Right wing hate speech


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
(especially for Hannity)

Hannity has a special on today about left wing hate speech. Unbelievable hypocritical. No hate speech compare with Hannity and FOXNEWS, Palin, Rush, the blond bimbo who thinks she can write, and all of FOXNEWS contributors. Hannity, not Rush, is the president of right wing hate speech. Talk about not seeing the speck in other’s eyes for the rafter in your own. Hannity spends his entire show hating on Obama.
Obama is not responsible for any hate speech of left wingers and don’t have a responsibility to apologize for them. Observably stupid.

Translating right wing hate speech
Translating right wing hate speech - Max Keiser

98 Advertisers Pull Ads from Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, and Rush Limbaugh
98 Advertisers Pull Ads from Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, and Rush Limbaugh
Dear gawd, stop the world...

Hannity is talking about left wing hate speech..
(especially for Hannity)

Hannity has a special on today about left wing hate speech. Unbelievable hypocritical. No hate speech compare with Hannity and FOXNEWS, Palin, Rush, the blond bimbo who thinks she can write, and all of FOXNEWS contributors. Hannity, not Rush, is the president of right wing hate speech. Talk about not seeing the speck in other’s eyes for the rafter in your own. Hannity spends his entire show hating on Obama.
Obama is not responsible for any hate speech of left wingers and don’t have a responsibility to apologize for them. Observably stupid.

Translating right wing hate speech
Translating right wing hate speech - Max Keiser

98 Advertisers Pull Ads from Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, and Rush Limbaugh
98 Advertisers Pull Ads from Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, and Rush Limbaugh

Yes! You are.
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Dear gawd, stop the world...

Hannity is talking about left wing hate speech..
Oh, brother Ben, shot a goose but killed a hen. :rolleyes:

And the businesses who dumped on free speech listed at link "include major corporate heavyweights like Ford, GM, Toyota, Allstate, Geico, Prudential, State Farm, McDonald’s, and Subway."

Fine. My next car will not be Ford, GM, or Toyota, there are other insurers than Allstate, Geico, Prudential, and State Farm I will use, and McDonald's and Subway serve too much bready carbodrate stuff anyhow, not to mention muncie water drinks and plastic-tasting shakes, and deep fried everything else. You tell 'em you want a well-done burger, and you get a blank stare. Who needs 'em!

Also gonna dump some serious stock. I don't do business with First Amendment abusers, and that's all there is about it.
there is a tremendous amount of hate speech from both sides. and each side says the other is worse. 10yo girls don't argue this much.
Did MoveOn.org and BarackObama.com Promote Hate Speech?

6/12/12 By William A. Levinson

The answer to this question depends on how much responsibility a moderated discussion forum has to exclude racist, anti-Semitic, and other forms of hate speech. MoveOn.org and BarackObama.com have both argued that, as anybody can post anything to their discussion forums, they are not responsible for the content.

"Exercise of editorial control" was, on the other hand, the doctrine under which Prodigy was held legally responsible for libelous material that somebody posted on a discussion board over which Prodigy exercised such control, although Congress later passed legislation to mitigate or eliminate civil liability in such cases. The bottom line is, however, that it has been proven beyond any doubt that both MoveOn.org and BarackObama.com exercised editorial control over their forums, but failed to remove hate speech even worse than what one might find at the Stormfront White Nationalist Community.

MoveOn.org and those Jewy Jews


Barack Obama: Hate We Can Believe In
As shown by the following e-mail, Barack Obama's moderators were very diligent in removing promptly controversial material we posted from Obama's Dreams from My Father, with specific page numbers in contrast to some of the urban legends that were then in circulation.


This proves unequivocally that the Obama campaign sanctioned officially the phrase "Israel Lobby." Next, we come to the kind of material that Obama's moderators did not consider abusive and did not delete (as proven by our ability to find and download the pages, and make screenshots of all of them):

•"I don't trust the [5-letter word for female dog, Hillary Clinton] or her rabid over-50 crowd." This is what the Obama campaign really means by party unity, and note also the reference to older Americans.
•"Crying, playing victim, and being a villainous [5-letter word for a female dog] all showed that women are not ready to take office yet."
•"it [a story] tells of a Field [Negro] grateful for Obama's leading people out of bondage. And the other 'voice' was that of a House [Negro], who didn't want to leave the friendly confines of the Big House for some unknown place." "Negro" was not the word the person used, but the moderators did not consider the N-word abusive.
•Another posting compared African-American Clinton supporters to house slaves as follows: "Massa Clinton been good to us. Git on 'way from here Obama. You gon cause problem fo us all!! Didn't Massa Clinton give you food and shelter all these years. Where you gon take us? You never been nowhere but right here on dis plantation wit us."
•"The **** filth are trying to steal this election from us." This received numerous replies, many of which were hostile to the person who used this anti-Semitic epithet, but the key point is that Obama's moderators did not consider it abusive -- unlike embarrassing cited quotes from Mr. Obama himself.


Read more: Articles: Did MoveOn.org and BarackObama.com Promote Hate Speech?
(especially for Hannity)

Hannity has a special on today about left wing hate speech. Unbelievable hypocritical. No hate speech compare with Hannity and FOXNEWS, Palin, Rush, the blond bimbo who thinks she can write, and all of FOXNEWS contributors. Hannity, not Rush, is the president of right wing hate speech. Talk about not seeing the speck in other’s eyes for the rafter in your own. Hannity spends his entire show hating on Obama.
Obama is not responsible for any hate speech of left wingers and don’t have a responsibility to apologize for them. Observably stupid.

Translating right wing hate speech
Translating right wing hate speech - Max Keiser

98 Advertisers Pull Ads from Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, and Rush Limbaugh
98 Advertisers Pull Ads from Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, and Rush Limbaugh

At least, Hannity always has guests on his shows with a different point of view.

Now, take MSNBC (please!):

Chris Matthews on "Hardball" occasionally has a conservative.
Martin Bashir never does.
Ed Schultz never does.
Lawrence O'Donnell sometimes does.

These guys spend just about all their show Republican/conservative bashing, more hateful than Hannity ever shows towards liberals.

I don't know about Rachel Maddow, because I never had the stomach to watch her more than a suffering minute.

MSNBC contributors are the undisputed champions of hateful snickering, mocking and ridiculing.

And the above-mentioned hosts are even worse.

BTW, when you have to resort to RT, you just displayed your total ignorance.
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The "color of change" neanderthals might want to organize a boycott or something.......................lol
And ANY criticism of Obama is called, HATING ON HIM

just how pathetic can people get?

Hate speech is hate speech. If you criticise the President's policies, it's fine and good. If you call him a ****** it's hate speech.
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(especially for Hannity)

Hannity has a special on today about left wing hate speech. Unbelievable hypocritical. No hate speech compare with Hannity and FOXNEWS, Palin, Rush, the blond bimbo who thinks she can write, and all of FOXNEWS contributors. Hannity, not Rush, is the president of right wing hate speech. Talk about not seeing the speck in other’s eyes for the rafter in your own. Hannity spends his entire show hating on Obama.
Obama is not responsible for any hate speech of left wingers and don’t have a responsibility to apologize for them. Observably stupid.

Translating right wing hate speech
Translating right wing hate speech - Max Keiser

98 Advertisers Pull Ads from Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, and Rush Limbaugh
98 Advertisers Pull Ads from Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, and Rush Limbaugh
Telling the truth about the left is not hate speech.
Hannity has a special on today about left wing hate speech.

He was for it before he was against it.

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