Require immunizations or face exile?

As long as a well-established effectiveness rate justifies the vaccine in question, I don't give a rat's ass what it's made of...
You need to question how they come to the conclusion that its safe and effective.
Where is the evidence that proves, beyond the shadow of doubt, that vaccines are completely safe and do what they were intended to do?

There's plenty of evidence against vaccines.
You need to question how they come to the conclusion that its safe and effective.
Where is the evidence that proves, beyond the shadow of doubt, that vaccines are completely safe and do what they were intended to do?

There's plenty of evidence against vaccines.

Or maybe you need to question the legitimacy and motives of the sources of the so-called "evidence against [them]"? :dunno:

Ring inoculations were instrumental in the eradication of small pox, as were polio vaccinations in the regional removal of the disease here in the United States. So the effectiveness of inoculation as a means of removal and eradication has been proven.

Moreover, whenever vaccines have been licensed, the rates of infection of the diseases they've targeted have virtually always fallen off, and usually drastically.

As for the purported effectiveness of the specific vaccines currently recommended for childhood immunization, what good would it do me to cite the CDC or the WHO, when you'll simply claim they're in the pockets of 'Big Pharma'? Just as I could shoot holes in the credibility of your preferred sources.

People trust who they're going to trust, or not. That's just human nature.
You need to question how they come to the conclusion that its safe and effective.
Where is the evidence that proves, beyond the shadow of doubt, that vaccines are completely safe and do what they were intended to do?

There's plenty of evidence against vaccines.

Or maybe you need to question the legitimacy and motives of the sources of the so-called "evidence against" them? :dunno:

Ring inoculations were instrumental in the eradication of small pox, as were polio vaccinations in the regional removal of the disease here in the United States. So the effectiveness of inoculation as a means of removal and eradication has been proven.

Moreover, whenever vaccines have been licensed, the rates of infection of the diseases they've targeted have virtually always fallen off, and usually drastically.

As for the purported effectiveness of the specific vaccines currently recommended for childhood immunization, what good would it do me to cite the CDC or the WHO, when you'll simply claim they're in the pockets of 'Big Pharma'? Just as I could shoot holes in the credibility of your preferred sources.

People trust who they're going to trust, or not. That's just human nature.
If you look deep enough, you will find that many of the diseases were declining before vaccines started being used.
The many reactions and deaths from vaccines prove that it's not safe. A lot of the reactions that happen go unreported because people are told they're "normal".
In all reality, any reaction from a vaccine is not "normal."

Imagine this scenario for just a moment:

you have a healthy infant born. before anything is injected into this tiny human, he or she is doing just fine.
then the vaccines start coming, so to speak.
suddenly, he has a high fever and starts to become agitated and won't feed well.

This is similar to what happened with my son, Malikai, when he was born.
He got the Hep B shot and unnecessary antibiotics because he was born "big", at 9lbs even.
Malikai didn't have an infection and I was infuriated that the hospital was poking and prodding my infant.
Infants feel pain more intensely than adults, since their bodily systems are fully matured.
A child gets all necessary antibodies and immunities from their mother's milk.
Exposure (like colds and light flu) actually strengthen the immune system. My family were never "germaphobes" and I rarely get sick. I don't take pharmaceuticals.
I believe a healthy diet (low in animal proteins) and a healthy lifestyle keep people healthy and essentially disease free.

Now look at this page from CDC. It states there are adverse effects from the Hep B shots but it doesn't even list them. Why is that?
It makes me slightly suspicious. Why would the CDC, who claims to care about our children's health, keep such important information from us? Where's the ingredients list?
CDC - Hepatitis B Fact Sheet for Parents - Vaccines
In reality, the same symptoms of Hep B are also many of the same symptoms for vaccine reactions.
Never, never blindly put your faith into something we've been told to believe for so long.
Remember the old saying "Trust no one, question everything?"
It still needs to ring true today.

I've seen too many times people told to not trust their instincts and just do what the doctor tells you.
Take maternity care for example. All choice is being removed from the woman and she's being brainwashed to believe everything her obstetrician says. And have you noticed the higher rates of cesarean section? And episiotomies (medical cut from vagina into perineum)? More interventions?
I've noticed and I'm not happy about it. Pregnancy is viewed like its a disease, rather than something natural.

Anyways, You people have choices. You need to find out the truth and not let someone tell you what to believe.
"Anyways, You people have choices. You need to find out the truth and not let someone tell you what to believe."

Unless you're a medical researcher, someone's always telling you what to believe about health and medicine. Same with other things, if not conducting independent research, whatever you come to belive will be the result of someone telling you about it. Never more true than what we're being spoonfed about ISIS.

I've never met an ISIS terrorist, spoken with one, or seen their handiwork. So all I know about them is what the news tells me. Fortunately I'm in Missouri, the Show-Me State so until I see it on my street I can't say I buy into the media hype. :)

But when it comes to medicine and health, I'd rather go on a bit of faith and trust a consensus than a minority position. I have been sick, I've had the flu, I've been grievously injured, so if medical experts tell me to roll up my sleeve I roll up my sleeve.
Anyone who has ever lived through an epidemic will testify as to the efficacy of vaccines. It is absurd to think that preventing the spread of disease is worse than the disease itself.
"Anyways, You people have choices. You need to find out the truth and not let someone tell you what to believe."

Unless you're a medical researcher, someone's always telling you what to believe about health and medicine. Same with other things, if not conducting independent research, whatever you come to belive will be the result of someone telling you about it. Never more true than what we're being spoonfed about ISIS.

I've never met an ISIS terrorist, spoken with one, or seen their handiwork. So all I know about them is what the news tells me. Fortunately I'm in Missouri, the Show-Me State so until I see it on my street I can't say I buy into the media hype. :)

But when it comes to medicine and health, I'd rather go on a bit of faith and trust a consensus than a minority position. I have been sick, I've had the flu, I've been grievously injured, so if medical experts tell me to roll up my sleeve I roll up my sleeve.

Hence why I have nothing against ISIS

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