Rice Is A Trade Down For The Secretary of State Role!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
The Republicans look like a bunch of damn fools attacking Susan Rice, the U.S. Ambassador to the U.N., over her public statements about the Benghazi incident involving Ambassador Christopher Stevens death when the White House sent her out to do the News program circuit the weekend following 9-11. There was no conspiracy to mislead the American people, anyone with an ounce of common sense would deduce the attack had a terrorist organization connection to it for the weapons used in the attack by the militants were rocket-propelled grenades and mortars not exactly items one finds in their local market, plus with all the eyewitnesses, tapes and probably satellite photos of the attack it defies believability the President Obama Administration would be so stupid to try to hide the fact Benghazi was a terrorist attack. The American public now knows well that what Ambassador Rice was relaying that weekend were the intelligence report assessments that the White House had received which is completely legitimate for her to do so, the fact that they were murky on what went on is no surprise to the majority of the American public for the American public is well aware of the U.S. intelligence system's spotty record of being on top of things; the majority of the American people don't have a problem with Ambassador Rice's behavior following the Benghazi incident they think this whole controversy is bogus and those Americans that have a problem are mostly Republican partisan zealot whose opinions should be discounted accordingly!

The really worrisome concern about this Susan Rice controversy is that the Republican public scourging of her is going to create this mass sympathy and rallying of support for her throughout the country which will push the Democrats to pursue having President Obama appoint her as the next Secretary of State replacing Hillary Clinton. Appointing Susan Rice as Secretary of State would be a really terrible decision. She doesn't have the skills and abilities to be an A-team Secretary of State which is what America needs right now. Don't get me wrong Ms. Rice is an intelligent and capable U.N. ambassador and deserves praise and appreciation for the work she has done in that job.

An unbiased and clear evaluation of Ms. Rice indicates she doesn't have the talents, stature or to put it another way "the gravitas" to be a first rate Secretary of State. She doesn't have the leadership skills, the wisdom, the ability to go off script effectively that an A-team Secretary of State would have. To put it in a comparative perspective she is no Hillary Clinton or Condoleezza Rice, she isn't in their league and someone in that league is absolutely what America needs now. Susan Rice would be a great "mouth piece" Secretary of State meaning she would be great at communicating the American president administration's positions on the different issues to foreign leaders but as for her ability to persuade those leaders to support the President, she wouldn't be very strong in that area in short she wouldn't be any "Condi"! Not only does the Secretary of State have to persuade foreign leaders to support America on the issues but the Secretary also has to have a strong ability to lead and persuade the U.S. President's on foreign affair issues especially when as during Barack Obama's second term the President is going to have his hands full with domestic issues. The next Secretary of State is going to have to deal with megacrisises over the next four years there is probably a ninety percent chance that nuclear weapon negotiations with Iran fail and the U.S. within the next two years has to embark on an air campaign against Iran that rivals America's air bombardment of Baghdad during the first Iraq war to stop Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons and putting the world on a certain trajectory to a large nuclear war, a ninety percent chance that Hamas resumes large scale aggression against the Israelis and the Israelis invade Gaza and eliminate the threat and a thousand plus Palestinians are left dead, and that Afghanistan spirals disasterly downward and at minimum the Taliban gain control of large swaths of the country and impose their Middle Age's culture in those areas. Actually, the optimally good candidate for Secretary of State at this time in our country's history should be a person with the attributes and experience to be President of the United States the jobs challenges call for this conclusion; Susan Rice one day may have such qualifications but she does not possess them at this time and America's needs at the current time should control this very important selection!
in this administration you don't need experience in anything to get a job..

Obama didn't have any, so what the hell...bring them all in to run our country and your lives

who cares anymore

as we see Obama's little sheep would fight for Bozo the clown if that is who their Dear Leader wanted in
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