Right-Wing Leaders Call for Mitch McConnell’s Head on a Spike


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Conservatives have been hostile toward Mitch McConnell for a long, long time. Part of the problem is that he hardly even pretends to be an ideologue: He’s an old-school deal-cutter and string-puller whose idol is Henry Clay, not Barry Goldwater or even Ronald Reagan. More importantly, he’s a political realist who doesn’t believe in making futile gestures to further the Cause. And because he owes his loyalties to his party rather than to any doctrine, he in turn refuses to act as an ideological commissar against members of his conference who offend conservatives. And so, like virtually all party leaders, when ideologues tried to “purge” one of his senators, he brings every bit of influence he has to bear on defending them — sometimes unsuccessfully, as in Alabama on September 26, when Luther Strange lost to a particularly extreme conservative who pledged to help topple McConnell.

While it’s hardly new, conservative animus toward McConnell is now reaching white-hot levels, fed in part by the belief that McConnell’s not just a RINO, but a living obstacle to Donald J. Trump. Former White House chief strategist and Breitbart News chairman Steve Bannon has let it be known that he and his journalistic and financial allies are waging war not just on McConnell, but on any Republican senator up for reelection in 2018 who does not promise to abandon the Leader. And now comes an open letter from six right-wing leaders addressing McConnell and his entire Senate leadership team in language normally reserved for the bitterest of political enemies, if not history’s great monsters.

2017 has been a disappointing year for the millions of Americans who fully expected, and had every right to expect real change in Washington. Republicans were given full control of the federal government. They — you — have done nothing. Worse, it is painfully clear that you intend to do nothing because, as is most apparent, you had no intention of honoring your solemn commitments to the American people. You were not going to “drain the swamp.” You are the swamp.

It gets worse.

You and the rest of your leadership team were given the majority because you pledged to stop the steady flow of illegal immigration. You’ve done nothing. You pledged to reduce the size of this oppressive federal government. You have done nothing. You pledged to reduce, and ultimately eliminate the out-of-control deficit spending that is bankrupting America. You have done nothing. You promised to repeal Obamacare, “root and branch.” You’ve done nothing. You promised tax reform. You’ve done nothing.

You don’t even show up for work.
Right-Wing Leaders Call for Mitch McConnell’s Head on a Spike

If you don't like the flavor above you can read this one:
Tea Party Patriots | Conservative leaders to McConnell: It’s time for you to go

I'm not a McConnell fan. At all. Ever.
A bunch of right wing looney tunes. I am ashamed of the fact that I supported these clowns in the past. They are the ones who need to go.

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