Right wing Judge desperate to dismiss case against two White Supremicists.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
I can honestly say I’ve never heard anything like this before. So let’s get started with the link.

And even more information at this link.

Ok. The synopsis. These two idiots were training and attending protests for the express purpose of starting fights to assault Leftists.

The Government built the case, and charged them under the Anti-Rioting act. The two morons lawyer claimed in a motion that it was unfair because that law was totally unconstitutional. Judge Carney agreed and dismissed the charges. The Appeals Court overturned his decision and ordered the charges reinstated

Now. The two idiots are rearrested and sent to detention. Now they file a motion that sounds like it was written here. It isn’t fair that they are charged with a crime when the Leftists aren’t charged with crimes. That claim was already debunked. But Judge Carney seemed to think that was a good argument and dismissed the charges. Again.

The Prosecutors rushed to the Appeals Court as Carney again ordered the release of the two defendants. The Appeals Court, getting tired of all of this issued an order putting the whole thing on hold while they hear the arguments. Including the release. And to make sure Judge Carney didn’t release them again issued an order that nobody could release these two until the Appeals Court decided what the hell was going on.

Now I’ve heard of a sympathetic judge. I’ve heard of a sympathetic jury. But this is way beyond that. I’ve never heard of it’s not fair actually working before. If Judge Carney is upheld, well you can eliminate all traffic courts in the nation. Because everyone who gets busted for speeding or anything like that will just say it isn’t fair and get the charges dismissed.
I can honestly say I’ve never heard anything like this before. So let’s get started with the link.

And even more information at this link.

Ok. The synopsis. These two idiots were training and attending protests for the express purpose of starting fights to assault Leftists.

The Government built the case, and charged them under the Anti-Rioting act. The two morons lawyer claimed in a motion that it was unfair because that law was totally unconstitutional. Judge Carney agreed and dismissed the charges. The Appeals Court overturned his decision and ordered the charges reinstated

Now. The two idiots are rearrested and sent to detention. Now they file a motion that sounds like it was written here. It isn’t fair that they are charged with a crime when the Leftists aren’t charged with crimes. That claim was already debunked. But Judge Carney seemed to think that was a good argument and dismissed the charges. Again.

The Prosecutors rushed to the Appeals Court as Carney again ordered the release of the two defendants. The Appeals Court, getting tired of all of this issued an order putting the whole thing on hold while they hear the arguments. Including the release. And to make sure Judge Carney didn’t release them again issued an order that nobody could release these two until the Appeals Court decided what the hell was going on.

Now I’ve heard of a sympathetic judge. I’ve heard of a sympathetic jury. But this is way beyond that. I’ve never heard of it’s not fair actually working before. If Judge Carney is upheld, well you can eliminate all traffic courts in the nation. Because everyone who gets busted for speeding or anything like that will just say it isn’t fair and get the charges dismissed.

If enough people ignore the law for a long enough period of time it will disintegrate.

BTW....I have been very successful in traffic court using variations of the selective prosecution Angle. I dress it up a bit but it still works.

First of all, White nationalists and White supremacists aren't the same thing, as the articles assume. The articles also label conservatives as the radical faction, when both sides are the same. Second, Charlottsville was ignited by liberal assholes who were protesting the legal permit holders, who were conservatives. Third, freedom of speech IS absolute and should be so for all sides of an argument. These articles are extremely biased, probably written by nuevo American Marxists, otherwise known as woke liberals. We call them dipshits around here. But the bottom line is, the judge was right to insist on equality for both sides. Now let's just see how the notoriously biased Ninth District sees it. MAGA
First of all, White nationalists and White supremacists aren't the same thing, as the articles assume. The articles also label conservatives as the radical faction, when both sides are the same. Second, Charlottsville was ignited by liberal assholes who were protesting the legal permit holders, who were conservatives. Third, freedom of speech IS absolute and should be so for all sides of an argument. These articles are extremely biased, probably written by nuevo American Marxists, otherwise known as woke liberals. We call them dipshits around here. But the bottom line is, the judge was right to insist on equality for both sides. Now let's just see how the notoriously biased Ninth District sees it. MAGA
First of all, White nationalists and White supremacists aren't the same thing, as the articles assume. The articles also label conservatives as the radical faction, when both sides are the same. Second, Charlottsville was ignited by liberal assholes who were protesting the legal permit holders, who were conservatives. Third, freedom of speech IS absolute and should be so for all sides of an argument. These articles are extremely biased, probably written by nuevo American Marxists, otherwise known as woke liberals. We call them dipshits around here. But the bottom line is, the judge was right to insist on equality for both sides. Now let's just see how the notoriously biased Ninth District sees it. MAGA

MAGA? Following the crook Trump doesn’t make us great. Hell Trump had a horrific record as President. Shortages of products at stores. Unemployment in double digits. Setting banks up for failure through deregulation.

The truth is you want to believe you are superior because of your skin color. The truth is you are infinitely inferior.
MAGA? Following the crook Trump doesn’t make us great. Hell Trump had a horrific record as President. Shortages of products at stores. Unemployment in double digits. Setting banks up for failure through deregulation.

The truth is you want to believe you are superior because of your skin color. The truth is you are infinitely inferior.
Has anyone ever mentioned COVID 19 in your presence?
First of all, White nationalists and White supremacists aren't the same thing, as the articles assume. The articles also label conservatives as the radical faction, when both sides are the same. Second, Charlottsville was ignited by liberal assholes who were protesting the legal permit holders, who were conservatives.
They were socialists, not conservatives.
It's more common than you'd like to think OP.

Racists and white supremacists live among us and have infested our very law enforcement agencies.
I can honestly say I’ve never heard anything like this before. So let’s get started with the link.

And even more information at this link.

Ok. The synopsis. These two idiots were training and attending protests for the express purpose of starting fights to assault Leftists.

The Government built the case, and charged them under the Anti-Rioting act. The two morons lawyer claimed in a motion that it was unfair because that law was totally unconstitutional. Judge Carney agreed and dismissed the charges. The Appeals Court overturned his decision and ordered the charges reinstated

Now. The two idiots are rearrested and sent to detention. Now they file a motion that sounds like it was written here. It isn’t fair that they are charged with a crime when the Leftists aren’t charged with crimes. That claim was already debunked. But Judge Carney seemed to think that was a good argument and dismissed the charges. Again.

The Prosecutors rushed to the Appeals Court as Carney again ordered the release of the two defendants. The Appeals Court, getting tired of all of this issued an order putting the whole thing on hold while they hear the arguments. Including the release. And to make sure Judge Carney didn’t release them again issued an order that nobody could release these two until the Appeals Court decided what the hell was going on.

Now I’ve heard of a sympathetic judge. I’ve heard of a sympathetic jury. But this is way beyond that. I’ve never heard of it’s not fair actually working before. If Judge Carney is upheld, well you can eliminate all traffic courts in the nation. Because everyone who gets busted for speeding or anything like that will just say it isn’t fair and get the charges dismissed.

Wow...bullshit.... the government...democrat prosecutors....were letting left wing racists go without punishment and slectively targetung the political opposition to the democrat party...

That is what was found... but the truth is not something you care about
I can honestly say I’ve never heard anything like this before. So let’s get started with the link.

And even more information at this link.

Ok. The synopsis. These two idiots were training and attending protests for the express purpose of starting fights to assault Leftists.

The Government built the case, and charged them under the Anti-Rioting act. The two morons lawyer claimed in a motion that it was unfair because that law was totally unconstitutional. Judge Carney agreed and dismissed the charges. The Appeals Court overturned his decision and ordered the charges reinstated

Now. The two idiots are rearrested and sent to detention. Now they file a motion that sounds like it was written here. It isn’t fair that they are charged with a crime when the Leftists aren’t charged with crimes. That claim was already debunked. But Judge Carney seemed to think that was a good argument and dismissed the charges. Again.

The Prosecutors rushed to the Appeals Court as Carney again ordered the release of the two defendants. The Appeals Court, getting tired of all of this issued an order putting the whole thing on hold while they hear the arguments. Including the release. And to make sure Judge Carney didn’t release them again issued an order that nobody could release these two until the Appeals Court decided what the hell was going on.

Now I’ve heard of a sympathetic judge. I’ve heard of a sympathetic jury. But this is way beyond that. I’ve never heard of it’s not fair actually working before. If Judge Carney is upheld, well you can eliminate all traffic courts in the nation. Because everyone who gets busted for speeding or anything like that will just say it isn’t fair and get the charges dismissed.

The democrat proescutors werenot prosecuting democrat party brown shirts for the same crimes....

judge in California threw out charges against two far-right political agitators, saying the federal government engaged in “selective prosecution” by charging right-wing rioters but not the far-left agitators they fought against, and who did the exact same thing
Antifa and related far-left groups decided they needed to ‘shut this down.’ … They came prepared for violence, bringing weapons including pepper spray, fireworks, knives, and homemade bombs,” Judge Cormac J. Carney of the US District Court for the Central District of California wrote on February 21. “And they used those weapons, as well as their bodies, against Trump supporters and law enforcement.”

Wow...bullshit.... the government...democrat prosecutors....were letting left wing racists go without punishment and slectively targetung the political opposition to the democrat party...

That is what was found... but the truth is not something you care about

More lies from the Right. Let’s start with Portland, the favorite of the Right.

Protestors arrested in Berkeley.

I wonder how many of you would be able to type anything if you had to tell the truth.
MAGA? Following the crook Trump doesn’t make us great. Hell Trump had a horrific record as President. Shortages of products at stores. Unemployment in double digits. Setting banks up for failure through deregulation.

The truth is you want to believe you are superior because of your skin color. The truth is you are infinitely inferior.
Shortages of products at stores. Unemployment in double digits.

and Covid had nothing to do with it?
I can honestly say I’ve never heard anything like this before. So let’s get started with the link.

And even more information at this link.

Ok. The synopsis. These two idiots were training and attending protests for the express purpose of starting fights to assault Leftists.
How did you come to to that stupid conclusion, moron.

They are just an MMA club that was attacked for being pro-America.

They were attacked and arrested for exercising their 1st amendment rights.

Even if the 9th circuit rules against the 1st amendment , SCOTUS will defend it in the end.
How did you come to to that stupid conclusion, moron.

They are just an MMA club that was attacked for being pro-America.

They were attacked and arrested for exercising their 1st amendment rights.

Even if the 9th circuit rules against the 1st amendment , SCOTUS will defend it in the end.

Marjorie Taylor Green said the same thing, and the Supreme Court refused to hear the case.
Second, Charlottsville was ignited by liberal assholes who were protesting the legal permit holders, who were conservatives.
No, they were a very small group of morons, whom the media magnified beyond all reason in order to smear the right.
Third, freedom of speech IS absolute and should be so for all sides of an argument. These articles are extremely biased, probably written by nuevo American Marxists, otherwise known as woke liberals. We call them dipshits around here. But the bottom line is, the judge was right to insist on equality for both sides. Now let's just see how the notoriously biased Ninth District sees it.
More lies from the Right. Let’s start with Portland, the favorite of the Right.

Protestors arrested in Berkeley.

I wonder how many of you would be able to type anything if you had to tell the truth.

the original post was a lie....I showed it was a lie and that judge ruled that left wing prosecutors were not prosecuting democrat party brown shirts, blm and antifa street thugs the same as the political opponents of the democrat party
the original post was a lie....I showed it was a lie and that judge ruled that left wing prosecutors were not prosecuting democrat party brown shirts, blm and antifa street thugs the same as the political opponents of the democrat party

And the appeals court ordered a stay and an explanation. I’ve shown that leftists were prosecuted. So the Judge is the one lying. And so are you. Just because you say it, doesn’t make it true.
First of all, White nationalists and White supremacists aren't the same thing, as the articles assume. The articles also label conservatives as the radical faction, when both sides are the same. Second, Charlottsville was ignited by liberal assholes who were protesting the legal permit holders, who were conservatives. Third, freedom of speech IS absolute and should be so for all sides of an argument. These articles are extremely biased, probably written by nuevo American Marxists, otherwise known as woke liberals. We call them dipshits around here. But the bottom line is, the judge was right to insist on equality for both sides. Now let's just see how the notoriously biased Ninth District sees it. MAGA
Bingo! Democrats love to use the broad brush trick to smear Conservatives.
White Nationalist = Christian Nationalist = White Supremacist = MAGA = KKK.
And the appeals court ordered a stay and an explanation. I’ve shown that leftists were prosecuted. So the Judge is the one lying. And so are you. Just because you say it, doesn’t make it true.

No.......leftists who did the same things as those guys were passed over by the democrat prosecutors........

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