Right wing/jewish connention to video?


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Who is Nakoula Basseley Nakoula?
And what is the purpose of the video?
And why released at this time?

The American-made movie, it turns out, was hardly an innocent desert action flick
Instead, the movie, backed by hardcore anti-Islam groups in the United States, is a tome on Islam as fraud. In trailers posted on YouTube in July, viewers saw this: scene after scene of the Prophet Mohammed portrayed as a womanizer, buffoon, ruthless killer and child molester.
Islam forbids all depictions of Mohammed, let alone insulting ones.
When news of his movie first broke, the filmmaker identified himself as Sam Bacile and told the Wall Street Journal that he was a 52-year-old Israeli-American real estate developer from California. He said Jewish donors had financed his film.
But Israel's Foreign Ministry said there was no record of a Sam Bacile with Israeli citizenship.
New details emerge of anti-Islam film's mystery producer - CNN
He volunteered when to the police station and asked for protections? I believe he should be stripped of his U.S. Citizenship for his crime and deported back to Egypt and meet those he insulted and meet his punishment. Maybe the protesting would stop. Why the video released at this time? To discredit Obama because he would not cow bow to Netanyahu? This close to the elections?
Could there be a right wing/Jewish connections to the video?
Wow you are sheep. You really think this was over a video? Maybe it was talking about killing osama, considering, the mobs were chanting we're all osamas.

Wow you guys will swallow anything for the cause
The real question is, who dubbed it in arabic. Which arabic speaker mocked big mo?

Since the sacred prophet was a womanizer, buffoon, ruthless killer and child molester the most the movie maker is guilty of is telling the truth.
How do we know this isn't some Conspiracy pushed by THIS ADMINISTATION?
Federal officials question California man linked to anti-Islam film...
Calif. Filmmaker: I Won't Return to Besieged Home
September 15, 2012 (AP) - A Southern California filmmaker linked to an anti-Islamic movie inflaming protests across the Middle East was interviewed Saturday at a Los Angeles sheriff's station and afterward decided not to return to his home — possibly heading into hiding, authorities said.
Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, 55, was interviewed by federal probation officers for about half an hour at the station shortly after 12 a.m. in his hometown of Cerritos, Calif., said Steve Whitmore, spokesman for the Los Angeles County sheriff's department. After that, deputies dropped Nakoula off at an undisclosed location. "He is gone. We don't know where he went," Whitmore said. "He said he is not going back to his home." Federal officials are investigating whether Nakoula, who has been convicted of financial crimes, has violated the terms of his five-year probation. If so, a judge could send him back to prison.

Nakoula went voluntarily to the station, wearing a coat, hat, scarf and glasses that concealed his appearance. His home has been besieged by media for several days. Whitmore said Nakoula was not handcuffed and the heavy apparel was his idea. The probation department is reviewing the case of Nakoula, who pleaded no contest to bank fraud charges in 2010 and was banned from using computers or the Internet or using false identities as part of his sentence. Whitmore did not disclose other details about the interview.

Federal authorities have identified Nakoula, a self-described Coptic Christian, as the key figure behind "Innocence of Muslims," a film denigrating Islam and the Prophet Muhammad that ignited mob violence against U.S. embassies across the Middle East. Much of the film was shot inside the offices of Media for Christ, a nonprofit based in the Los Angeles-area city of Duarte. The charity raised more than $1 million last year "to glow Jesus' light" to the world. The Riverside County man who was a script adviser to the film and who has a long history of anti-Islamic activism told the Press-Enterprise newspaper that he has received multiple death threats. "I'm really tired," Steven Klein said when he answered the door of his home in Hemet, Calif., Friday with a pistol in his hand and clad only in a pair of white shorts stained with what appeared to be ink spots.

The newspaper said Klein, a Vietnam veteran, appeared agitated. While waving the gun, he told the newspaper he was standing up for his First Amendment rights in helping with the film and said he is prepared to die for those rights. A federal law enforcement official said authorities had connected Nakoula to a man using the pseudonym of Sam Bacile who claimed earlier to be writer and director of the film. Violent protests set off by the film in Libya played a role in the attacks in Benghazi that killed U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other American officials. Anti-U.S. mob protests have since spread to several other countries. Leaders of Egyptian Coptic and Muslim communities from New Jersey and New York City and its suburbs gathered at a mosque Saturday in a show of unity. The group, meeting in Jersey City, N.J., expressed pain over the wave of protests and appealed for calm. "Those who did this (film) are not Christian," the Rev. David Bebawi, a Coptic priest, told the gathering of about 30 leaders. "Those who killed the American ambassador and others are not Muslim."

Larger question, why are there now 8 replies to a premise that was disproven two days ago? Hey OP, the Mexican hater, it's already know he's a Coptic and that your man, Obama is trying to find a Constitutional way to jail him. He's having a hard time at that.
Wow you are sheep. You really think this was over a video? Maybe it was talking about killing osama, considering, the mobs were chanting we're all osamas.

Wow you guys will swallow anything for the cause

Straw that broke the camel's back.

US policy in the region has pissed people off for years.
This film was just a spark in a tinder box.
Wow you are sheep. You really think this was over a video? Maybe it was talking about killing osama, considering, the mobs were chanting we're all osamas.

Wow you guys will swallow anything for the cause

Straw that broke the camel's back.

US policy in the region has pissed people off for years.
This film was just a spark in a tinder box.

The video had nothing to do with it. Even the WH and State eventually conceded that. So why perpetuate the 'big lie'?
Wow you are sheep. You really think this was over a video? Maybe it was talking about killing osama, considering, the mobs were chanting we're all osamas.

Wow you guys will swallow anything for the cause

Straw that broke the camel's back.

US policy in the region has pissed people off for years.
This film was just a spark in a tinder box.

Come on man, noone even knew about this movie. It was 9/11. Are you seriously suggesting that 9/11 was the coincidence and the movie was the motivating factor? How about Obama bragging about killing Osama, EVERY chance he got, that would explain the crowd's chanting and the grafitti.

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