Request: Please cut the marxist/stalinist/fascist/... bullshit

Are you annoyed by people who constantly slap around with the word marxism?

  • Yes, for **** **** *** *** **** (use your imagination to fill the dots)

    Votes: 9 45.0%
  • No and I don't give a shit

    Votes: 8 40.0%
  • You know where to put your annoying questions

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • Other (be creative)

    Votes: 2 10.0%

  • Total voters
You know what term I thought was funny?

Liberal fascist.

The stupid fucker who called me that (CMike) doesn't have a clue what those 2 words mean, nor do they wish to correct their definitions, as all they need to know, they learned on FAUX.

I even posted the definitions for them, but, no avail.

What's even stranger is the GOP painting Obama as Hitler, but there's several things wrong with that......Obama is a Democrat, which means that he's a left winger.

Fascists (Nazis) are extreme RIGHT wingers.

I guess when you're just concerned with using fear and intimidation, you really don't care about what is or isn't true.

Neoliberalism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia comes to mind Biker, sort of a polar opposite of neo-con, but every bit as 'out there'


First line from your source:
Neoliberalism is a label for economic liberalism or (in older terminology) "Laissez-faire".

Obama can't be a 'neoliberal'; he's a keynesian. Remember those bailouts and the 'stimulus' packages?
Uh NOoooiuuu...

There's actually nothing 'Right Wing' about fascism...

But you're invited to post whatever "rightwing" traits you feel fascism exemplifies...


You're an idiot.

Mussolini was a conservative striving for the old status quo ante
Marxist philosophy, on the other hand, is famously atheistic.

Marx is not the only communist thinker in history, nor is Marxism the only communist ;)
It is certainly possible to embrace Marxist economics

The term is Marxian, not Marxist.

Marxian economics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This has given rise to the popular image of communism as an atheistic movement.

The communist movement has been highly fragmented since 1990; while Communist Parties worldwide continue to have millions of members, there is little coordination between them. As such, there is no reliable statistical data on the religious views of communists as a whole. It is commonly assumed, and likely, that the majority are still atheists.[/quote][/quote]

So you're saying your assertions are baseless assumptions?
As for fascism, if we had to choose to compare wich party is more fascist:

"authoritarian nationalist political ideology",

the biggest nationalist party in the US:

Fascist regimes rule by using scare tactics & propaganda to increase their popularity (often by using a potential enemy, usually a country seen as "hostile": Soviet Union, Communists, ...):


Fascists promote principles of masculine heroism, patriotism, militarism, and discipline (often promotion of waging war can be included):

(saving the lives of millions of people through ObamaCare) DNC

rejects cultural pluralism and multiculturalism, this could be reflected in anti-immigration policy and suppressed feelings of racism or simply put: hatred against foreigners:

(Democrats hate Israel and the British) DNC

Mussolini perceived women's primary role as childbearers while men should be warriors, once saying "war is to man what maternity is to the woman". Fascist movements and governments opposed homosexuality. The Italian Fascist government declared it illegal in Italy in 1931.[162] The Nazis thought homosexuality was degenerate, effeminate, perverted and undermined the masculinity which they promoted, because it did not produce children.

Totally Irrelevant but 'll give it to DNC

Fascists made populist appeals to the middle class (especially the lower middle class) by promising to protect small business and small property owners from communism, and by promising an economy based on competition and profit while pledging to oppose big business.

Obama was a fiscal conservative and a political moderate: DNC

Fascists opposed laissez-faire economic policies dominant in the era prior to the Great Depression.


Fascism had a social Darwinist view of human relations.[200] They promoted the interests of successful businesses while banning trade unions and other workers' organizations.[201] Mussolini wrote approvingly of the notion that profits should not, for any purpose, be taken away from those who produce them from their own labour, saying "I do not respect — I even hate — those men that leech a tenth of the riches produced by others".

Obama hired genuine Eugencists

Fascists did not support social welfare for egalitarian reasons. Fascists criticised egalitarianism as preserving the weak. Adolf Hitler was opposed to egalitarian and universal social welfare because, in his view, it encouraged the preservation of the degenerate and feeble.

ObamaCare will annihilate the American elderly: DNC

The Fascist government in Italy banned literature on birth control and increased penalties on abortion in 1926, declaring them both crimes against the state.

DNC is federally funding abortions. Can't get more fascist than that!

Thus fascism tends to be anti-intellectual.[138] The Nazis, in particular, despised intellectuals and university professors. Hitler declared them unreliable, useless and even dangerous.[139] He said: "When I take a look at the intellectual classes we have - unfortunately, I suppose, they are necessary; otherwise one could one day, I don't know, exterminate them or something - but unfortunately they're necessary."

Have you heard Joe Biden or Obama off the prompter? DNC
The majority of communists don't have a choice over what religion they are. Their religion, or lack thereof, is dictated by the state.
There is no State as you would recognize it in most communist societies.

Communist ideologies which include a State generally resemble the Articles of Confederation- something you can hardly criticize as authoritarian.

But far be it from you to let facts get in the way...
The OP must be a Pinko Commie.

Just sayin'.


☭proletarian☭;2145365 said:
The majority of communists don't have a choice over what religion they are. Their religion, or lack thereof, is dictated by the state.
There is no State as you would recognize it in most communist societies.

Communist ideologies which include a State generally resemble the Articles of Confederation- something you can hardly criticize as authoritarian.

But far be it from you to let facts get in the way...

Semantics, idiot.
☭proletarian☭;2145365 said:
The majority of communists don't have a choice over what religion they are. Their religion, or lack thereof, is dictated by the state.
There is no State as you would recognize it in most communist societies.

Communist ideologies which include a State generally resemble the Articles of Confederation- something you can hardly criticize as authoritarian.

But far be it from you to let facts get in the way...

Semantics, idiot.
Semantics are important.

You know, like Iraq versus Afghanistan, a terrorist attack versus a False Flag operation, democracy and republic, Jesus/Christianity versus the false churches, raped versus made love.

There's a reason we have different words for different things.

But far be it from you to apply any thought to your posts.
Use that reasoning the next time you're defending gay marriage.

If a man can sell his young daughter for some silver coins, why can't a fag like Yukon sell himself to C.Bass if they're ready to take their love to a new level?

You wanna talk about marriage? Let's talk about true traditional marriage: the enslavement and ownership of multiple women by a single male (zoologists and ethologists know this as a harem), given by her father or other patriarch in exchange for financial reward (bride price, dowry), to get rid of a mouth to feed, to cause her to become pregnant and continue her husband's line (spousal rape was only recently criminalized), or to secure, through the providing of such a slave, a political, personal, or business contract or agreement.

No intelligent woman cries out to defend 'traditional marriage'.
As for fascism, if we had to choose to compare wich party is more fascist:

"authoritarian nationalist political ideology",

the biggest nationalist party in the US:

Fascist regimes rule by using scare tactics & propaganda to increase their popularity (often by using a potential enemy, usually a country seen as "hostile": Soviet Union, Communists, ...):


Fascists promote principles of masculine heroism, patriotism, militarism, and discipline (often promotion of waging war can be included):

(saving the lives of millions of people through ObamaCare) DNC

rejects cultural pluralism and multiculturalism, this could be reflected in anti-immigration policy and suppressed feelings of racism or simply put: hatred against foreigners:

(Democrats hate Israel and the British) DNC

Mussolini perceived women's primary role as childbearers while men should be warriors, once saying "war is to man what maternity is to the woman". Fascist movements and governments opposed homosexuality. The Italian Fascist government declared it illegal in Italy in 1931.[162] The Nazis thought homosexuality was degenerate, effeminate, perverted and undermined the masculinity which they promoted, because it did not produce children.

Totally Irrelevant but 'll give it to DNC

Fascists made populist appeals to the middle class (especially the lower middle class) by promising to protect small business and small property owners from communism, and by promising an economy based on competition and profit while pledging to oppose big business.

Obama was a fiscal conservative and a political moderate: DNC

Fascists opposed laissez-faire economic policies dominant in the era prior to the Great Depression.


Fascism had a social Darwinist view of human relations.[200] They promoted the interests of successful businesses while banning trade unions and other workers' organizations.[201] Mussolini wrote approvingly of the notion that profits should not, for any purpose, be taken away from those who produce them from their own labour, saying "I do not respect — I even hate — those men that leech a tenth of the riches produced by others".

Obama hired genuine Eugencists

Fascists did not support social welfare for egalitarian reasons. Fascists criticised egalitarianism as preserving the weak. Adolf Hitler was opposed to egalitarian and universal social welfare because, in his view, it encouraged the preservation of the degenerate and feeble.

ObamaCare will annihilate the American elderly: DNC

The Fascist government in Italy banned literature on birth control and increased penalties on abortion in 1926, declaring them both crimes against the state.

DNC is federally funding abortions. Can't get more fascist than that!

Thus fascism tends to be anti-intellectual.[138] The Nazis, in particular, despised intellectuals and university professors. Hitler declared them unreliable, useless and even dangerous.[139] He said: "When I take a look at the intellectual classes we have - unfortunately, I suppose, they are necessary; otherwise one could one day, I don't know, exterminate them or something - but unfortunately they're necessary."

Have you heard Joe Biden or Obama off the prompter? DNC

Funny, we were hearing this argument about the last President.

George W Bush and the 14 points of fascism - Project for the OLD American Century
My sister has an iq of 138. She supports traditional marriage.

So I guess you're a liar.
My sister has an iq of 138. She supports traditional marriage.

So I guess you're a liar.
She's an idiot who either hates herself for being female or doesn't know what traditional marriage is. Traditional 'marriage' robs women of their rights and treats them as mere commodities to be bought, sold, and collected.

She probably espouses such traditions while still casting her ballots, wearing shoes, and daring to work and get an education :lol:
You want a definition of "traditional marriage"?

Go back to the 40's and 50's. That's where it's at.
40's? 50's?

How 'bout we look at the last 5000 years of Judeo-Christian 'traditional marriage', instead of looking at 60 years ago, after the Leftists (especially the Feminists, who had their roots in the First international and Marxism) had done away with much of traditional marriage, all but ended polygamy, put an end to the marrying off of children, and secured some of the fundamental rights of women, including suffrage- though the right to refuse sex would have to wait (spousal rape was first outlawed in the United States in 1975 in South Dakota; it would be 1993 when the last state, North Carolina would declare that married women had the right to their own bodies and were not the property of their spouses, to be used when he desired regardless of her will).

That's right, ABS, let's look at the 40's and 50's, when women in most states still could be raped at will by their husbands and women still weren't free to pursue work or education as men do, because to look at the 5000 years of traditional Judeo-Christian marriage upon which it is based and which the conservatives love to defend is even worse.
I was just going for recent memory dude. If you bring in the past 5000 years, you're gonna lose a lot of people.

These are conservatives Proletarian, so you gotta spoon feed 'em easy bite sized bits of information.

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