Republicans Unanimously Block Equal Pay Bill

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Republicans Unanimously Block Equal Pay Bill ThinkProgress

After allowing the Paycheck Fairness Act to move forward last week, Senate Republicans turned around on Monday evening and unanimously voted to block the bill, which would ban salary secrecy and tighten rules to try to narrow the gender wage gap.

The vote came weeks after the Republican National Committee claimed that “All Republicans support equal pay.” Senate Republicans have unanimously shot the bill down multiple times over the past four years.

The bill includes a number of provisions aimed at preventing the gender wage gap in the first place, which currently means a woman who works full time, year round makes 77 percent of what a similar man makes and hasn’t budged in a decade.

And yet, RWs say there is no war on women.

How can anyone say that equal pay for equal work is not a good thing? We know that RWs want to hurt women but since women are the sole support for so many children, it also harms them.
Republicans Unanimously Block Equal Pay Bill ThinkProgress

After allowing the Paycheck Fairness Act to move forward last week, Senate Republicans turned around on Monday evening and unanimously voted to block the bill, which would ban salary secrecy and tighten rules to try to narrow the gender wage gap.

The vote came weeks after the Republican National Committee claimed that “All Republicans support equal pay.” Senate Republicans have unanimously shot the bill down multiple times over the past four years.

The bill includes a number of provisions aimed at preventing the gender wage gap in the first place, which currently means a woman who works full time, year round makes 77 percent of what a similar man makes and hasn’t budged in a decade.

And yet, RWs say there is no war on women.

How can anyone say that equal pay for equal work is not a good thing? We know that RWs want to hurt women but since women are the sole support for so many children, it also harms them.

The same old tired "77%" myth. Not surprised a low info poster such as yourself keeps using it.

Wage Gap Myth Exposed -- By Feminists Christina Hoff Sommers

One of the best studies on the wage gap was released in 2009 by the U.S. Department of Labor. It examined more than 50 peer-reviewed papers and concluded that the 23-cent wage gap "may be almost entirely the result of individual choices being made by both male and female workers." In the past, women's groups have ignored or explained away such findings.

Furthermore, the AAUW's 6.6 cents includes some large legitimate wage differences masked by over-broad occupational categories. For example, its researchers count "social science" as one college major and report that, among such majors, women earned only 83 percent of what men earned. That may sound unfair... until you consider that "social science" includes both economics and sociology majors.

Economics majors (66 percent male) have a median income of $70,000; for sociology majors (68 percent female) it is $40,000. Economist Diana Furchtgott-Roth of the Manhattan Institute has pointed to similar incongruities. The AAUW study classifies jobs as diverse as librarian, lawyer, professional athlete, and "media occupations" under a single rubric--"other white collar." Says Furchtgott-Roth: "So, the AAUW report compares the pay of male lawyers with that of female librarians; of male athletes with that of female communications assistants. That's not a comparison between people who do the same work." With more realistic categories and definitions, the remaining 6.6 gap would certainly narrow to just a few cents at most.
luds is day late in stirring the hate

already posted

what a shameful TOOL for the Democrat party
There's a war on women because Liberals say so. And they repeat it over and over, as do their Press lapdogs. Then their brain-dead zombie voters pick up the rallying cry "WAR ON WOMEN".

I truly have pity on those whose minds have been so afflicted.
There's a war on women because Liberals say so. And they repeat it over and over, as do their Press lapdogs. Then their brain-dead zombie voters pick up the rallying cry "WAR ON WOMEN".

I truly have pity on those whose minds have been so afflicted.

That why we are doomed in this country with their base of voters that just falls for anything they sell.
Republicans are the minority in the senate and Barry Hussein is still president. Keep acting like losers and the left will be losers. Ask democrats why they didn't act on the alleged disparity in pay for women when they had control of congress for two years when they gave us "cash for clunkers". .
Republicans are the minority in the senate and Barry Hussein is still president. Keep acting like losers and the left will be losers. Ask democrats why they didn't act on the alleged disparity in pay for women when they had control of congress for two years when they gave us "cash for clunkers". .

That's because the Democrats in Congress are as incompetent as the Republicans in Congress.
Do radical lefties really think it's a good idea to force businesses under penalty of law to base salaries on gender identity instead of merit and ability? Black unemployment is around 13.5% and democrats spend time dreaming up stupid laws. What next?
Do radical lefties really think it's a good idea to force businesses under penalty of law to base salaries on gender identity instead of merit and ability? Black unemployment is around 13.5% and democrats spend time dreaming up stupid laws. What next?

Dear Whitehall: it seems the left trusts people in govt to regulate and doesn't trust people in corporations to regulate themselves. just like they trust women with the choice of abortion, even teens, but not with the choice of reparative therapy which they deemed should be banned as not a choice to even offer.

people put their trust in different things.

I believe if everyone were educated and trained in constitutional laws, due process, checks and balances, and mediating to resolve conflicts by consensus to redress grievances in full, we would not fight over how to use or not use govt to
force regulations. we would trust people to redress our own grievances, and change policies by consensus directly.

but people don't trust that will happen.
so they think the best way is to use govt to force it.

same way with how some prolife people do not trust people with chioce of abortion.
and think the only way to get rid of it is to ban the choice.
while others like me believe in preventing abortion by free choice and education, not legislating
punishment that is only goingn to affect women and not the men causing the pregnancies equally.

some people believe gun regulation has to be done through govt
or health care has to be done federally and cannot be trusted to states or people to manage.

wherever people think authority comes from, that's where they want to push

if you believe it comes from people, you focus on people
if you believe protection comes from gov, you focus on making govt laws

I believe in forming consensus on policies and process among people
and use that to shape govt policy that reflects consent of the people
NOT abusing gov to force things on others which is no different from religious abuse

govt and laws should reflect the public interest and consent
not agenda of one political party or religion or beliefs imposed on others
which i find to be unconstitutional by religous freedom and equal protection from unfair discrimination by creed
Didn't I read somewhere that Obama pays the female staff in the white house less then the male staff?

And when are women in the household going to be paid hourly for
childcare and other services provided? If we put dollars and cents
to all the work it takes to run the world, maybe we would have a fair economy
that values all people's time and efforts equally instead of just the ones that generate faster monetary profit. Short term political points affect elections, not longterm that exceed
the cycle people will run or hold office so people can't sell those ideas like the quick solutions.

we don't value historic or environmental value
the way we measure rental investment value so that is causing
America to lose our historic sites and wilderness to real estate development.

there are other areas where we do not put prices equally on the value
but only based on what profits can be produced in the short term
instead of the longer term investment and costs if we don't have those resources sustained.

this is all a distraction from bigger issues.
we are not valuing things equally, but people are using the gender card
because it is something tangible they can argue in the media.

try arguing about saving a historic site for its value to the community
instead of the income froma commercial property, and you will get dead silence.
The dirty little secret is that the do-nothing administration is playing politics and catering to the low information base. While Black poverty is at an all time high and Black unemployment is in double digits the Black vote is locked up for democrats so the fools who make the rules in the democrat party make a grandstand play for the female vote even though they know it would hurt the Country and is unworkable just so their low information base can blame republicans for something while the freaking Country falls apart.
Perhaps the White House could change how they pay women and set a better example.

The White House has not narrowed the gap between the average pay of male and female employees since President Obama’s first year in office, according to a Washington Post analysis of new salary data.

The average male White House employee currently earns about $88,600, while the average female White House employee earns about $78,400, according to White House data released Tuesday. That is a gap of 13 percent....

Male-female pay gap remains entrenched at White House - The Washington Post
The dirty little secret is that the do-nothing administration is playing politics and catering to the low information base. While Black poverty is at an all time high and Black unemployment is in double digits the Black vote is locked up for democrats so the fools who make the rules in the democrat party make a grandstand play for the female vote even though they know it would hurt the Country and is unworkable just so their low information base can blame republicans for something while the freaking Country falls apart.

And the common truth is that if all parties sought to collect restitution or credits owed back to the taxpayers for
wrongs done in the name of govt, we could transfer these debts to those who incurred them. if the money isn't
there to pay back taxpayers, we can demand credit for the debts and/or hold land as collateral until the wrongdoers pay us back. if we pay ourselves back then we keep the collateral on the debts.

instead both major parties play this game of blamng theother for poltiical points.
who is collecting the money back that both accuse corporations or corrupt deals for defrauding taxpayers?
why not focus on that, and only reward leaders who set up solutions thata pay back taxpayers
while stopping the abuse waste and fraud. complaining is one thing, collecting on it is another.
The dirty little secret is that the do-nothing administration is playing politics and catering to the low information base. While Black poverty is at an all time high and Black unemployment is in double digits the Black vote is locked up for democrats so the fools who make the rules in the democrat party make a grandstand play for the female vote even though they know it would hurt the Country and is unworkable just so their low information base can blame republicans for something while the freaking Country falls apart.

And the common truth is that if all parties sought to collect restitution or credits owed back to the taxpayers for
wrongs done in the name of govt, we could transfer these debts to those who incurred them. if the money isn't
there to pay back taxpayers, we can demand credit for the debts and/or hold land as collateral until the wrongdoers pay us back. if we pay ourselves back then we keep the collateral on the debts.

instead both major parties play this game of blamng theother for poltiical points.
who is collecting the money back that both accuse corporations or corrupt deals for defrauding taxpayers?
why not focus on that, and only reward leaders who set up solutions thata pay back taxpayers
while stopping the abuse waste and fraud. complaining is one thing, collecting on it is another.[/QUOTE

Republicans might promote certain bills to gain some sort of political advantage but thanks to the liberal media the advantage is almost always always with the democrat party. When you factor in the gigantic tax exempt left wing propaganda sources like Media Matters (we monitor only conservative speech) and News Hounds (we watch Fox so you don't have to) the democrat party is always far ahead of republican propaganda strategy.
whitehall said:
Republicans might promote certain bills to gain some sort of political advantage but thanks to the liberal media the advantage is almost always always with the democrat party. When you factor in the gigantic tax exempt left wing propaganda sources like Media Matters (we monitor only conservative speech) and News Hounds (we watch Fox so you don't have to) the democrat party is always far ahead of republican propaganda strategy.

Yes, and if all parties followed through on this, and checked and balanced each other for the sake of real corrections
and restitution, then all these problems and cases could be policed in full.

Yes to all the above, all the parties should pursue the best ways to correct all problems.
Even if each one is selective in what they go after, why not go after all of them as a team?

With the large masses of law schools and graduates, jobs can be created around each case of corruption
abuse or waste, and negotiate settlement terms to pay back the full cost to tapxyaers, inlcuding the legal
costs tha tthe wrongdoers are responsible for paying for not the taxpayers who did not do the wrongs.

we can transform the justice system this way. think of the restitution owed to the public
for all crimes, all drug and human trafficking. we set up a credit and collections system
based on that, either crimes will stop or the people who want citizenship have to do the work to pay it back
if we make that a condition for people or corporations to retain rights and privileges: that any damages
or debts from violations or abuses have to be paid back including legal or administrative costs.
and quit charging the taxpayer for these messes from crime and corruption.
Republicans Unanimously Block Equal Pay Bill ThinkProgress

And yet, RWs say there is no war on women.

How can anyone say that equal pay for equal work is not a good thing? We know that RWs want to hurt women but since women are the sole support for so many children, it also harms them.


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