CDZ Rescue and search efforts after hurricane's ?


Diamond Member
Nov 28, 2011
Are we doing all that we can do, and doing it always after these natural hurricane events occur ???

I Invision an invasion style landing on the beaches of the Bahamas after a storm like Dorian had hit that island chain.

Ships like this should be storming the beaches with medical supplie's, blanket's, tent's, food, and medic's. No waiting to assess the situation for to long afterwards... Time is critical, otherwise just get in there as quick as possible with a beach landing military style, and a base of operations established quickly. Lives are depending on us. Send in the invasion/support/humanitarian force now.

What say you all ??

This thread is for ideas, and not meant to critize any efforts that are to help people in distress or in emergencies. We applaud always our first responders in any fields of expertise.
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Give Verizon the contract. No organization on the planet is as prepared as them in terms of staging for a post-hurricane operation. They have their shit together when it comes to getting telephone infrastructure back up and running.
Give Verizon the contract. No organization on the planet is as prepared as them in terms of staging for a post-hurricane operation. They have their shit together when it comes to getting telephone infrastructure back up and running.
Ok, but are you speaking in terms of the initial landings that would set up a base of operations that swiftly begins to serve the needs of those in distress, and for those who have emergency needs such as medical shelter and food ?? A military operational landing in the equivalent to that which is practiced for in war torn situations is the only scale in which would be satisfactory in these situations. Of course a Verizon would or could be aboard one of the rotating landing crafts bringing vital infrastructure back to the area.

The initial landings should be about search and rescue, then food, shelter, and medical.

The following landings would bring communication and other vital services that would begin to bring back the area quickly.

On another landing craft in the chain would be army engineers, bull dozers, escavators, dump trucks etc.
Are we making sure that the Alabama hurricane response is adequate?
Are we making sure that the Alabama hurricane response is adequate?
Explain ...... Alabama is virtually landlocked.

Landings aren't nessesary, but military assistance, engineers, etc as is conducted by the army or other should be welcomed always in such an event.
It is unconstitutional for the fed gov to help regional disasters. I doubt states own ships like that..
An order should be given immediately to the Navy, that would require them to gather quickly a contingent of much needed resorces, landing ships, medics etc, and storm the beaches of the ravaged Grand Bahama Islands in order to help those people that are left down there.
It is unconstitutional for the fed gov to help regional disasters. I doubt states own ships like that..
Hmm, if not us then who ?? Our enemies or foes out in the world ?? Gotta think about that one for a second or two. Ships steaming from foriegn ports to help in our neighborhood because we can't or won't would be embarrassing to say the least.
It is unconstitutional for the fed gov to help regional disasters. I doubt states own ships like that..
Hmm, if not us then who ?? Our enemies or foes out in the world ?? Gotta think about that one for a second or two. Ships steaming from foriegn ports to help in our neighborhood because we can't or won't would be embarrassing to say the least.
Then pass an amendment. I dont support our fed gov doing whatever the fuck they want. Whether I agree or not.
It is unconstitutional for the fed gov to help regional disasters. I doubt states own ships like that..
Hmm, if not us then who ?? Our enemies or foes out in the world ?? Gotta think about that one for a second or two. Ships steaming from foriegn ports to help in our neighborhood because we can't or won't would be embarrassing to say the least.
Then pass an amendment. I dont support our fed gov doing whatever the fuck they want. Whether I agree or not.
No emergency assistance to other nation's and/or etc ever eh ??
It is unconstitutional for the fed gov to help regional disasters. I doubt states own ships like that..
Hmm, if not us then who ?? Our enemies or foes out in the world ?? Gotta think about that one for a second or two. Ships steaming from foriegn ports to help in our neighborhood because we can't or won't would be embarrassing to say the least.
Then pass an amendment. I dont support our fed gov doing whatever the fuck they want. Whether I agree or not.
No emergency assistance to other nation's and/or etc ever eh ??
Yes. When they do it, it is unconstitutional.
Regional assistance, nor foreign assistance is an enumerated power.
Give Verizon the contract. No organization on the planet is as prepared as them in terms of staging for a post-hurricane operation. They have their shit together when it comes to getting telephone infrastructure back up and running.
Ok, but are you speaking in terms of the initial landings that would set up a base of operations that swiftly begins to serve the needs of those in distress, and for those who have emergency needs such as medical shelter and food ?? A military operational landing in the equivalent to that which is practiced for in war torn situations is the only scale in which would be satisfactory in these situations. Of course a Verizon would or could be aboard one of the rotating landing crafts bringing vital infrastructure back to the area.

The initial landings should be about search and rescue, then food, shelter, and medical.

The following landings would bring communication and other vital services that would begin to bring back the area quickly.

On another landing craft in the chain would be army engineers, bull dozers, escavators, dump trucks etc.

If they were tasked with a broader mission, they could do more than they currently do. Don't be so literal all the time. It was an illusion to the fact that Verizon stages a massive fleet of trucks and people to penetrate into disaster areas often more quickly than the government. They will cut their way through downed trees and such to get their infrastructure back up even while the weather event is on-going. They are good with the logistical planning, staging, and deployment of resources for their current operations.
It is unconstitutional for the fed gov to help regional disasters. I doubt states own ships like that..
Hmm, if not us then who ?? Our enemies or foes out in the world ?? Gotta think about that one for a second or two. Ships steaming from foriegn ports to help in our neighborhood because we can't or won't would be embarrassing to say the least.
Then pass an amendment. I dont support our fed gov doing whatever the fuck they want. Whether I agree or not.
No emergency assistance to other nation's and/or etc ever eh ??
Yes. When they do it, it is unconstitutional.
Regional assistance, nor foreign assistance is an enumerated power.
Ok, but we can still do it then, just like we've done it in all these wars ?? Puerto Rico needed an ideal response like this maybe (i.e. a landing of epic proportion), and did they get it ?? Seeing that these island's are key to our surrounding security, and all due to their zip codes, then shouldn't we be willing to assist them totally before anyone else in the world would attempt to seize the opportunity ahead of us ?? Now if we figure that we have a monopoly on the area's, and in this thinking we know that no one else dare to come close in this regard, then isn't it our responsibility to step up for security reasons, and for humanatarian reasons in an heroic way in these areas ??

Didn't McArthur feel this way concerning the Phillipines within his famous return speech ??

Are we no longer an heroic people and nation these day's ?? Are we on the edge so much so these days, that we have no time or resources for anyone else these day's ?
I want our nation to be the best always, and especially in the eyes of God, and in the eyes of this world.

Now I'm talking about a U.S. government response effort, and not a human response effort that would be down on a struggling level due to lack of resources etc.

Are we great or are we not is the question on people's minds in the wake of these storm's these days ??

I say we're great, and we can be great.
Are we doing all that we can do, and doing it always after these natural hurricane events occur ???

I Invision an invasion style landing on the beaches of the Bahamas after a storm like Dorian had hit that island chain.

Ships like this should be storming the beaches with medical supplie's, blanket's, tent's, food, and medic's. No waiting to assess the situation for to long afterwards... Time is critical, otherwise just get in there as quick as possible with a beach landing military style, and a base of operations established quickly. Lives are depending on us. Send in the invasion/support/humanitarian force now.

What say you all ??

This thread is for ideas, and not meant to critize any efforts that are to help people in distress or in emergencies. We applaud always our first responders in any fields of expertise.

We did that in Somalia - got aid there without consideration to where it went or how it was distributed. It all went to warlords.

The Bahamas are clearly different - no warlords there - but without assessing where and how to effectively get supplies to the people you end up with a few hoarders getting most of it, the rest rotting on the beach and most people not getting aid.

Logistics of something on this scale is not something to ignore. It is just as important to work that out as the aid itself is.
Are we doing all that we can do, and doing it always after these natural hurricane events occur ???

I Invision an invasion style landing on the beaches of the Bahamas after a storm like Dorian had hit that island chain.

Ships like this should be storming the beaches with medical supplie's, blanket's, tent's, food, and medic's. No waiting to assess the situation for to long afterwards... Time is critical, otherwise just get in there as quick as possible with a beach landing military style, and a base of operations established quickly. Lives are depending on us. Send in the invasion/support/humanitarian force now.

What say you all ??

This thread is for ideas, and not meant to critize any efforts that are to help people in distress or in emergencies. We applaud always our first responders in any fields of expertise.

We did that in Somalia - got aid there without consideration to where it went or how it was distributed. It all went to warlords.

The Bahamas are clearly different - no warlords there - but without assessing where and how to effectively get supplies to the people you end up with a few hoarders getting most of it, the rest rotting on the beach and most people not getting aid.

Logistics of something on this scale is not something to ignore. It is just as important to work that out as the aid itself is.

Yeah exactly....
Following is a transcript of a statement today by President Clinton about the United States military mission in Somalia, as recorded by the Federal News Service, a private transcription service:

A year ago we all watched with horror as Somali children and their families lay dying by the tens of thousands, dying the slow, agonizing death of starvation, a starvation brought on not only by drought but also by the anarchy that then prevailed in that country.

This past weekend we all reacted with anger and horror as an armed Somali gang desecrated the bodies of our American soldiers and displayed a captured American pilot, all of them soldiers who were taking part in an international effort to end the starvation of the Somali people themselves.

Not sure why this has anything to do with the intent of my thread, but your point is taken in those regards.
Are we doing all that we can do, and doing it always after these natural hurricane events occur ???

I Invision an invasion style landing on the beaches of the Bahamas after a storm like Dorian had hit that island chain.

Ships like this should be storming the beaches with medical supplie's, blanket's, tent's, food, and medic's. No waiting to assess the situation for to long afterwards... Time is critical, otherwise just get in there as quick as possible with a beach landing military style, and a base of operations established quickly. Lives are depending on us. Send in the invasion/support/humanitarian force now.

What say you all ??

This thread is for ideas, and not meant to critize any efforts that are to help people in distress or in emergencies. We applaud always our first responders in any fields of expertise.

We did that in Somalia - got aid there without consideration to where it went or how it was distributed. It all went to warlords.

The Bahamas are clearly different - no warlords there - but without assessing where and how to effectively get supplies to the people you end up with a few hoarders getting most of it, the rest rotting on the beach and most people not getting aid.

Logistics of something on this scale is not something to ignore. It is just as important to work that out as the aid itself is.

Yeah exactly....
Following is a transcript of a statement today by President Clinton about the United States military mission in Somalia, as recorded by the Federal News Service, a private transcription service:

A year ago we all watched with horror as Somali children and their families lay dying by the tens of thousands, dying the slow, agonizing death of starvation, a starvation brought on not only by drought but also by the anarchy that then prevailed in that country.

This past weekend we all reacted with anger and horror as an armed Somali gang desecrated the bodies of our American soldiers and displayed a captured American pilot, all of them soldiers who were taking part in an international effort to end the starvation of the Somali people themselves.

Not sure why this has anything to do with the intent of my thread, but your point is taken in those regards.

Just making the point that throwing resources over there nonchalant about how it gets to the people is not effective.

"No waiting to assess the situation for to long afterwards... Time is critical, otherwise just get in there as quick as possible with a beach landing military style, and a base of operations established quickly. Lives are depending on us. Send in the invasion/support/humanitarian force now."

I do not know if that is necessarily a good way of going about things. You do not want to waste time of course but you also do not want to rush supplies over there without a damn good plan on where it is going and how to distribute it.
Are we doing all that we can do, and doing it always after these natural hurricane events occur ???

I Invision an invasion style landing on the beaches of the Bahamas after a storm like Dorian had hit that island chain.

Ships like this should be storming the beaches with medical supplie's, blanket's, tent's, food, and medic's. No waiting to assess the situation for to long afterwards... Time is critical, otherwise just get in there as quick as possible with a beach landing military style, and a base of operations established quickly. Lives are depending on us. Send in the invasion/support/humanitarian force now.

What say you all ??

This thread is for ideas, and not meant to critize any efforts that are to help people in distress or in emergencies. We applaud always our first responders in any fields of expertise.

We did that in Somalia - got aid there without consideration to where it went or how it was distributed. It all went to warlords.

The Bahamas are clearly different - no warlords there - but without assessing where and how to effectively get supplies to the people you end up with a few hoarders getting most of it, the rest rotting on the beach and most people not getting aid.

Logistics of something on this scale is not something to ignore. It is just as important to work that out as the aid itself is.

Yeah exactly....
Following is a transcript of a statement today by President Clinton about the United States military mission in Somalia, as recorded by the Federal News Service, a private transcription service:

A year ago we all watched with horror as Somali children and their families lay dying by the tens of thousands, dying the slow, agonizing death of starvation, a starvation brought on not only by drought but also by the anarchy that then prevailed in that country.

This past weekend we all reacted with anger and horror as an armed Somali gang desecrated the bodies of our American soldiers and displayed a captured American pilot, all of them soldiers who were taking part in an international effort to end the starvation of the Somali people themselves.

Not sure why this has anything to do with the intent of my thread, but your point is taken in those regards.

Just making the point that throwing resources over there nonchalant about how it gets to the people is not effective.

"No waiting to assess the situation for to long afterwards... Time is critical, otherwise just get in there as quick as possible with a beach landing military style, and a base of operations established quickly. Lives are depending on us. Send in the invasion/support/humanitarian force now."

I do not know if that is necessarily a good way of going about things. You do not want to waste time of course but you also do not want to rush supplies over there without a damn good plan on where it is going and how to distribute it.

Those beach landings on those world war two films are highly impressive, but of course we have an entirely different reasoning going on in these things, but a landing of some scale would also seem appropriate to me. Yes a plan is best, but the plan could be made by stats and data aquired years prior, and then be on standby for action in the years to come.

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