Rich pay 50% of country’s taxes.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

This is what is call “radical right wing spin.” Although the rich pay 50% of the county’s taxes they still only pay less than 2 % of the wealth and federal, state and local income or none at all.

“The wealthy on the only people that create jobs.” More radical right wing spin. SOME wealthy create jobs in this country and SOME create jobs in India, Mexico, etc. IF tax cuts for the rich create jobs, why is this country unemployment rate at 9.2% and 14 million people lost their jobs since the tax cuts?

This is the rhetoric that the radical right wing peach because this is what the dummies of America wants to hear but most Americans are not dummies and can do the math
I doubt most Americans can do ANY math.

What are we looking to have the "rich" finance here anyway?

I need a calculator to do math and even then I'm not very good at it.

Everything. Their paychecks should be direct deposited into a government account and they can be given a stipend to live on. Remember: no plan, keep spending, share the wealth!
I don't care how much tax the rich pay but isn't it interesting that we never hear anything about the nearly 50% of the American population that pay no taxes at all. Why isn't anyone interested in them and how much they don't pay?
you need to adjust your statement there Underdog. It's not that they don't pay any taxes at all. They just don't pay Federal income taxes. All other taxes apply... Social Security, Medicare, State, local, gasoline, etc, etc, etc...

To sit there and say that a family who's income is $30k or below doesn't pay any taxes at all is... well... a lie.
I don't care how much tax the rich pay but isn't it interesting that we never hear anything about the nearly 50% of the American population that pay no taxes at all. Why isn't anyone interested in them and how much they don't pay?

I have never had a single year I did not get bent over by Uncle sugar.

I dont expect that to change. Something about kissing government ass I just dont find appealing.
you need to adjust your statement there Underdog. It's not that they don't pay any taxes at all. They just don't pay Federal income taxes. All other taxes apply... Social Security, Medicare, State, local, gasoline, etc, etc, etc...

To sit there and say that a family who's income is $30k or below doesn't pay any taxes at all is... well... a lie.

This is a typical liberal asshole response. Everybody in this country should be taxed at the same rate regardless of income.
Here's the thing. The reality is that 1% of the population controls 50% of the wealth and the next 19% control the next 40% of it and the remainder of us, including I expect everyone on this board is amongst the 80% fighting over the 10% that's left over.

So be it. Life isn't fair.

The dishonest figure that is thrown out there is that the wealthy pay most of the income tax. And that's accurate. but when you factor in Social Security Taxes (6% paid by you and 6% by your employer), Medicare taxes (1% and 1%) Property taxes, sales taxes, fees, licenses, taxes on vices such as booze, cigarettes, Government authorized gambling, and so on, the working schlubs are catching up in what they pay as a percentage of income.

What we need is a SINGLE tax, so people know what they are paying, and then list what services they are paying for by the percentage of that. Then we could have HONEST discussions about what we should pay for and who should pay for it.

But it's probably easier just to borrow more of the money we've sent over to China buying their cheap shit.

(Have I offended both Conservatives and Liberals with this?)

This is what is call “radical right wing spin.” Although the rich pay 50% of the county’s taxes they still only pay less than 2 % of the wealth and federal, state and local income or none at all.

“The wealthy on the only people that create jobs.” More radical right wing spin. SOME wealthy create jobs in this country and SOME create jobs in India, Mexico, etc. IF tax cuts for the rich create jobs, why is this country unemployment rate at 9.2% and 14 million people lost their jobs since the tax cuts?

This is the rhetoric that the radical right wing peach because this is what the dummies of America wants to hear but most Americans are not dummies and can do the math

Rhetoric my ass. It's a fact. 51 persent of AMERICANS pay ZERO federal income tax and then on top of that we have to give them a REBATE on the ZERO they don't pay. The rich pay the lions share of the federal income tax revenuse.. suck it up
you need to adjust your statement there Underdog. It's not that they don't pay any taxes at all. They just don't pay Federal income taxes. All other taxes apply... Social Security, Medicare, State, local, gasoline, etc, etc, etc...

To sit there and say that a family who's income is $30k or below doesn't pay any taxes at all is... well... a lie.

This is a typical liberal asshole response. Everybody in this country should be taxed at the same rate regardless of income.

Typical Conservative asshole response... everyone should share the same burden(read hardship) not the same rate.
I don't care how much tax the rich pay but isn't it interesting that we never hear anything about the nearly 50% of the American population that pay no taxes at all. Why isn't anyone interested in them and how much they don't pay?
That 50% pays plenty of taxes...Payroll taxes, FICA, Sales taxes to name a few. You stated that they pay "no taxes at all".
It's shameful that there is such a huge gap between rich and poor in America.
you need to adjust your statement there Underdog. It's not that they don't pay any taxes at all. They just don't pay Federal income taxes. All other taxes apply... Social Security, Medicare, State, local, gasoline, etc, etc, etc...

To sit there and say that a family who's income is $30k or below doesn't pay any taxes at all is... well... a lie.

The Family that makes less than $30K is not the issue....

The real question is how the $49K family who does not own a home receives a tax refund in the $4K to $7K range...

Explain that one please...
I don't care how much tax the rich pay but isn't it interesting that we never hear anything about the nearly 50% of the American population that pay no taxes at all. Why isn't anyone interested in them and how much they don't pay?
That 50% pays plenty of taxes...Payroll taxes, FICA, Sales taxes to name a few. You stated that they pay "no taxes at all".
It's shameful that there is such a huge gap between rich and poor in America.

No, what's shameful is the huge gap between your ears....
you need to adjust your statement there Underdog. It's not that they don't pay any taxes at all. They just don't pay Federal income taxes. All other taxes apply... Social Security, Medicare, State, local, gasoline, etc, etc, etc...

To sit there and say that a family who's income is $30k or below doesn't pay any taxes at all is... well... a lie.

The Family that makes less than $30K is not the issue....

The real question is how the $49K family who does not own a home receives a tax refund in the $4K to $7K range...

Explain that one please...

That's simple.... it's called "single/no dependents". This is what My wife and I do. We pay more off our check so we get an income tax refund. It's like an interest free Savings account. Actually... it's helping the System... because while we aren't collecting any interest on the government holding our money.... the government is. So in effect... all of you who have told me to "write a check if you want to pay more"? Kiss my ass... I do pay more to help out my country and fellow man. hehehe.

Seriously... maybe you've never thought of that... or think that you'd rather have more biweekly money... but I'm telling you, with the interest you earn in a bank these days(not to mention the ability to withdrawal it stupidly)... claiming single/no dependents works pretty good. we see about a $5k refund every year(we make about $100k/year).

This is what is call “radical right wing spin.” Although the rich pay 50% of the county’s taxes they still only pay less than 2 % of the wealth and federal, state and local income or none at all.

“The wealthy on the only people that create jobs.” More radical right wing spin. SOME wealthy create jobs in this country and SOME create jobs in India, Mexico, etc. IF tax cuts for the rich create jobs, why is this country unemployment rate at 9.2% and 14 million people lost their jobs since the tax cuts?

This is the rhetoric that the radical right wing peach because this is what the dummies of America wants to hear but most Americans are not dummies and can do the math

Rhetoric my ass. It's a fact. 51 persent of AMERICANS pay ZERO federal income tax and then on top of that we have to give them a REBATE on the ZERO they don't pay. The rich pay the lions share of the federal income tax revenuse.. suck it up

Excellent point; My son and his future wife both received thousands more then they paid in. Just for going to college.
Probably been posted somewhere already, but worth another gander...

You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down.
You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
You cannot build character and courage by taking away people's initiative and
You cannot help people permanently by doing for them, what they could and should
do for themselves.
Probably been posted somewhere already, but worth another gander...

You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down.
You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
You cannot build character and courage by taking away people's initiative and
You cannot help people permanently by doing for them, what they could and should
do for themselves.

yeah... only a couple hundred times.... Isn't it Glenn Beck's version of the Apostle's Creed?

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