'Resets' to Muscovy does not work. On the contrary, a more muscular approach to the country will yield results."


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
'Resets' to Muscovy does not work. On the contrary, a more muscular approach to the country will yield results."

" Moscow is not interested in maintaining the strategic status quo, especially around its borders.
Rather, Moscow wants to ‘regain’, not ‘maintain’, influence in the shared neighbourhood with the EU. If the West wants resets, the Russian thinking goes, it is up to the West to retrench. ... Russia has found its own ways to circumvent the barricade of EU and US foreign policy positions: stick it out until a new offer to start again comes along. To a degree, each new reset offer only fuels Russian reluctance to truly engage: why make mutual concessions if chances are in a few years’ time new leaders in key Western countries will offer a new reset? This rewind-and-repeat approach only suggests to Russia that the West is softening. "

maybe the best article i have seen for last 5 years, the key words here " more muscular approach to the country will yield results." question is : does Mr Biden administration is capable for " more muscular approach to Moscow empire "

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