'Right Wing Extremist' speaker withdraws from West Point event after protests

Anarchy is no law, no government no ruling power..

Communism is authoritarian rule and dictated economy - its socialism just monitored and dictated.

Both ideas are polar opposites...

Socialism is a dictated economic model, capitalism is a free market based economy with no dictation or regulation (not that we subscribe to or practice such idea as a society, this is Keynesian presently )...

True. But Communists lean to the left side of the Statist area, and certainly there are anarchists that also lean that way, though just as many lean to the right.

Sure, if they were true 100% anarchists, you would have a point, but is anyone really 100%?

So, if you had some leftward-leaning anarchists, and some communists, and a point for them to rally around that was truly left-wing in nature, then you might have a meeting of minds, at least for that left-wing issue.

And just because the right doesn't believe in economic control, does not mean they don't have their statist wing. Right-wing statists believe in moral control and economic freedom.

A true anarchist cant lean any which way - they're anarchists - as in - the belief of no government or no ruling power.

IMO, the idea of anarchism is impossible...

Communists are in theory left but the establishment that runs the collective is extremely right...

That's why I don't feel calling American "liberals" liberal at all - especially if they promote and expect government to regulate. Regulation is NOT a liberal idea its a far right idea. I'm not talking about conservatives either.

Most republicans are more liberal than "liberals."
Better take up with Alexander Hamilton, the early Federalists, and the Whigs.
Membership in the KKK is prohibited by military personnel.

How can you even think that speaking against racism is anywhere akin to speaking against a religion in front of followers of that religion? That's ludicrous.

That sounds like a violation of the First Amendment, which guarantees your freedom of association.

Islam is a racist religion. It's no better than the KKK.

Are you brain damaged? Of course the military (under the UCMJ) can restrict the activities of military personnel.

Don't talk about what you don't know, if you don't want to look ignorant, which you just did.

I think you're a little off base here, Jake. The Uniformed Code of Military Justice deals with criminal proceedings in the military, not rules and regulations for military personnel.
Uniform Code of Military Justice (UJMJ) - Main Menu

The UCMJ doesn't have anything to do with restricting military personnel activities.
We're presently no better than the communists anyways...

We're not free....

Modern politicians mock the founding fathers as does the SCOTUS...

What they do is wrong...
I must say - I don't want to rule anyones life, I want to live my own without being ruled.

I don't need people telling me what I should eat or drink - it's not their business.

If someone wants a state where government dictates your life then choose a state - utilize the Tenth Amendment.... Just respect the Bill of Rights.
so was the old fella convicted?

My father was convicted after the states attorney said: "find this man guilty or he will sue", and that is verbatim what she said.

The case is being appealed right now.

We had a site up that had the trial transcripts but the judge told my dads lawyer if my dad didn't take the site down he would continually rule against his clients.

You don't even know how fucked this system is..

This county has lots of problems, there are two national cases in which they KNOWINGLY jailed innocent people, despite DNA evidence that proved they did nothing but beat confessions out of them. One of them being a father (Jerry Hobbs) who was beaten into submission then forced to confess to murdering his daughter and her friend , then there are cases in which the police murdered people...

Don't take my word - read the media.

Lake County Illinois...

What was the original curfuffle about though? Why were the cops there in the first place?
I must say - I don't want to rule anyones life, I want to live my own without being ruled.

I don't need people telling me what I should eat or drink - it's not their business.

If someone wants a state where government dictates your life then choose a state - utilize the Tenth Amendment.... Just respect the Bill of Rights.

But we do need a FDA and Meat Inspection Act and sewage testing and so many other things because we all live on top of each other connected in so many ways.

Um . . . republican government can tell you what to drink or not drinking. Alcohol consumption is not a constitutional right.
Says who? Who said they have to be "known?"

Membership in the KKK is prohibited by military personnel.

How can you even think that speaking against racism is anywhere akin to speaking against a religion in front of followers of that religion? That's ludicrous.

apparently your information is in error...

Lax regulations open U.S. Military doors to White Supremacy | NowPublic News Coverage
Soldiers' associations with extremist groups, and their racist actions, contravene a host of military statutes instituted in the past three decades. But during the "war on terror," U.S. armed forces have turned a blind eye on their own regulations. A 2005 Department of Defense report states, "Effectively, the military has a 'don't ask, don't tell' policy pertaining to extremism. If individuals can perform satisfactorily, without making their extremist opinions overt … they are likely to be able to complete their contracts."

While they might not have been enforcing them (in 2005), they still exist.

I also highly doubt they would turn a blind eye to membership in the KKK...that would likely be considered "overt".

Oh and comparing an islamaphobic General speaking before Muslim soldiers to a racist having to listen to a speech against racism is STILL ludicrous.
That sounds like a violation of the First Amendment, which guarantees your freedom of association.

Islam is a racist religion. It's no better than the KKK.

Are you brain damaged? Of course the military (under the UCMJ) can restrict the activities of military personnel.

Don't talk about what you don't know, if you don't want to look ignorant, which you just did.

I think you're a little off base here, Jake. The Uniformed Code of Military Justice deals with criminal proceedings in the military, not rules and regulations for military personnel.
Uniform Code of Military Justice (UJMJ) - Main Menu

The UCMJ doesn't have anything to do with restricting military personnel activities.

Membership in such organizations could certainly be charged under the UCMJ. Conduct unbecoming comes to mind.

The restrictions on participation in supremacist groups, however, is a DOD directive:

A Defense Department directive issued in 1996 lays out the guidelines for “dissident” activities by service members, from publishing underground newspapers to organizing demonstrations.

“Military personnel must reject participation in organizations that espouse supremacist causes,” the rule states. “Active participation, such as publicly demonstrating or rallying, fund raising, recruiting and training members, organizing or leading such organizations, or otherwise engaging in activities in relation to such organizations ... that are viewed by command to be detrimental to the good order, discipline, or mission accomplishment of the unit, is incompatible with Military Service, and is, therefore, prohibited.”
Watchdog group: Dozens of active-duty troops found on neo-Nazi site
"Boykin has said that Muslims are trying to implement Shariah Law in the United States and that Islam is the greatest threat America faces."

Sounds like simple reality to me but I guess there are many in denial.

It is reality.big time.

I wish them luck, if that is their ambition.

2011 CIA factbook-"page last updated on January 19, 2012"

Islam-0.6% of the population of the United States.

Protestant 51.3%, Roman Catholic 23.9% of the population of the US.

There are a LOT more of us (Christians, which are the majority of the population, obviously) than there are of them.

And the unaffiliated- 12.1%

This equals 87.3%, and isn't counting the Jewish population, and probably most of the rest of the religions who would oppose Shariah law.

Now, if I remember correctly, the Islamic population is quite large (about 2 billion) in the world. Now if they were to all get pissed off and head this direction...we would be in trouble.

Diplomacy is a dream, but I think that we're too late. And please spare me the "they hate us for our freedoms" crap. Yeah, they hate us-but to find out the reasons, one needs to back up 60 years to our history with Iran and start there.
Now, if I remember correctly, the Islamic population is quite large (about 2 billion) in the world. Now if they were to all get pissed off and head this direction...we would be in trouble. .

No we wouldn't.
Are you brain damaged? Of course the military (under the UCMJ) can restrict the activities of military personnel.

Don't talk about what you don't know, if you don't want to look ignorant, which you just did.

I think you're a little off base here, Jake. The Uniformed Code of Military Justice deals with criminal proceedings in the military, not rules and regulations for military personnel.
Uniform Code of Military Justice (UJMJ) - Main Menu

The UCMJ doesn't have anything to do with restricting military personnel activities.

Membership in such organizations could certainly be charged under the UCMJ. Conduct unbecoming comes to mind.

The restrictions on participation in supremacist groups, however, is a DOD directive:

A Defense Department directive issued in 1996 lays out the guidelines for “dissident” activities by service members, from publishing underground newspapers to organizing demonstrations.

“Military personnel must reject participation in organizations that espouse supremacist causes,” the rule states. “Active participation, such as publicly demonstrating or rallying, fund raising, recruiting and training members, organizing or leading such organizations, or otherwise engaging in activities in relation to such organizations ... that are viewed by command to be detrimental to the good order, discipline, or mission accomplishment of the unit, is incompatible with Military Service, and is, therefore, prohibited.”
Watchdog group: Dozens of active-duty troops found on neo-Nazi site

The UCMJ is used to punish inappropriate behavior of military personnel. A military person can be ordered to not associated with such organizations that bring discredit to the U. S.Military.

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