Right Wing Loses Another Issue: FBI: Petraeus Affair Part of Criminal Probe

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Right Wing Loses Another Issue: FBI: Petraeus Affair Part of Criminal Probe

The White House and Justice Department and Criminal Probes/Investigations

One of Several Right Wing Accusations for justifying a Witch Hunt:
"It just doesn't add up. That the FBI would be carrying on this type of investigation without, again, bringing it to the president or the highest levels of the White House," Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., said.

Reality Bites:
The FBI withheld its findings about Gen. David Petreaus' affair from the White House and congressional leaders because the agency considered them the result of a criminal investigation that never reached the threshold of an intelligence probe, law enforcement sources said today.

The sources said agents followed department guidelines that generally bar sharing information about developing criminal investigations. The FBI is also aware of its history under former director J. Edgar Hoover of playing politics and digging into the lives of public figures. As one official said, the rules are designed to protect people (both private and elected officials) when negative information about them arises in the course of a criminal investigation that is not a crime.

This is like Romney commenting and trying to score cheap political points on the Libyan crisis while it was unfolding and before news reached us that Americans had been murdered.

The right wing just lost another of their bullshit issues
You act like they will care that it was a false talking point. They are still going on about something that is literally a complete myth. (Obamaphone bullshit)
Oh oh...looks like this Kelley woman is a bitch too, and we have a GOP congress investigating sexual affairs...again. The GOP is always threatening the security of the USA with moralistic itch hunts.


Fem Fatale Patriots or Sluts?

We see them in the media, on the web and right here at USMB. Who are these Fem Fatale Patriots -- Sluts, and why do they entice stupid men with advanced degrees, who serve in the US Military, into compromising situations? We all know how nauseating patriotic them cum across, but wtf is going on? Don't they care about America?

Patraeus, and now Allen? There have been others going as far back as ever, but at least back then the media was more discreet. Our 'right to know' did not always extend into such petty and moralistic witch hunts.


Looks like the so called "concerned' woman who alerted the FBI may have been a slut too? Reminds me of Ravi, what with all the drama in private messages and feigning of victimhood
Oh oh...looks like this Kelley woman is a bitch too, and we have a GOP congress investigating sexual affairs...again. The GOP is always threatening the security of the USA with moralistic itch hunts.


Fem Fatale Patriots or Sluts?

We see them in the media, on the web and right here at USMB. Who are these Fem Fatale Patriots -- Sluts, and why do they entice stupid men with advanced degrees, who serve in the US Military, into compromising situations? We all know how nauseating patriotic them cum across, but wtf is going on? Don't they care about America?

Patraeus, and now Allen? There have been others going as far back as ever, but at least back then the media was more discreet. Our 'right to know' did not always extend into such petty and moralistic witch hunts.


Looks like the so called "concerned' woman who alerted the FBI may have been a slut too? Reminds me of Ravi, what with all the drama in private messages and feigning of victimhood

From the early days of history, there has always been camp followers.:cool:
I told them this would not go the way they wanted.

Just like fast and furious when the real facts emerged and made them look like assholes
The White House wasn't informed of the FBI investigation that involved Petraeus until Nov. 6, Election Day, although agents began looking at Petraeus' actions months earlier, sometime during the summer.

David Petraeus Scandal Investigation Widens to Include Gen. John Allen | Fox News Latino

Read that again. They were looking into Petraeus BEFORE the Benghazi attack.

So the conspiracy nutters story that was made up about his affair being investigated to shut him up about Benghazi is exposed for the total bullshit fantasy it is.

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Oh oh...looks like this Kelley woman is a bitch too, and we have a GOP congress investigating sexual affairs...again. The GOP is always threatening the security of the USA with moralistic itch hunts.


Fem Fatale Patriots or Sluts?

We see them in the media, on the web and right here at USMB. Who are these Fem Fatale Patriots -- Sluts, and why do they entice stupid men with advanced degrees, who serve in the US Military, into compromising situations? We all know how nauseating patriotic them cum across, but wtf is going on? Don't they care about America?

Patraeus, and now Allen? There have been others going as far back as ever, but at least back then the media was more discreet. Our 'right to know' did not always extend into such petty and moralistic witch hunts.


Looks like the so called "concerned' woman who alerted the FBI may have been a slut too? Reminds me of Ravi, what with all the drama in private messages and feigning of victimhood

From the early days of history, there has always been camp followers.:cool:

Civil War General Hooker has a statue in a place of prominence in Boston :eusa_angel:

"There is an equestrian statue of General Hooker outside the Massachusetts State House in Boston, and Hooker County in Nebraska is named for him." - Joseph Hooker - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

they called him Handsome...in Mexico. Is he related to Romney?

His future Army reputation as a ladies' man began in Mexico, where local girls referred to him as the "Handsome Captain"
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The White House wasn't informed of the FBI investigation that involved Petraeus until Nov. 6, Election Day, although agents began looking at Petraeus' actions months earlier, sometime during the summer.

David Petraeus Scandal Investigation Widens to Include Gen. John Allen | Fox News Latino

Read that again. They were looking into Petraeus BEFORE the Benghazi attack.

So the conspiracy nutters story that was made up about his affair being investigated to shut him up about Benghazi is exposed for the total bullshit fantasy it is.



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