Right Wing Victimhood 101


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
This is right wing victimhood at it's finest.

I Won’t Be Silenced by the Left

They twisted what I said about Jan. 6 because they want Americans to forget last summer’s violence and destruction.

I’m amazed but not surprised. Those who seek political advantage by dividing the nation hurl the worst possible accusations to silence anyone who challenges their left-wing agenda.

In a recent radio interview on the Joe Pags Show, I explained why I wasn’t concerned by the Trump supporters who came to Washington on Jan. 6 to protest peacefully. Thousands of protesters—no one knows the actual number—marched to the Capitol. Only about 800 people illegally entered the Capitol. Still fewer engaged in violent acts. I condemned those lawbreakers at the time and continue to do so. But I feel compelled to push back as Democrats and their media allies try to equate the two groups by implying that all present were “armed insurrectionists” determined to overthrow the government.

I told Joe Pags the truth: I honestly never felt threatened on Jan. 6. But, I added, I might have been worried if Donald Trump had won and the violent leftists who burned Kenosha, Wis., and Minneapolis last summer had come to Washington. Here’s exactly what I said: “Now, had the tables been turned—Joe, this could get me in trouble—had the tables been turned, and President Trump won the election, and those were tens of thousands of Black Lives Matter and antifa protesters, I might have been a little concerned.”

I said “this could get me in trouble” because I have been repeatedly attacked for challenging the left’s false narratives. I had no idea they would so thoroughly twist my words and reflexively play the race card.

Leftists who want to memory hole last summer’s political violence immediately started lecturing me that the 2020 protests were mostly peaceful. Apparently they’ve forgotten that, according to the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project, 570 leftist protests became riots last year. Twenty-five people lost their lives and 700 law enforcement officers were injured. Braying about “peaceful protests” offers no comfort to those victims or the other innocent Americans whose homes, businesses and property were destroyed. The same people fail to see the damage they do by pushing a narrative designed to portray the 74 million Americans who voted for Mr. Trump as potential domestic terrorists or armed insurrectionists.

Now let me skip that racists whining and go straight to gutting his lies in the last paragraph.

The ACLED data tracked over 11,000 "leftist" protests. What they found was that in those 570 instances of violence, more than 400 were initiated by right wing paramilitary, white nationalist and whites supremacist groups sometimes with the help of police. In 11,000 protests 25 people were killed and at least half of them were black/white protesters killed by right wing paramilitary, white nationalist and white supremacist groups. Out of 11,000 protests, 700 law enforcement officers were injuyed many of them using excessive force for no reason and some of them were injured while helping right wing paramilitary, white nationalist and whites supremacist groups. In one protest by those good law abiding whites, 5 people died and over 150 officers were injured. How about we do that 10,999 more times to understand the real violence that occurred on 1-6.

And now is the time right wingers shut the hell up about their 74 million. 4 years ago, 65 million people voted for Clinton, 62 million people voted for trump and to the right those 65 million who were the majority just needed to shut up and get over it. 81 million people voted for Biden. He won the electoral college, so in every measure of our system that constitutionally insures who we elect, Joe Biden beat trumps ass like a government mule.

Ron Johnson is a racist. This is not the only example of his racism either. And he simply said the quiet part out loud. That's the part people like me point out then get jumped on by the people who believe just like Johnson. So keep on talking Ron. Prove everything we say about todays republican party to be true.
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This is right wing victimhood at it's finest.

I Won’t Be Silenced by the Left

They twisted what I said about Jan. 6 because they want Americans to forget last summer’s violence and destruction.

I’m amazed but not surprised. Those who seek political advantage by dividing the nation hurl the worst possible accusations to silence anyone who challenges their left-wing agenda.

In a recent radio interview on the Joe Pags Show, I explained why I wasn’t concerned by the Trump supporters who came to Washington on Jan. 6 to protest peacefully. Thousands of protesters—no one knows the actual number—marched to the Capitol. Only about 800 people illegally entered the Capitol. Still fewer engaged in violent acts. I condemned those lawbreakers at the time and continue to do so. But I feel compelled to push back as Democrats and their media allies try to equate the two groups by implying that all present were “armed insurrectionists” determined to overthrow the government.

I told Joe Pags the truth: I honestly never felt threatened on Jan. 6. But, I added, I might have been worried if Donald Trump had won and the violent leftists who burned Kenosha, Wis., and Minneapolis last summer had come to Washington. Here’s exactly what I said: “Now, had the tables been turned—Joe, this could get me in trouble—had the tables been turned, and President Trump won the election, and those were tens of thousands of Black Lives Matter and antifa protesters, I might have been a little concerned.”

I said “this could get me in trouble” because I have been repeatedly attacked for challenging the left’s false narratives. I had no idea they would so thoroughly twist my words and reflexively play the race card.

Leftists who want to memory hole last summer’s political violence immediately started lecturing me that the 2020 protests were mostly peaceful. Apparently they’ve forgotten that, according to the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project, 570 leftist protests became riots last year. Twenty-five people lost their lives and 700 law enforcement officers were injured. Braying about “peaceful protests” offers no comfort to those victims or the other innocent Americans whose homes, businesses and property were destroyed. The same people fail to see the damage they do by pushing a narrative designed to portray the 74 million Americans who voted for Mr. Trump as potential domestic terrorists or armed insurrectionists.

Now let me skip that racists whining and go straight to gutting his lies in the last paragraph.

The ACLED data tracked over 11,000 "leftist" protests. What they found was that in those 570 instances of violence, more than 400 were initiated by right wing paramilitary, white nationalist and whites supremacist groups sometimes with the help of police. In 11,000 protests 25 people were killed and at least half of them were black/white protesters killed by right wing paramilitary, white nationalist and white supremacist groups. Out of 11,000 protests, 700 law enforcement officers were injuyed many of them using excessive force for no reason and some of them were injured while helping right wing paramilitary, white nationalist and whites supremacist groups. In one protest by those good law abiding whites, 5 people died and over 150 officers were injured. How about we do that 10,999 more times to understand the real violence that occurred on 1-6.

And now is the time right wingers shut the hell up about their 74 million. 4 years ago, 65 million people voted for Clinton, 62 million people voted for trump and to the right those 65 million who were the majority just needed to shut up and get over it. 81 million people voted for Biden. He won the electoral college, so in every measure of our system that constitutionally insures who we elect, Joe Biden beat trumps ass like a government mule.

Ron Johnson is a racist. This is not the only example of his racism either. And he simply said the quiet part out loud. That's the part people like me point out then get jumped on by the people who believe just like Johnson. So keep on talking Ron. Prove everything we say about todays republican party to be true.

I'd call it American victimhood. Cause we Americans will get screwed by your boy Biden. He's doing a damned good job right now the stuttering fuck.
The spectacle of members of a racial demographic that comprises 75% of the nation's populace and dominates both the political and economic spheres whining that they are oppressed is pathetic.

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Screen Shot 2021-03-16 at 12.55.05 PM.png
This is right wing victimhood at it's finest.

I Won’t Be Silenced by the Left

They twisted what I said about Jan. 6 because they want Americans to forget last summer’s violence and destruction.

I’m amazed but not surprised. Those who seek political advantage by dividing the nation hurl the worst possible accusations to silence anyone who challenges their left-wing agenda.

In a recent radio interview on the Joe Pags Show, I explained why I wasn’t concerned by the Trump supporters who came to Washington on Jan. 6 to protest peacefully. Thousands of protesters—no one knows the actual number—marched to the Capitol. Only about 800 people illegally entered the Capitol. Still fewer engaged in violent acts. I condemned those lawbreakers at the time and continue to do so. But I feel compelled to push back as Democrats and their media allies try to equate the two groups by implying that all present were “armed insurrectionists” determined to overthrow the government.

I told Joe Pags the truth: I honestly never felt threatened on Jan. 6. But, I added, I might have been worried if Donald Trump had won and the violent leftists who burned Kenosha, Wis., and Minneapolis last summer had come to Washington. Here’s exactly what I said: “Now, had the tables been turned—Joe, this could get me in trouble—had the tables been turned, and President Trump won the election, and those were tens of thousands of Black Lives Matter and antifa protesters, I might have been a little concerned.”

I said “this could get me in trouble” because I have been repeatedly attacked for challenging the left’s false narratives. I had no idea they would so thoroughly twist my words and reflexively play the race card.

Leftists who want to memory hole last summer’s political violence immediately started lecturing me that the 2020 protests were mostly peaceful. Apparently they’ve forgotten that, according to the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project, 570 leftist protests became riots last year. Twenty-five people lost their lives and 700 law enforcement officers were injured. Braying about “peaceful protests” offers no comfort to those victims or the other innocent Americans whose homes, businesses and property were destroyed. The same people fail to see the damage they do by pushing a narrative designed to portray the 74 million Americans who voted for Mr. Trump as potential domestic terrorists or armed insurrectionists.

Now let me skip that racists whining and go straight to gutting his lies in the last paragraph.

The ACLED data tracked over 11,000 "leftist" protests. What they found was that in those 570 instances of violence, more than 400 were initiated by right wing paramilitary, white nationalist and whites supremacist groups sometimes with the help of police. In 11,000 protests 25 people were killed and at least half of them were black/white protesters killed by right wing paramilitary, white nationalist and white supremacist groups. Out of 11,000 protests, 700 law enforcement officers were injuyed many of them using excessive force for no reason and some of them were injured while helping right wing paramilitary, white nationalist and whites supremacist groups. In one protest by those good law abiding whites, 5 people died and over 150 officers were injured. How about we do that 10,999 more times to understand the real violence that occurred on 1-6.

And now is the time right wingers shut the hell up about their 74 million. 4 years ago, 65 million people voted for Clinton, 62 million people voted for trump and to the right those 65 million who were the majority just needed to shut up and get over it. 81 million people voted for Biden. He won the electoral college, so in every measure of our system that constitutionally insures who we elect, Joe Biden beat trumps ass like a government mule.

Ron Johnson is a racist. This is not the only example of his racism either. And he simply said the quiet part out loud. That's the part people like me point out then get jumped on by the people who believe just like Johnson. So keep on talking Ron. Prove everything we say about todays republican party to be true.

I'd call it American victimhood. Cause we Americans will get screwed by your boy Biden. He's doing a damned good job right now the stuttering fuck.
Wrong. This is right wing victimhood. We got screwed by trump. Over one helf million will never be able to recover from it.
If rightwingers didn't whine, they'd have NOTHING to say!
Time after time after time a major issue is teenagers having babies. A national issue. A bad one in local communities. This has been going on for decades! Many decades. No more improvements will be made and only decline continuing of the nation.
This is right wing victimhood at it's finest.

I Won’t Be Silenced by the Left

They twisted what I said about Jan. 6 because they want Americans to forget last summer’s violence and destruction.

I’m amazed but not surprised. Those who seek political advantage by dividing the nation hurl the worst possible accusations to silence anyone who challenges their left-wing agenda.

In a recent radio interview on the Joe Pags Show, I explained why I wasn’t concerned by the Trump supporters who came to Washington on Jan. 6 to protest peacefully. Thousands of protesters—no one knows the actual number—marched to the Capitol. Only about 800 people illegally entered the Capitol. Still fewer engaged in violent acts. I condemned those lawbreakers at the time and continue to do so. But I feel compelled to push back as Democrats and their media allies try to equate the two groups by implying that all present were “armed insurrectionists” determined to overthrow the government.

I told Joe Pags the truth: I honestly never felt threatened on Jan. 6. But, I added, I might have been worried if Donald Trump had won and the violent leftists who burned Kenosha, Wis., and Minneapolis last summer had come to Washington. Here’s exactly what I said: “Now, had the tables been turned—Joe, this could get me in trouble—had the tables been turned, and President Trump won the election, and those were tens of thousands of Black Lives Matter and antifa protesters, I might have been a little concerned.”

I said “this could get me in trouble” because I have been repeatedly attacked for challenging the left’s false narratives. I had no idea they would so thoroughly twist my words and reflexively play the race card.

Leftists who want to memory hole last summer’s political violence immediately started lecturing me that the 2020 protests were mostly peaceful. Apparently they’ve forgotten that, according to the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project, 570 leftist protests became riots last year. Twenty-five people lost their lives and 700 law enforcement officers were injured. Braying about “peaceful protests” offers no comfort to those victims or the other innocent Americans whose homes, businesses and property were destroyed. The same people fail to see the damage they do by pushing a narrative designed to portray the 74 million Americans who voted for Mr. Trump as potential domestic terrorists or armed insurrectionists.

Now let me skip that racists whining and go straight to gutting his lies in the last paragraph.

The ACLED data tracked over 11,000 "leftist" protests. What they found was that in those 570 instances of violence, more than 400 were initiated by right wing paramilitary, white nationalist and whites supremacist groups sometimes with the help of police. In 11,000 protests 25 people were killed and at least half of them were black/white protesters killed by right wing paramilitary, white nationalist and white supremacist groups. Out of 11,000 protests, 700 law enforcement officers were injuyed many of them using excessive force for no reason and some of them were injured while helping right wing paramilitary, white nationalist and whites supremacist groups. In one protest by those good law abiding whites, 5 people died and over 150 officers were injured. How about we do that 10,999 more times to understand the real violence that occurred on 1-6.

And now is the time right wingers shut the hell up about their 74 million. 4 years ago, 65 million people voted for Clinton, 62 million people voted for trump and to the right those 65 million who were the majority just needed to shut up and get over it. 81 million people voted for Biden. He won the electoral college, so in every measure of our system that constitutionally insures who we elect, Joe Biden beat trumps ass like a government mule.

Ron Johnson is a racist. This is not the only example of his racism either. And he simply said the quiet part out loud. That's the part people like me point out then get jumped on by the people who believe just like Johnson. So keep on talking Ron. Prove everything we say about todays republican party to be true.


This is right wing victimhood at it's finest.

I Won’t Be Silenced by the Left

They twisted what I said about Jan. 6 because they want Americans to forget last summer’s violence and destruction.

I’m amazed but not surprised. Those who seek political advantage by dividing the nation hurl the worst possible accusations to silence anyone who challenges their left-wing agenda.

In a recent radio interview on the Joe Pags Show, I explained why I wasn’t concerned by the Trump supporters who came to Washington on Jan. 6 to protest peacefully. Thousands of protesters—no one knows the actual number—marched to the Capitol. Only about 800 people illegally entered the Capitol. Still fewer engaged in violent acts. I condemned those lawbreakers at the time and continue to do so. But I feel compelled to push back as Democrats and their media allies try to equate the two groups by implying that all present were “armed insurrectionists” determined to overthrow the government.

I told Joe Pags the truth: I honestly never felt threatened on Jan. 6. But, I added, I might have been worried if Donald Trump had won and the violent leftists who burned Kenosha, Wis., and Minneapolis last summer had come to Washington. Here’s exactly what I said: “Now, had the tables been turned—Joe, this could get me in trouble—had the tables been turned, and President Trump won the election, and those were tens of thousands of Black Lives Matter and antifa protesters, I might have been a little concerned.”

I said “this could get me in trouble” because I have been repeatedly attacked for challenging the left’s false narratives. I had no idea they would so thoroughly twist my words and reflexively play the race card.

Leftists who want to memory hole last summer’s political violence immediately started lecturing me that the 2020 protests were mostly peaceful. Apparently they’ve forgotten that, according to the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project, 570 leftist protests became riots last year. Twenty-five people lost their lives and 700 law enforcement officers were injured. Braying about “peaceful protests” offers no comfort to those victims or the other innocent Americans whose homes, businesses and property were destroyed. The same people fail to see the damage they do by pushing a narrative designed to portray the 74 million Americans who voted for Mr. Trump as potential domestic terrorists or armed insurrectionists.

Now let me skip that racists whining and go straight to gutting his lies in the last paragraph.

The ACLED data tracked over 11,000 "leftist" protests. What they found was that in those 570 instances of violence, more than 400 were initiated by right wing paramilitary, white nationalist and whites supremacist groups sometimes with the help of police. In 11,000 protests 25 people were killed and at least half of them were black/white protesters killed by right wing paramilitary, white nationalist and white supremacist groups. Out of 11,000 protests, 700 law enforcement officers were injuyed many of them using excessive force for no reason and some of them were injured while helping right wing paramilitary, white nationalist and whites supremacist groups. In one protest by those good law abiding whites, 5 people died and over 150 officers were injured. How about we do that 10,999 more times to understand the real violence that occurred on 1-6.

And now is the time right wingers shut the hell up about their 74 million. 4 years ago, 65 million people voted for Clinton, 62 million people voted for trump and to the right those 65 million who were the majority just needed to shut up and get over it. 81 million people voted for Biden. He won the electoral college, so in every measure of our system that constitutionally insures who we elect, Joe Biden beat trumps ass like a government mule.

Ron Johnson is a racist. This is not the only example of his racism either. And he simply said the quiet part out loud. That's the part people like me point out then get jumped on by the people who believe just like Johnson. So keep on talking Ron. Prove everything we say about todays republican party to be true.

I'd call it American victimhood. Cause we Americans will get screwed by your boy Biden. He's doing a damned good job right now the stuttering fuck.
Wrong. This is right wing victimhood. We got screwed by trump. Over one helf million will never be able to recover from it.

No. We didn't get screwed by Trump. This country was doing great before that very convenient Chinese virus hit. Trump didn't screw America but Biden sure is.

Wait this his EO's and his green shit kick in. Oh and lets not forget his mess on the border. We have thousands of illegals streaming in, many with the Chinese Virus. No telling what will happen when the South American convoys get to our border. Trump had ways to handle it all. Biden sure as hell doesn't.

America is a victim of that stuttering fuck.

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