal nut lurks within every former soldier.

In just eight-and-a-half pages of text, the report manages to link our veterans to anti-Semitism, racism, economic failure and those dangerous citizens who think illegal immigration's a bad idea. Oh, and vets can't be trusted with firearms.

Your tax dollars at work.

Obama's commissars at the Department of Homeland Security have already responded that DHS simultaneously issued a report on extremist danger from the left. Its title? "Leftwing Extremists Likely to Increase Use of Cyber Attacks over the Coming Decade."

Get the point? Leftwing extremists aren't violent (and rightwingers are too stupid to understand computers).

Timothy McVeigh can be invoked but let's not mention Bill Ayres, our president's good buddy (until he became inconvenient) or his murderous wife. Left-wing fanatics might make a little online mischief, but, hey, kids will be kids.

Read both reports. You'll find that those on the political right (not just vets) are unable to cope with the stress of economic hardship, the real-estate crisis or job loss. Not a word about those issues driving leftists to extremes.They're just defending animal rights and the environment (honest -- read the reports).

Narco gangs aren't a threat, either. And the real and present danger from Islamist fanatics resident in our country goes unmentioned -- even though there's plenty of data on that threat.

The only anti-government violence DHS fears comes from crackers with carbines.

And from chimps so dumb they joined the military.

We're the threat to our fellow citizens. You and I.

Our first minority president just took a giant step toward creating the most bigoted administration since that of arch-segregationist Woodrow Wilson.

Apologize to our veterans, Mr. President.

And send Ms. Napolitano back to the minors.

The REAL victims syndrome ... the right.

The report said returning vets would be "TARGETED" by right wing extremist group recruiting.

Details and nuance...things the right wing mind is oblivious to...
THE VET 'THREAT' - New York Post

Threat from the vets!
By Ralph Peters Sunday, April 19, 2009

Hollywood and countless professors warned us:

Military vets are drooling trailer trash who beat their wives and, at best, wind up as homeless street people and, at worst, as homicidal psychos deformed by war.

Now, thanks to our ever-vigilant Department of Homeland Security, the full extent of the danger has been revealed:

Our so-called "war heroes" are rushing back to join right-wing-extremist hate groups to overthrow our government.

Let's not quibble about little things like evidence. The Obama administration just knows that vets are all racist, Jew-hating crazies waiting to explode. Thank God, DHS has a fearless leader, Janet-from-another-planet Napolitano, who isn't afraid to call white trash "white trash."

In this administration's published opinion, those who've served in our military are a menace to society and the state. And DHS's racist, bigoted implication is that the only danger comes from white, Christian vets (there's not a whisper about minority violence).

Thanks for bringing us together, Mr. President.

Racism is racism (unless you're a left-wing celebrity; then it's just humor). The left-wing propaganda document, published officially by your government under the title "Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment," might be the shabbiest U.S. government publication of our time.

The report warns that "the return of military veterans facing significant challenges reintegrating into their communities could lead to the potential emergence of terrorist groups or lone wolf extremists ... carrying out violent attacks."

The document's evidence? None.

The report contains no hard data, no statistics. It's nothing but a racist, anti-military opinion column that might pass muster in The New York Times but shouldn't be issued by our government.

The report continues by saying "rightwing extremists will attempt to recruit and radicalize returning veterans" who "possess combat skills."

The point? Our hayseed, uneducated, unskilled, wacko vets aren't able to think for themselves and will be patsies for right-wing fanatics. Guess that's how things look from Harvard.

Then the report warns us that "a prominent civil rights organization reported in 2006 that 'large numbers of potentially violent neo-Nazis, skinheads, and other white supremacists are now learning the art of warfare in the [U.S.] armed forces.'"

Which civil-rights organization? The Rev. Wright's? Why not name it? Why accept this bigoted hearsay? Where's the proof? Where's the data?

And where are those "large numbers of potentially violent neo-Nazis," anyway? Last time I checked, American Nazis had trouble mustering a couple dozen overweight losers in Halloween costumes.

Of course, Timothy McVeigh is invoked. Repeatedly. He's the sole example of a violent anti-government vet the report's drafters could produce. And there's no mention of the fact that, when he tried to join Special Forces, McVeigh promptly washed out and soon found his butt on the street.

No, McVeigh will serve as eternal evidence that a homicidal nut lurks within every former soldier.

In just eight-and-a-half pages of text, the report manages to link our veterans to anti-Semitism, racism, economic failure and those dangerous citizens who think illegal immigration's a bad idea. Oh, and vets can't be trusted with firearms.

Your tax dollars at work.

Obama's commissars at the Department of Homeland Security have already responded that DHS simultaneously issued a report on extremist danger from the left. Its title? "Leftwing Extremists Likely to Increase Use of Cyber Attacks over the Coming Decade."

Get the point? Leftwing extremists aren't violent (and rightwingers are too stupid to understand computers).

Timothy McVeigh can be invoked but let's not mention Bill Ayres, our president's good buddy (until he became inconvenient) or his murderous wife. Left-wing fanatics might make a little online mischief, but, hey, kids will be kids.

Read both reports. You'll find that those on the political right (not just vets) are unable to cope with the stress of economic hardship, the real-estate crisis or job loss. Not a word about those issues driving leftists to extremes.They're just defending animal rights and the environment (honest -- read the reports).

Narco gangs aren't a threat, either. And the real and present danger from Islamist fanatics resident in our country goes unmentioned -- even though there's plenty of data on that threat.

The only anti-government violence DHS fears comes from crackers with carbines.

And from chimps so dumb they joined the military.

We're the threat to our fellow citizens. You and I.

Our first minority president just took a giant step toward creating the most bigoted administration since that of arch-segregationist Woodrow Wilson.

Apologize to our veterans, Mr. President.

And send Ms. Napolitano back to the minors.

The REAL victims syndrome ... the right.

The report said returning vets would be "TARGETED" by right wing extremist group recruiting.

Details and nuance...things the right wing mind is oblivious to...

Where is there any research or data substantiating that anyone or any group would be 'targeted' and by which 'right wing' groups? Details indeed are completely lacking, what a surprise.
While American Legion teamed with media to incite anger over DHS report, VFW took the logical, prudent course.


by Larry Scott, VA Watchdog dot Org

What once would have been a tempest in a teapot has turned into an electronically-driven Category 5 media hurricane.

On Monday of this week (4/13/2009) a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) report about rightwing extremist groups attempting to recruit veterans became public.

Although disturbing in many ways, and open to misinterpretation, the report was just one in a series cranked out over the past few years about extremist groups on the right and left.

It didn't take long for reaction. First the American Legion jumped in with a blanket denunciation of the report as "unfair" to veterans and a claim that the report was politically-biased. The Legion's media machine went into high gear with officials appearing on any outlet that would let them talk. While I originally praised the general intent of the Legion's statement (with some reservations), I never thought they would try to turn the report into the personification of evil.

Then, politicians joined the indignation bandwagon.

By late Wednesday and early Thursday DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano was making the rounds of the TV talk shows explaining the report.

Napolitano called the report "an assessment, not an accusation," and said, "I know that some veterans groups were offended by the fact that veterans were mentioned in this assessment, so I apologize for that offense. It was certainly not intended."

Now, we are going into day five of this media circus fueled by misinformation, disinformation, paranoia and outright lies.

From American Legion Post Commanders trying to get face time on their local TV station to mind-numbingly stupid commentaries about veterans being labeled enemies of the state, we have been overwhelmed by the blogosphere, cable TV channels and radio talk shows.

Thankfully, it appears the furor is calming, somewhat. After all, its' time for the media to find something new ... a movie star who's getting divorced ... a singer who's going into rehab.

But, through all of the nonsense and politically-charged rhetoric there was one shining beacon of logic and common sense ... a press release from the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW).

The release (posted below) can be summed up in two brief statements:
"The report proves that DHS is doing its job...," and "DHS Report Was a Threat Assessment, Not Accusation."

While the VFW correctly stated,
"The report should have been worded differently," they quickly added, "it made no blanket accusation that every soldier was capable of being a traitor..."

The VFW's national commander, Glen M. Gardner Jr., must be commended for a calm, clear-thinking analysis of this issue.

VFW IS VOICE OF REASON IN DHS VET FLAP -- While American Legion teamed with media to incite anger over DHS report, VFW took the logical, prudent course. -- VA Watchdog dot Org - VA NEWS FLASH - 04-17-2009
How PC the right has become. Why would anyone pretend that a report that looks out for both the best interests of Americans and the best interests of troubled vets is somehow a bad thing?
Ag... come on... get serious. Anarcho-communism is a JOKE. Anarchy is a state absent LAW... COMMUNISM IS A STATE OF LAWS WITHOUT END... AGAIN, jackass, the issue is the PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF THESE IDEAS... NOT THE ETHEREAL "GEE WOULDN'T IT BE NICE IF... nonsense of addle-minded poli-sci academics. Anarcho-communism is an oxymoron dipstick, you're simply not bright enough to recognise it.

I'm not interested in discussions of anarcho-communism. I'm not an anarcho-communist; I'm a market socialist.

ROFLMNAO... OH! So you're not a Anarcho-Capitalist any more... opting for another oxymoron, the rare Market Socialist...


We are communists. But our communism is not that of the authoritarian school: it is anarchist communism, communism without government, free communism.

Well that's cool... but who cares? Non-Authoritarian Communists are never going to form a national government, so who could POSSIBLY CARE?

But again, my objections to anarcho-communism are still plenty, and accordingly, I prefer to discuss the viability of market socialism.

Great... let's discuss the viability of Market Socialism...

ROFLMNAO.... -0-

What more can be said about it? Which is to say that NOTHING can be added to that... which is NOT to suggest that I'm interested in hearing any form of advocacy for it.
ROFLMNAO... OH! So you're not a Anarcho-Capitalist any more... opting for another oxymoron, the rare Market Socialist...


"Anarcho"-capitalism is indeed an oxymoron. I'm glad you realize that. :cool:

However, your identification of "market socialism" as an "oxymoron" is simply another indication of your far-reaching ignorance of political economy, inasmuch as the ideas that "market=capitalism" and "government=socialism" are fallacious myths mainly branded about by ignorant rightists.

Well that's cool... but who cares? Non-Authoritarian Communists are never going to form a national government, so who could POSSIBLY CARE?

As far as I know, anarcho-communists would have a greater interest in decentralization as opposed to "national government." The varieties of association that would exist on a national level would merely be federative in nature, and would be managed in a "bottom-up" manner.

Great... let's discuss the viability of Market Socialism...

ROFLMNAO.... -0-

What more can be said about it? Which is to say that NOTHING can be added to that... which is NOT to suggest that I'm interested in hearing any form of advocacy for it.

I've already explained this in another thread just a few minutes ago. Market socialism improves on capitalism because it fine-tunes wage and compensation norms to accurately reflect ability criteria, thus eliminating the "Rockefeller grandson" problem mentioned by parecon advocates Albert and Hahnel. Its focus on the worker-owned enterprise will also necessarily result in efficiency improvements over capitalism.
Oh, it's probably another psuedonym of Ag-whats-her-name... at best it's another Central or south American communist... a sychophant of the Che, Fidel and more recently Hugo...

Ravi would liked to have offered a well reasoned, logically valid, intellectually sound response to this, but being that she lacks the intellectual means to do so, she was relegated to offering up a flaccid retort, born of her importent leftist rage, wherein she lamented the feminized nature of leftist males... projecting my observation of such as representing a hatred of woman; of course she was unable to state a reasoned basis for such... but that is after all the nature of the irrational, now isn't it?

I don't read your rants anymore, Pubic. I just check to see if you've again called a male poster a she. Yes, it displays your disrespect and probable hatred of women and I will neg rep you when I see you do it.


You can't make this crap up kids...

It immediately becomes clear why Ravi limits her comments to Neg-reps... When she posts on the board she exposes herself as a prattling fool.

First she assserts that she 'doesn't read' my posts... immediately following THAT assertion with a diametrically oppossing position which informs us that she reads all of my posts, scanning for reasons to advance Neg-reps...

So here you have a fool, who has gathered a fair amount of Rep-power and despite her being unable to advance so much as a COHERENT POSITION, she uses her rep-power as a means of political coersion.

So you have an EMPHATIC assertion, followed by an oppossing assertion, all of which precedes an irrational delusion... and a THREAT TO MISUSE THE REPUTATION SYSTEM AS A RESULT OF HER SKEWED JUDGEMENT...

She could be the PERFECT EXAMPLE of the typical "Advocate of CHANGE"...

Let the record reflect that I respond to the voice which is implied in the post... if that voice is feminine I respond to it as such. That leftist males are decidely feminized is not my problem, if you girls don't like being referred to by your irrational feminine persona... I suggest you BUTCH UP.

We cannot forget friends that Leftism is the ideology by which the stupid project their political voice... it is the ideology of evil; it is the ideology of corruption, relativism, both of which reject bed-rock, right sustaining principle.

And as evidence of that, we see this individual; an overt leftists; a self declared 'moderate' who is OPENLY Advocating for COERCION... Coercion which stands as a substitute for her chronic failure to advance a viable argument... Coercion which she states is designed to REPLACE open dialogue, honest discourse and effect argument... thus she seeks to influence that which she is otherwise incapable of influencing.

What we have here is a leftist who is demonstrating a rare candor, illustrating who she really is and what she is really all about; she's an idiot, she's a fool and she's got a TEENY BIT of power which she is CHOMPING AT THE BIT TO ABUSE!

LOL... Great Job Ravi... the great thing here is that IF I POSTED A POSITION WHICH ASSERTED ALL THAT, you'd be the first to RUN AND DEMAND EVIDENCE!

So in fairness... lets do it RIGHT!

Ravi is a shameless power-monger prone to abuse ANY SORT OF POWER which might come her way... she tends towards coercion and I submit the following as proof certain of it: http://www.usmessageboard.com/current-events/74088-right-wing-warning-11.html#post1168220

ROFL... Too easy
ROFLMNAO... OH! So you're not a Anarcho-Capitalist any more... opting for another oxymoron, the rare Market Socialist...


"Anarcho"-capitalism is indeed an oxymoron. I'm glad you realize that. :cool:

However, your identification of "market socialism" as an "oxymoron" is simply another indication of your far-reaching ignorance of political economy, inasmuch as the ideas that "market=capitalism" and "government=socialism" are fallacious myths mainly branded about by ignorant rightists.

Hey Ag... Socialism destroys the market, through trying to control it...

IF THE MARKET COULD BE CONTROLLED, IT WOULD BE... those who try to control the market, destroy the markets natural rythems and end up making matters VASTLY WORSE.

The notion that people who CAN'T come to grips with the responsibilities of GUN OWNERSHIP want to "CONTROL THE MARKET" is beyond absurd.

Well that's cool... but who cares? Non-Authoritarian Communists are never going to form a national government, so who could POSSIBLY CARE?

As far as I know, anarcho-communists would have a greater interest in decentralization as opposed to "national government." The varieties of association that would exist on a national level would merely be federative in nature, and would be managed in a "bottom-up" manner.

So Anarcho-communists... of which you're decidely NOT one... but... you're SURE they would DECENTRALIZE GOVERNMENT... where one presumes they'd have to make some kind of law for that... which is the very anthesis of anarchy... and after they did THAT, they'd have some federal government, but not much of one, just some loosely tossed together element designed to ... provide for say... the general welfare and maybe... Ohhh I dunno.... the common defense and such.

Gee... that sounds great... except it's not anarchy... which is what you wanted to define it as.

Great... let's discuss the viability of Market Socialism...

ROFLMNAO.... -0-

What more can be said about it? Which is to say that NOTHING can be added to that... which is NOT to suggest that I'm interested in hearing any form of advocacy for it.
I've already explained this in another thread just a few minutes ago. Market socialism improves on capitalism because it fine-tunes wage and compensation norms to accurately reflect ability criteria, thus eliminating the "Rockefeller grandson" problem mentioned by parecon advocates Albert and Hahnel. Its focus on the worker-owned enterprise will also necessarily result in efficiency improvements over capitalism.

There is no improving on Capitalism... Capitalism simply "IS"... but if you COULD 'improve' on Capitalism, you certainly wouldn't do it, through the application of the simgle most discredited ideology in human history... an ideology which has failed in every form of experiment which has been 'tried'... At BEST what you're possibly saying is by blending Socialism with Capitalism... you give SOCIALISM the ONLY POTENTIAL MEANS OF SUSTAINING IT... and the combination of socialism and capitalism is called FASCISM; not 'market Socialism.

Sadly, Fascism leads to socialism, socialism to communism and communism is slavery; which is to say that Market Socialism is the fast tract to tyranny.
And as evidence of that, we see this individual; an overt leftists; a self declared 'moderate' who is OPENLY Advocating for COERCION...
Nice choice of big font...I actually did read this. I've never claimed to be a moderate. You fail. Again.

ROFl... no shit ya read it. You've already admitted to reading them all in your last screed.

You're a leftist sis... which is what I said ya were the first time I read your drivel, repeating it again in that which you quoted; you simply chose to NOT highlight where I said it, which is a function of deceit... all I've done here is to point out where you've proven leftism to be a function of inherent corruption.

Nothing new, nor even unique, except where you've gine to such lengths to ADMIT IT; as a general rule, leftists like to pretend to have some measure of virtue... which is the pretense on which their viability for public office rests. Which is why The Lord of the Idiots pretends to be a Christian.

But you've done well here sis... You've exposed yourself as an addleminded fool and I appreciate the effort; I really do.
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How PC the right has become. Why would anyone pretend that a report that looks out for both the best interests of Americans and the best interests of troubled vets is somehow a bad thing?

I don't think that Americans that haven't been convicted of any wrongdoing should be put under surveillance, you do? What about due process? What about the right to your beliefs?
Have you forgotten about post #166, Pubicus?

EDIT: Ah, I see you snuck it in along with the rest of your incoherent ranting.
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Hey Ag... Socialism destroys the market, through trying to control it...

IF THE MARKET COULD BE CONTROLLED, IT WOULD BE... those who try to control the market, destroy the markets natural rythems and end up making matters VASTLY WORSE.

The notion that people who CAN'T come to grips with the responsibilities of GUN OWNERSHIP want to "CONTROL THE MARKET" is beyond absurd.

This is more of your absurdity. As I've previously explained, capitalism relies on extensive economic planning in order to facilitate market coordination. Market socialism would fundamentally differ from this scheme in that it would abolish the capital and labor markets, instead establishing mutual banking, worker-owned enterprises and the like. It is thus able to vastly surpass capitalism in terms of efficiency.

So Anarcho-communists... of which you're decidely NOT one... but... you're SURE they would DECENTRALIZE GOVERNMENT... where one presumes they'd have to make some kind of law for that... which is the very anthesis of anarchy... and after they did THAT, they'd have some federal government, but not much of one, just some loosely tossed together element designed to ... provide for say... the general welfare and maybe... Ohhh I dunno.... the common defense and such.

Gee... that sounds great... except it's not anarchy... which is what you wanted to define it as.

It's just as I suspected; you subscribe to the common myth that anarchism is equivalent to "chaos" or "disorder," and is inconsistent with social organization. Anarchist theory, as I understand it, merely provides a basis against hierarchical and authoritarian forms of social organization. Since "chaos" would ultimately result in establishments of tyranny (such as an unrestrained rule of warlords, for instance), the establishment of horizontal federations of decentralized collectives and communes is ultimately less of an authoritarian institution than "chaos" would be, and is thus consistent with principles of anarchist social organization. So "government," if you want to call it that, would be effectively nonexistent on any "federal" level. There would be direct democratic managerial schemes in place at a decentralized level. Such forms of organization have been implemented before, but I do personally have some contentions with anarchism.

There is no improving on Capitalism... Capitalism simply "IS"...

That's obviously not the case. I've described the inefficiency of capitalism in detail to you before; your economic ignorance prevented you from responding.

but if you COULD 'improve' on Capitalism, you certainly wouldn't do it, through the application of the simgle most discredited ideology in human history... an ideology which has failed in every form of experiment which has been 'tried'...

Market socialism as I conceive of it hasn't been tried, as I've explained. Your references to Soviet state capitalism as "socialism" continue to be inaccurate. I've extensively detailed precisely why the USSR was not a socialist or communist country; your preconceived illusions simply prevent you from acknowledging this reality. However, various forms of libertarian socialism have been previously implemented.

At BEST what you're possibly saying is by blending Socialism with Capitalism... you give SOCIALISM the ONLY POTENTIAL MEANS OF SUSTAINING IT... and the combination of socialism and capitalism is called FASCISM; not 'market Socialism.

I said absolutely nothing of "blending" socialism with capitalism; such a mixture is utterly impossible and is merely an abuse of the "economic spectrum" from neoliberal "free markets" to communism. "Pure" capitalism has not existed in the first place inasmuch as it is a utopian fantasy; therefore, actually existing capitalism will necessarily be "mixed." In no way does this constitute "socialism." The public ownership of the means of production is both a necessary and sufficient condition for socialism.

Sadly, Fascism leads to socialism, socialism to communism and communism is slavery; which is to say that Market Socialism is the fast tract to tyranny.

This is just an idiotic abuse of political economy. I've extensively described the conflicts of fascism and socialism in this very thread, and you have not replied. I have explained that I am a non-communist socialist, and that there are numerous other forms of socialism despite capitalism. I have also explained that the state capitalism of the USSR was not legitimately "socialist" or "communist." Hence, effectively every single one of your premises is flagrantly inaccurate, thus rendering your conclusion the same.
Hey Ag... Socialism destroys the market, through trying to control it...

IF THE MARKET COULD BE CONTROLLED, IT WOULD BE... those who try to control the market, destroy the markets natural rythems and end up making matters VASTLY WORSE.

The notion that people who CAN'T come to grips with the responsibilities of GUN OWNERSHIP want to "CONTROL THE MARKET" is beyond absurd.

This is more of your absurdity. As I've previously explained, capitalism relies on extensive economic planning in order to facilitate market coordination. Market socialism would fundamentally differ from this scheme in that it would abolish the capital and labor markets, instead establishing mutual banking, worker-owned enterprises and the like. It is thus able to vastly surpass capitalism in terms of efficiency.

Yep, read it the first time and dismissed it as childish pablum... There is nothing efficient about it. I wouldn't even participate in it and I seriously doubt I'm the only one. What's more I'd be doing my level best to destroy you and your system. Which is going to be fairly hard on efficiency... those that Do cooperate are slugs... and the production value of a slug isn't much... so where's this efficiency coming from?

So Anarcho-communists... of which you're decidely NOT one... but... you're SURE they would DECENTRALIZE GOVERNMENT... where one presumes they'd have to make some kind of law for that... which is the very anthesis of anarchy... and after they did THAT, they'd have some federal government, but not much of one, just some loosely tossed together element designed to ... provide for say... the general welfare and maybe... Ohhh I dunno.... the common defense and such.

Gee... that sounds great... except it's not anarchy... which is what you wanted to define it as.

It's just as I suspected; you subscribe to the common myth that anarchism is equivalent to "chaos" or "disorder,..."

an·ar·chy [ánnərkee]
1. chaotic situation: a situation in which there is a total lack of organization or control
2. lack of government: the absence of any formal system of government in a society

Now check me if I'm wrong, but 'anarchism' is the implementation of Anarchy?

That's obviously not the case. I've described the inefficiency of capitalism in detail to you

False... what you've described is the typical poli-sci drivel which holds up invalid unsustainable theory as valid practical theory. But that's what idiots do... so it serves reason.

Market socialism as I conceive of it hasn't been tried

Gee... I wonder why? It's untenable, unsustainable, illconceived and otherwise wholly unworthy of consideration.

At BEST what you're possibly saying is by blending Socialism with Capitalism... you give SOCIALISM the ONLY POTENTIAL MEANS OF SUSTAINING IT... and the combination of socialism and capitalism is called FASCISM; not 'market Socialism. Sadly, Fascism leads to socialism, socialism to communism and communism is slavery; which is to say that Market Socialism is the fast tract to tyranny.

This is just an idiotic abuse of political economy. I've extensively described the conflicts of fascism and socialism in this very thread,[/QUOTE]

False... what you've described is the typical poli-sci drivel which holds up pedantic distinctions and you hold them up as substantial gulfs of dissimilarity... But that's what idiots do... so it serves reason.
The Washington Times -- The Department of Homeland Security is warning law enforcement officials about a rise in "rightwing extremist activity," saying the economic recession, the election of America's first black president and the return of a few disgruntled war veterans could swell the ranks of white-power militias.

The nine-page document was sent to police and sheriff's departments across the United States on April 7 under the headline, "Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment."

It says the federal government "will be working with its state and local partners over the next several months" to gather information on "rightwing extremist activity in the United States."

When Janet Napolitano was warning about right-wingers and mentioning Tim McVeigh, too bad she didn't also warn of left-wingers like Bill Ayers and his wife, Bernadine Dorn, (Obama friends) conducting a campaign of bombing public buildings.

We already had that – a few generations ago. Where was the outrage during the days of the Red Scare / Witch Hunt of the 1940’s? Don’t you remember when such famous people as director John Huston and actors Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall, and Danny Kaye were targeted by the House Committee on Un-American Activities? If you did or said anything that remotely suggested that you might be sympathetic to communism, then you were very likely to be put on a watch list. I doubt that any of you so concerned over this DHS article had any objection to the anti-liberal witch hunts of a few generations ago.
How PC the right has become. Why would anyone pretend that a report that looks out for both the best interests of Americans and the best interests of troubled vets is somehow a bad thing?

I don't think that Americans that haven't been convicted of any wrongdoing should be put under surveillance, you do? What about due process? What about the right to your beliefs?
No, I don't. I also don't think this is the conclusion you can draw from this report.
How PC the right has become. Why would anyone pretend that a report that looks out for both the best interests of Americans and the best interests of troubled vets is somehow a bad thing?

I don't think that Americans that haven't been convicted of any wrongdoing should be put under surveillance, you do? What about due process? What about the right to your beliefs?
No, I don't. I also don't think this is the conclusion you can draw from this report.

What other conclusion could you possibly draw then?
I don't think that Americans that haven't been convicted of any wrongdoing should be put under surveillance, you do? What about due process? What about the right to your beliefs?
No, I don't. I also don't think this is the conclusion you can draw from this report.

What other conclusion could you possibly draw then?


Michael Ward, FBI deputy assistant director for counterterrorism, said in an interview Thursday that the portion of the operation focusing on the military related only to veterans who draw the attention of Defense Department officials for joining white-supremacist or other extremist groups.

"We're not doing an investigation into the military, we're not looking at former military members," he said. "It would have to be something they were concerned about, or someone they're concerned is involved" with extremist groups.

Mr. Ward said that the FBI's general counsel reviewed the operation before it began, "to make sure any tripwires we set do not violate any civil liberties."
Veterans a Focus of FBI Extremist Probe - WSJ.com

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