Republicans took control because of American stupidity

OP- That guy is an idiot period. Americans were already paying for the uninsured's care, just in the stupidest, cruelest, deadliest way. A total canard. Nothing new, just stupid, for hater dupes only. And this "proves Dems thought voters were stupid". Just RW idiocy.

Just RW idiocy....

Low turnout from Dems, actually. Enjoy screwing up what little power you got. Just more disfunction.
low democratic turnout was because obama said his policies were on the ballot.
With 75% disapproval ratings and policies that most Americans dislike, why on earth would republicans get elected? It's mind boggling.

The following issues are favored by the majority of Americans:

1) Raising the minimum wage
2) Raising taxes on the wealthy
3) Background checks for gun control
4) Gay marriage
5) Extending unemployment benefits

What's the real reason for republicans getting elected? American stupidity.
Maybe those are issues favored by the media and not the people.
Just saying.
With 75% disapproval ratings and policies that most Americans dislike, why on earth would republicans get elected? It's mind boggling.

The following issues are favored by the majority of Americans:

1) Raising the minimum wage
2) Raising taxes on the wealthy
3) Background checks for gun control
4) Gay marriage
5) Extending unemployment benefits

What's the real reason for republicans getting elected? American stupidity.

Well Republicans are the adults... and even the children eventually figure out that without the adults, the place goes to hell and only the most thoroughly foolish children want to live in a cess pool of filth, get paid with worthless dollars and be forced to pay for products and services that they don't want or need, so some malcontent can get a doctor's note.

For instance, your points, are supremely foolish.

1) The Minimum Wage is policy which sets a currency value for zero production.

Ya see scamp, in truth the minimum wage is zero. Because this is what zero production or (Minimum Production) is worth. When you trade a value for no value, you DEVALUE the currency that is being traded as the value. So, only the most foolish children are worried about the minimum wage, because they aren't bright enough to figure out that the increase will immediately be consumed by the devaluation of the dollars. So, for instance, if the "MW" were $5 and you increased it to $10, that means that in short order the $10 you get will only buy $5 worth of goods and services. The Stupid-people feel better because they have more money in their pocket, then they complain that their not making enough money because what they get doesn't buy much.

Leftism... it's a wicked Circle.

The same general problem exists with the rest of your 'issues'. I'd happily explain all of them, but the odds are that your limited attention span has already drawn you to another subject.
Dec 2013? Give me a break. In April, over 50% did not want it repealed, wanted it fixed.

Which is more unpopular Obamacare or repealing Obamacare PolitiFact

And of course my view is that what "needs to be fixed" is actually stopping Pub/insurer obstruction and/or waiting for it to be fully implemented, or just TOTAL Pubcrappe. ACTUAL prices for 2015 have gone DOWN in some blue states, and only rise 5% on average. A lot of people have gotten Medicaid and don't realize it's O-Care. Funny thing about those new health/dental clinics. Again, kudos to our disgrace of a coward/corporate media. Fox is total crap.

More blathering talking points.

Many of Ocare don't like it and are paying more for it.

They liked their junk plans, but Obama (the black Al Gore) knows what is better for us. Kiss my ass.

Then they kick 5 million off their plans.

What is the most ironic thing...most of the uninsured are still...wait for it......uninsured.

Duh. That's why we used have to 500k+ bankruptcies/year, people losing everything due to health costs- WITH what they thought was good insurance. OVER. Thanks again to excellent media for not explaining a gd thing. Fox =total bs. Those dropped all got it back, dupe, Those without are people who should have gotten Medicaid in red states but were blocked by Pubs. You certainly are a functional moron...

Heres the problem. Medical bankruptcy occurs when the breadwinner is the one who gets sick. You can have the best coverage on earth, and if you are to sick to pay the mortgage or your utilities, you will quickly go bankrupt.

Even in Canada, the three main reasons for bankruptcy are:

Job loss


Medical costs.

Now, unless you want Obamacare to cover the lost wages of the breadwinner, these bankruptcies will continue to happen.

With 75% disapproval ratings and policies that most Americans dislike, why on earth would republicans get elected? It's mind boggling.

The following issues are favored by the majority of Americans:

1) Raising the minimum wage
2) Raising taxes on the wealthy
3) Background checks for gun control
4) Gay marriage
5) Extending unemployment benefits

What's the real reason for republicans getting elected? American stupidity.

What is the real reason for either side getting elected? If we were honest about it, it is stupidity for the average voter doesn't pay attention to foreign affairs, what legislation is or is not being passed or even how their own representative have voted or what they have voted on!

We on the board are more informed because we talk about it everyday. We've seen the "Man on the Street" interviews where the interviewer asks the most stupid questions and the people answer even more stupidly. If they know who the Vice President is, it's probably a Harvard grad student. We get the lousy government we deserve. When we snicker at the video of a representative asking a General if Guam is going to tip over due to the excessive number of soldiers deployed on the island, shame on us!
Dec 2013? Give me a break. In April, over 50% did not want it repealed, wanted it fixed.

Which is more unpopular Obamacare or repealing Obamacare PolitiFact

And of course my view is that what "needs to be fixed" is actually stopping Pub/insurer obstruction and/or waiting for it to be fully implemented, or just TOTAL Pubcrappe. ACTUAL prices for 2015 have gone DOWN in some blue states, and only rise 5% on average. A lot of people have gotten Medicaid and don't realize it's O-Care. Funny thing about those new health/dental clinics. Again, kudos to our disgrace of a coward/corporate media. Fox is total crap.

More blathering talking points.

Many of Ocare don't like it and are paying more for it.

They liked their junk plans, but Obama (the black Al Gore) knows what is better for us. Kiss my ass.

Then they kick 5 million off their plans.

What is the most ironic thing...most of the uninsured are still...wait for it......uninsured.


Duh. That's why we used have to 500k+ bankruptcies/year, people losing everything due to health costs- WITH what they thought was good insurance. OVER. Thanks again to excellent media for not explaining a gd thing. Fox =total bs. Those dropped all got it back, dupe, Those without are people who should have gotten Medicaid in red states but were blocked by Pubs. You certainly are a functional moron...

Heres the problem. Medical bankruptcy occurs when the breadwinner is the one who gets sick. You can have the best coverage on earth, and if you are to sick to pay the mortgage or your utilities, you will quickly go bankrupt.

Even in Canada, the three main reasons for bankruptcy are:

Job loss


Medical costs.

Now, unless you want Obamacare to cover the lost wages of the breadwinner, these bankruptcies will continue to happen.

BS, stupid. With O-Care, if you lose your income, you immediately get Medicaid. That's why it's guaranteed. Except in some mindless a-hole red states.
With 75% disapproval ratings and policies that most Americans dislike, why on earth would republicans get elected? It's mind boggling.

The following issues are favored by the majority of Americans:

1) Raising the minimum wage
2) Raising taxes on the wealthy
3) Background checks for gun control
4) Gay marriage
5) Extending unemployment benefits

What's the real reason for republicans getting elected? American stupidity.
Or, you're just wrong.
With 75% disapproval ratings and policies that most Americans dislike, why on earth would republicans get elected? It's mind boggling.

The following issues are favored by the majority of Americans:

1) Raising the minimum wage
2) Raising taxes on the wealthy
3) Background checks for gun control
4) Gay marriage
5) Extending unemployment benefits

What's the real reason for republicans getting elected? American stupidity.

Democrats did not run on their record of job growth and reducing the deficit. Many ran away from Obama instead of standing up for him and all the good that has come about during his time in office. When Obama took office, the economy was spiraling out of control. We were losing 750,000 jobs per month, and the stock market was crashing hard. Since then, all we have seen is job growth and a stock market that has more than doubled, just in the past five years. On top of that, the deficit has been reduced substantially and is now at a lower percentage of GDP than the average of the last 40 years. These are all great things, but Republicans convinced the majority of voting Americans that we want to go back to losing 750,000 jobs per month, and we want the stock market to crash and lose half or more of its value again, and we want bigger deficits. This is what we get under Republican leadership, and that is what America voted for, but I blame the Democrats themselves for not selling their story of success. Instead they hid from their record as if it was a bad record. If Obama had been a white Republican, Republicans would be gloating about his great success over the past five years. From a campaigning standpoint, the Dems sucked big time.
Hillary will bring back Dem and young voters. And she doesn't let things go by like the gentleman Obama- who has to be a good black guy. Dems were pathetic.
Yeah, because running on the coattails of a president with a 40% approval is sound. What could possibly go wrong?

When you're six years into an administration and all you've got is a Nobel prize and Bush's fault, you have to think of a plan B.

"If you disagree with me, you're stupid."

As difficult as it is to take partisan ideologues seriously, it's always even more difficult when they scream that one.


Jeeze when the American people elected that fuck twice guess they were stupid as shit as well.

They were also stupid as shit when they put the Dems in control of congress.

Stupid is as stupid does and BillyO is stupider than most.
2014: Democrats and their assessment of the American Voter as Stupid. In two weeks time. we are affirmed that Democrats depend on the stupidity of their supporters and call those who vote for Republicans, stupid.

What are Democrats going to say about the American voter in 2016?
With 75% disapproval ratings and policies that most Americans dislike, why on earth would republicans get elected? It's mind boggling.

The following issues are favored by the majority of Americans:

1) Raising the minimum wage
2) Raising taxes on the wealthy
3) Background checks for gun control
4) Gay marriage
5) Extending unemployment benefits

What's the real reason for republicans getting elected? American stupidity.

Someone's still butthurt over the election!

And if most Americans favor gay marriage, HOW COME every time Gay marriage is on a state ballot IT GOES DOWN TO DEFEAT.

Even in very liberal California it goes down to defeat.

The only way a state gets gay marriage is when a court UNCONSTITUTIONALLY overturns the will of the people and forces gay marriage on them.

That's not America favoring gay marriage. Not by a long shot.

In Ohio, gay marriage failed at the ballot box, by 70%!

That's reality. Stuff your liberal slanted polls.
With 75% disapproval ratings and policies that most Americans dislike, why on earth would republicans get elected? It's mind boggling.

The following issues are favored by the majority of Americans:

1) Raising the minimum wage
2) Raising taxes on the wealthy
3) Background checks for gun control
4) Gay marriage
5) Extending unemployment benefits

What's the real reason for republicans getting elected? American stupidity.

Maybe she needs a tampon.
Is there something wrong with being a she in need of a tampon? I'm curious.

I only have a problem with it when a she wants it for free :)


The case for free tampons
The cost of a product that half the world’s population needs multiple times a day, every month for approximately 30 years, is simply too much

The case for free tampons Jessica Valenti Comment is free The Guardian
I guess that means Obabble is an American?

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