Revealed: Hamas's Sinwar: pedophile, held Mein Kampf - inspired him; taught competition 'who kills more Jews'


Platinum Member
Nov 13, 2023
Comment: This piece of sh#t was at the Hamas charter with sheikh Ahmed Yassin. Why his profile is vital to understand what Islamofascistic Hamas is at its core.


Already about 30 years ago: this is how Sinwar planned the invasion and the massacre.

The untold story of Sinwar: the competition - who kills more Jews.

In the United States, they may try to pressure Hamas even more through Egypt and Qatar, and are debating whether to order the government in Doha to expel Hamas representatives from the country if they fail to convince the organization's senior officials in the Gaza Strip to release the abductees. This is what veteran commentator David Ignatius reported today (Thursday) in the "Washington Post".

"This is the real devil, the new Nazi," Kobi said at the beginning of the conversation. "Yahia Sinwar, whom I first met in 1989 when I interrogated him in the case of two kidnapped Israelis. He was associated with Ahmed Yassin in consulting, when he was his protégé and served as both his assistant and adviser, and also as the commander of the forces that murdered so-called collaborators. He also served as Hamas' education commissioner. For example, he provided them with plastic knives and rubber knives so that they could compete among themselves as to who kills more Jews. Later, Sinwar provided them with guns to practice with, and then trained them with explosive belts."

Micha Kobi, a former Shin Bet investigator who over the course of his career accumulated many hours in front of many murderers, revealed on 103FM a shocking detail: "He told me during the investigation that he was going to establish a unit that would enter the territories of Israel"

"Sinwar, from a very young age he was a fan of Ahmed Yassin. He visited the mosque almost every day, where he studied all the sermons and the Koran as Ahmed Yassin explained to him, that all the Jews should be eliminated. They sat together with several other so-called sages from Hamas, and wrote the Hamas charter. The first section talks about the destruction of the Jewish state. He was around 28, single, I asked him why he didn't get married, he told me 'My mother is Hamas, my father is Hamas, my wife is Hamas, everyone is Hamas.' I have over 150 hours of Sinwar.

We are grinding water, he is simply trying to cause a conflict between the families and the government, and such and such personalities, etc.

This man stabs us with every word he utters, he is a liar, a crook. This is how Hamas behaves , there were never any promises made by Hamas that were kept. And if there were they were always changed.

It is clear that there is a rift between Hamas abroad and Hamas domestically, it has been almost forever, Yahya Sinwar sees himself as the commander of the military and civilian forces in the Gaza Strip.

Sinwar is not interested in any negotiations. He knows he is going to be the martyr. In his opinion, he has already succeeded, he carried out his plan as best as possible for him. He is considered the hero of Hamas, the hero of Islam and the hero of the people of Gaza, many of whom were swept away after him," he added.

Kobi also stated that "he sees the October 7th as a victory, according to his opinion. He does not see it as a massacre Hamas under his authority denies that there was a massacre. His plan is survival - he thinks and is convinced that he will be able to subdue the State of Israel retreat to the borders of October-7th and then he will return to rebuild Hamas in the Gaza Strip. This is the trend and this is the ambition, at the same time he is convinced that the State of Israel will persecute him and it is better for him to be a martyr than to flee to Egypt or leave with consent to Qatar.

We do not yet know for sure how many are around him, It is likely that there are several dozen abductees around him. At the same time, he is looking for survivors, that is why he does not want any negotiations, he has no interest in negotiations. This is the reason for the quarrel between him and Haniyeh and m-Sha'al, they hold meetings, take sentences out of their mouths that supposedly have So and so are abducted and you can make a deal of 40 for 400 - they don't know how many abductees exist..."

"He was interested in the [terror] prisoners in the past, if we had withdrawn, he would have been interested in making a deal to release all the prisoners, but it really doesn't interest him at the moment. He will give up everything in exchange for survival and pushing Israel to its October-7th border. I do not believe that the State of Israel, despite international pressure, no matter from which direction, we should not stop the war with Hamas until the destruction of Hamas's capabilities, both military and civilian.

He [Sinwar].married after he was released [2011] and got a name of a pedophile, he wanted to erase this issue, he married someone by force in Gaza and had a son with her, who is now 8 years old. The children seen in the tunnel could be one of his children, one of his brother's children, there were also two women there.

Sinwar is imbued with an abysmal hatred for Jews, and he wants to carry out, he was not ashamed to give me a version during the interrogation that he was going to form a unit that would enter the territories of Israel and destroy settlements "If he hadn't been sentenced to life imprisonment, he would have carried out his plot even then, but he was sentenced to four life sentences, following which he was released in the [2011 Gilad] Shalit deal. I knew that if he was released, this man would carry out his plot, and fulfill his promise to establish the Nukhba," he added .

At the end of his words, he emphasized that "Hamas has been resurrected at least three times that I know of. They re-establish each time, and if indeed we withdraw and there is no military pressure, he will form a new Hamas that will be much more brutal and extreme than now, he believes in this, he believes that the Jews must be exterminated now.
We found Hitler's Mein Kampf at his house, from where they took the [Hamas] principles."

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Comment: This piece of sh#t was at the Hamas charter with sheikh Ahmed Yassin. Why his profile is vital to understand what Islamofascistic Hamas is at its core.


Already about 30 years ago: this is how Sinwar planned the invasion and the massacre.

The untold story of Sinwar: the competition - who kills more Jews.

In the United States, they may try to pressure Hamas even more through Egypt and Qatar, and are debating whether to order the government in Doha to expel Hamas representatives from the country if they fail to convince the organization's senior officials in the Gaza Strip to release the abductees. This is what veteran commentator David Ignatius reported today (Thursday) in the "Washington Post".

"This is the real devil, the new Nazi," Kobi said at the beginning of the conversation. "Yahia Sinwar, whom I first met in 1989 when I interrogated him in the case of two kidnapped Israelis. He was associated with Ahmed Yassin in consulting, when he was his protégé and served as both his assistant and adviser, and also as the commander of the forces that murdered so-called collaborators. He also served as Hamas' education commissioner. For example, he provided them with plastic knives and rubber knives so that they could compete among themselves as to who kills more Jews. Later, Sinwar provided them with guns to practice with, and then trained them with explosive belts."

Micha Kobi, a former Shin Bet investigator who over the course of his career accumulated many hours in front of many murderers, revealed on 103FM a shocking detail: "He told me during the investigation that he was going to establish a unit that would enter the territories of Israel"

"Sinwar, from a very young age he was a fan of Ahmed Yassin. He visited the mosque almost every day, where he studied all the sermons and the Koran as Ahmed Yassin explained to him, that all the Jews should be eliminated. They sat together with several other so-called sages from Hamas, and wrote the Hamas charter. The first section talks about the destruction of the Jewish state. He was around 28, single, I asked him why he didn't get married, he told me 'My mother is Hamas, my father is Hamas, my wife is Hamas, everyone is Hamas.' I have over 150 hours of Sinwar.

We are grinding water, he is simply trying to cause a conflict between the families and the government, and such and such personalities, etc.

This man stabs us with every word he utters, he is a liar, a crook. This is how Hamas behaves , there were never any promises made by Hamas that were kept. And if there were they were always changed.

It is clear that there is a rift between Hamas abroad and Hamas domestically, it has been almost forever, Yahya Sinwar sees himself as the commander of the military and civilian forces in the Gaza Strip.

Sinwar is not interested in any negotiations. He knows he is going to be the martyr. In his opinion, he has already succeeded, he carried out his plan as best as possible for him. He is considered the hero of Hamas, the hero of Islam and the hero of the people of Gaza, many of whom were swept away after him," he added.

Kobi also stated that "he sees the October 7th as a victory, according to his opinion. He does not see it as a massacre Hamas under his authority denies that there was a massacre. His plan is survival - he thinks and is convinced that he will be able to subdue the State of Israel retreat to the borders of October-7th and then he will return to rebuild Hamas in the Gaza Strip. This is the trend and this is the ambition, at the same time he is convinced that the State of Israel will persecute him and it is better for him to be a martyr than to flee to Egypt or leave with consent to Qatar.

We do not yet know for sure how many are around him, It is likely that there are several dozen abductees around him. At the same time, he is looking for survivors, that is why he does not want any negotiations, he has no interest in negotiations. This is the reason for the quarrel between him and Haniyeh and Sha'al, they hold meetings, take sentences out of their mouths that supposedly have So and so are abducted and you can make a deal of 40 for 400 - they don't know how many abductees exist..."

"He was interested in the [terror] prisoners in the past, if we had withdrawn, he would have been interested in making a deal to release all the prisoners, but it really doesn't interest him at the moment. He will give up everything in exchange for survival and pushing Israel to its October-7th border. I do not believe that the State of Israel, despite international pressure, no matter from which direction, we should not stop the war with Hamas until the destruction of Hamas's capabilities, both military and civilian.

He [Sinwar].married after he was released [2011] and got a name of a pedophile, he wanted to erase this issue, he married someone by force in Gaza and had a son with her, who is now 8 years old. The children seen in the tunnel could be one of his children, one of his brother's children, there were also two women there.

Sinwar is imbued with an abysmal hatred for Jews, and he wants to carry out, he was not ashamed to give me a version during the interrogation that he was going to form a unit that would enter the territories of Israel and destroy settlements "If he hadn't been sentenced to life imprisonment, he would have carried out his plot even then, but he was sentenced to four life sentences, following which he was released in the [2011 Gilad] Shalit deal. I knew that if he was released, this man would carry out his plot, and fulfill his promise to establish the Nukhba," he added .

At the end of his words, he emphasized that "Hamas has been resurrected at least three times that I know of. They re-establish each time, and if indeed we withdraw and there is no military pressure, he will form a new Hamas that will be much more brutal and extreme than now, he believes in this, he believes that the Jews must be exterminated now.
We found Hitler's Mein Kampf at his house, from where they took the [Hamas] principles."
Re 2011 Shalit deal: one IDF soldier for over 1,000 terrorists...

On one hand it reveals the value of life which is only on the Israel side but on the other hand, "prisoners" release are releasing of monsters.
More on Islamic sexual crimes of Hamas leader:

Rape, sexual abuse, and pedophilia: How Hamas leader Sinwar ruled the yard.
By 103FM Via Maariv Online Published: February, 2024.

Yahya Sinwar and his brother Muhammed have been accused of several acts of sexual assault, rape, and even, pedophilia, by Hamas members locked up with them.

Baruch Yedid, head of the Arab affairs desk for Channel 14, on Wednesday revealed more details on 103FM in the Erel Segal program about the news about sexual scandals attributed to the Hamas leader in Gaza, Yahya Sinwar, among other things when he was in Israeli prison.

According to Yedid, "Since 2005, Muhammad Sinwar has been the Khan Yunis Brigade Commander and a member of the military leadership. He is also the one who, according to documents from the IDF spokesperson, dug the giant tunnel that was recently discovered, and keeps several skeletons in his closet."

"He was released from the PA prison in 2000," continued Yedid "There are questions about how he got out of there."

"Yahya was released in 2011 in the Shalit deal. When Yahya was still in prison, the heads of the military and the leadership of the prisoners turned to him and told him that his younger brother was involved in a series of acts of pedophilia and sexual harassment of boys, including Hamas operatives."

"Some of the incidents, according to them, happened when Muhammad was in a Palestinian prison, and some when he was already a senior member of Hamas in the Gaza Strip. The response they get from Yahya, and this is confirmed by both Israeli and Palestinian officials, is that he throws them out, and forbids them to investigate anything outside of what he authorized them to investigate."

"Then he says 'Families of people I destroyed are behind the rumors.'"

Yedid continued, saying, "In the Ofer prison in the early 2000s, two Hamas men raped a boy, also a Palestinian prisoner, Yahya again forbade investigating the issue, preferring that a comprehensive investigation not be opened because his brother was still at large and Sinwar feared that this would lead to an investigation that would reveal his brother as well."

"How did this become known, among other things, to the Israeli intelligence organizations?"

The source of the rumors
Samir Kuntar, the same one who murdered the Haran family in 1979, who was released in 2008 and was eventually killed in Syria in 2015, was the source of the information.

Kuntar told Israeli officials on several occasions that Sinwar forbids investigating these matters, and expressed concern that these acts are increasing in prison, according to Yedid.

"Because Sinwar is one of the prisoners' leaders, he forbids them to interrogate his brother and tells the Israeli authorities about the pedophilia and rape committed by his brother Muhammad.

Yedid added, "When Yahya was still in prison, the members of the military branch once again informed him that his brother Mohammed was a collaborator for the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency)."

"This was already known to the Shin Bet, it forbade investigating because he says that if a background investigation is opened on the brother, this would also be revealed. So far this is only from Israeli sources."

"There is also information coming from Palestinian sources, there are quite a few in Ramallah who follow Hamas in Gaza. There are two intelligence files in Ramallah, one talks about sexual abuse done by the older brother Yahya, among other things from prisoners who were released and gave evidence to the Palestinian authorities."

"One of them says that in 1997 or 1998, when Sinwar was detained in Ashkelon prison, he kept silicon accessories and toys in his cell, with which he also sexually harassed. Ashkelon prison in those times only had male prisoners."

"When he was released in October 2011, within a month he married Samar, then 31 years old from a religious family. He said in an interview that his sisters brought him Samar, and around the marriage ceremony there were several testimonies about the marriage."

In conclusion, the journalist emphasized, "There are claims by Hamas members that their names were not included in the list of those released by Shalit, only because Muhammad Sinwar did not want them to be outside because of sexual scandals."

Former ISA Official: 'We should have wiped them out long ago'.
Former ISA official Micah Kobi warns against releasing terrorists, saying that Israel already knows where such a step leads.

Micah Kobi, a former senior ISA official, told Channel 12 News this evening about the possibilities for a prisoner exchange deal with Hamas and warned against releasing terrorists.

“Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar is a real Nazi, who reads Mein Kampf,” Kobi said. “ We should have wiped them out long ago, they are full of hatred for Jews.”

“I sat with him, stayed with him, ate with him. He is a liar, villain, and irredeemable person who has been in a religious war with us for years.”

'I thought it was right to eliminate Sinwar'
Kobi emphasized: “There is no such thing as ‘at any price’. If there should be a deal then they will release some terrorists, but I am against releasing murderers. God almighty, what's gotten into us? These people will murder Jews tomorrow!”

“We know them. They've already done it. I am against the mass release of terrorists,” he added.

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