Republicans Need to Stop Giving Away Elections


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
There seems to be some confused ideas that Republicans have concerning taxes and the minimum wage. These are important issues that a lot of voters are concerned about. That means all Republicans (I am one) need to be correct on it, or as in 2012, they are going to lose a lot of votes, they didn't have to lose.

First of all, raising the INDIVIDUAL tax on multimillionaire incomes, overall is not going to depress the economy. It's not going to harm business activity. In fact, it may help business activity. The corporate tax is a different story. Yes, that should be lowered, and Donald Trump, whom I support is proposing to lower that to 15% (I would have lowered it even more).

I think Trump is making a mistake though in lowering the tax for the individual super rich, from 39% to 25%. He says this will "boost consumer spending, encourage savings and investment, and maximize economic growth." I tend to disagree. For the very rich individuals (Ex. movie stars, pro atheletes, top musicians, etc) who routinely have incomes of around $100 million/year, lowering their tax is just a loss to the tax base, and the economy both. These people spend inordinate amounts of money outside the USA, and their consumer spending helps the economies of other countries. Instead of that, the US jobs that could have been created from tax hikes on them, could put more middle class people into stores in their own home communities, helping US businesses and the US economy.

As for investment, well, let's think about that for a second. Does Beyonce, with an annual income of $115 Million, need to invest (when she's already super rich) ? Who would bother ? Or Floyd Mayweather ($105 Million/year). Or Johnny Depp ($100 Million/year). Also, these super rich individuals ALREADY HAVE the things you're trying to sell. Want to sell cars > They already have them. Want to sell TV sets ? They have them. Computers ? Jewelry ? Guitars ? Got them, got them, got them. By far, boosting consumer spending, and thereby increasing sales in US stores (AKA the economy) is better done by getting money into the pockets of the lower classes, who have long list of things they DON'T HAVE, and want to buy.

So this brings us to the political part. Polls, for years, have consistently been showing widespread popularity for raising the minimum wage (conservatives support it too, 55% to 45%), a position Democrats cling to, and get a lot of votes from. Polls also show huge support for raising taxes on the top rich. Again, Democrats get votes, Republicans lose votes with positions like Trump's (39% reduction to 25%).

Republicans: Stop handing elections to Democrats on a silver platter.

PS - before any of our economics "experts" chime in with the classic (and totally erroneous) talking points of price hikes, layoffs, and relocation, be advised that all those are false, cannot be done by business without incurring huge sales losses or cost increases (in the relocations), and that MW hikes = sales increases$$$, as do tax hikes on the individual super rich.

By raising taxes on the INDIVIDUAL super rich, and raising the minimum wage (a few exceptions could be allowed), business across America will GAIN, not lose. And Republicans will not lose votes. Republicans should keep in mind that Democrats are DEPENDING upon Republicans to oppose these moves. It is high time we Republicans move to deny them that gift.
There seems to be some confused ideas that Republicans have concerning taxes and the minimum wage. These are important issues that a lot of voters are concerned about. That means all Republicans (I am one) need to be correct on it, or as in 2012, they are going to lose a lot of votes, they didn't have to lose.

First of all, raising the INDIVIDUAL tax on multimillionaire incomes, overall is not going to depress the economy. It's not going to harm business activity. In fact, it may help business activity. The corporate tax is a different story. Yes, that should be lowered, and Donald Trump, whom I support is proposing to lower that to 15% (I would have lowered it even more).

I think Trump is making a mistake though in lowering the tax for the individual super rich, from 39% to 25%. He says this will "boost consumer spending, encourage savings and investment, and maximize economic growth." I tend to disagree. For the very rich individuals (Ex. movie stars, pro atheletes, top musicians, etc) who routinely have incomes of around $100 million/year, lowering their tax is just a loss to the tax base, and the economy both. These people spend inordinate amounts of money outside the USA, and their consumer spending helps the economies of other countries. Instead of that, the US jobs that could have been created from tax hikes on them, could put more middle class people into stores in their own home communities, helping US businesses and the US economy.

As for investment, well, let's think about that for a second. Does Beyonce, with an annual income of $115 Million, need to invest (when she's already super rich) ? Who would bother ? Or Floyd Mayweather ($105 Million/year). Or Johnny Depp ($100 Million/year). Also, these super rich individuals ALREADY HAVE the things you're trying to sell. Want to sell cars > They already have them. Want to sell TV sets ? They have them. Computers ? Jewelry ? Guitars ? Got them, got them, got them. By far, boosting consumer spending, and thereby increasing sales in US stores (AKA the economy) is better done by getting money into the pockets of the lower classes, who have long list of things they DON'T HAVE, and want to buy.

So this brings us to the political part. Polls, for years, have consistently been showing widespread popularity for raising the minimum wage (conservatives support it too, 55% to 45%), a position Democrats cling to, and get a lot of votes from. Polls also show huge support for raising taxes on the top rich. Again, Democrats get votes, Republicans lose votes with positions like Trump's (39% reduction to 25%).

Republicans: Stop handing elections to Democrats on a silver platter.

PS - before any of our economics "experts" chime in with the classic (and totally erroneous) talking points of price hikes, layoffs, and relocation, be advised that all those are false, cannot be done by business without incurring huge sales losses or cost increases (in the relocations), and that MW hikes = sales increases$$$, as do tax hikes on the individual super rich.

By raising taxes on the INDIVIDUAL super rich, and raising the minimum wage (a few exceptions could be allowed), business across America will GAIN, not lose. And Republicans will not lose votes. Republicans should keep in mind that Democrats are DEPENDING upon Republicans to oppose these moves. It is high time we Republicans move to deny them that gift.
I liked just about everything.
Raising the minimum wage wasnt one of them. We need to go after the problem. The poor are poor enough. Quit fuckin with em'.
Republicans Need to Stop Giving Away Elections

as long as they insist to remain the crying/whining/lying/bitching boy who cried wolf, Fem' they deserve nothing but losing. IF they ever grow up I might consider the RW again. Doubtful though.
You are apparently suggedting that the Party pit electability ahead of Principles. ANY party that dies so, does not get me vote EVER.
You are apparently suggedting that the Party pit electability ahead of Principles. ANY party that dies so, does not get me vote EVER.

crying/whining/lying/bitching boy who cried wolf, .... you call those PRINCIPLES ?

see what I mean ? ... I'm out and will stay out and as far away from RW insanity as possible.
There seems to be some confused ideas that Republicans have concerning taxes and the minimum wage. These are important issues that a lot of voters are concerned about. That means all Republicans (I am one) need to be correct on it, or as in 2012, they are going to lose a lot of votes, they didn't have to lose.

First of all, raising the INDIVIDUAL tax on multimillionaire incomes, overall is not going to depress the economy. It's not going to harm business activity. In fact, it may help business activity. The corporate tax is a different story. Yes, that should be lowered, and Donald Trump, whom I support is proposing to lower that to 15% (I would have lowered it even more).

I think Trump is making a mistake though in lowering the tax for the individual super rich, from 39% to 25%. He says this will "boost consumer spending, encourage savings and investment, and maximize economic growth." I tend to disagree. For the very rich individuals (Ex. movie stars, pro atheletes, top musicians, etc) who routinely have incomes of around $100 million/year, lowering their tax is just a loss to the tax base, and the economy both. These people spend inordinate amounts of money outside the USA, and their consumer spending helps the economies of other countries. Instead of that, the US jobs that could have been created from tax hikes on them, could put more middle class people into stores in their own home communities, helping US businesses and the US economy.

As for investment, well, let's think about that for a second. Does Beyonce, with an annual income of $115 Million, need to invest (when she's already super rich) ? Who would bother ? Or Floyd Mayweather ($105 Million/year). Or Johnny Depp ($100 Million/year). Also, these super rich individuals ALREADY HAVE the things you're trying to sell. Want to sell cars > They already have them. Want to sell TV sets ? They have them. Computers ? Jewelry ? Guitars ? Got them, got them, got them. By far, boosting consumer spending, and thereby increasing sales in US stores (AKA the economy) is better done by getting money into the pockets of the lower classes, who have long list of things they DON'T HAVE, and want to buy.

So this brings us to the political part. Polls, for years, have consistently been showing widespread popularity for raising the minimum wage (conservatives support it too, 55% to 45%), a position Democrats cling to, and get a lot of votes from. Polls also show huge support for raising taxes on the top rich. Again, Democrats get votes, Republicans lose votes with positions like Trump's (39% reduction to 25%).

Republicans: Stop handing elections to Democrats on a silver platter.

PS - before any of our economics "experts" chime in with the classic (and totally erroneous) talking points of price hikes, layoffs, and relocation, be advised that all those are false, cannot be done by business without incurring huge sales losses or cost increases (in the relocations), and that MW hikes = sales increases$$$, as do tax hikes on the individual super rich.

By raising taxes on the INDIVIDUAL super rich, and raising the minimum wage (a few exceptions could be allowed), business across America will GAIN, not lose. And Republicans will not lose votes. Republicans should keep in mind that Democrats are DEPENDING upon Republicans to oppose these moves. It is high time we Republicans move to deny them that gift.


When was the last time you saw a front page headline about gerrymandering?

Before the 2010 election, conservatives launched a plan to win control of state legislatures before the census. The idea was to be in power when national congressional districts were redrawn in order to fix them so Republicans would win a majority of districts.

The Redistricting Majority Project was hugely successful. In 2012, Barack Obama was elected President by nearly 3.5 million votes. In Congressional races, Democrats drew nearly 1.4 million more votes than Republicans yet Republicans won control of the House 234 seats to 201 seats.

How is this possible?

By pumping $30 million into state races to win the legislatures, Republicans redrew state maps in states such as Arizona, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Texas, Florida and Ohio to place all of the Democrats into just a few districts.
In this manner, Democrats win heavily in a couple districts and lose the rest.

In North Carolina, the statewide vote was 51 percent Democrat and 49 percent Republican yet 9 Republicans won and only 4 Democrats.

Where is your coverage of this vote stealing, "liberal media"? You're willing to cover voter ID laws, why can't you cover real vote stealing?

By raising taxes on the INDIVIDUAL super rich, and raising the minimum wage

Your point is a good one. How does IRS separate INDIVIDUAL super rich from small business owners?

Minimum wage almost needs to be state by local city? NY SF cost more than Topeka, STL. Why is FED GOVT need be involved?
Republicans Need to Stop Giving Away Elections

as long as they insist to remain the crying/whining/lying/bitching boy who cried wolf, Fem' they deserve nothing but losing. IF they ever grow up I might consider the RW again. Doubtful though.
Wasted post. Maybe someday you'll tell us what you're talking about.
You are apparently suggedting that the Party pit electability ahead of Principles. ANY party that dies so, does not get me vote EVER.
NO, I am NOT doing that at all. I SUPPORT the principles because they make sense, and you should too.
crying/whining/lying/bitching boy who cried wolf, .... you call those PRINCIPLES ?
see what I mean ? ... I'm out and will stay out and as far away from RW insanity as possible.
NO, I DON'T see what you mean. I might though, if you were to SAY what you mean.

When was the last time you saw a front page headline about gerrymandering?

Before the 2010 election, conservatives launched a plan to win control of state legislatures before the census. The idea was to be in power when national congressional districts were redrawn in order to fix them so Republicans would win a majority of districts.

The Redistricting Majority Project was hugely successful. In 2012, Barack Obama was elected President by nearly 3.5 million votes. In Congressional races, Democrats drew nearly 1.4 million more votes than Republicans yet Republicans won control of the House 234 seats to 201 seats.

How is this possible?

By pumping $30 million into state races to win the legislatures, Republicans redrew state maps in states such as Arizona, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Texas, Florida and Ohio to place all of the Democrats into just a few districts.
In this manner, Democrats win heavily in a couple districts and lose the rest.

In North Carolina, the statewide vote was 51 percent Democrat and 49 percent Republican yet 9 Republicans won and only 4 Democrats.

Where is your coverage of this vote stealing, "liberal media"? You're willing to cover voter ID laws, why can't you cover real vote stealing?

OFF TOPIC!!! (please stick to the topic, minimum wage and taxes, not gerrymandering, thanks)
Were you born yesterday? Republicans won the most stunning mid-term victory in modern political history just last year. Just when liberal propaganda declared the Tea Party dead, a republican defeated an incumbent democrat A.G. in Kentucky for governor for the 2nd time in half a century a freaking week ago. The presidential election is a year away. What do democrats have except the abused angry wife of a world class adulterer?
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Your point is a good one. How does IRS separate INDIVIDUAL super rich from small business owners? Minimum wage almost needs to be state by local city? NY SF cost more than Topeka, STL. Why is FED GOVT need be involved?
I'm talking bout the EMPLOYEE super rich (Ex. movie stars, pro atheletes, top musicians, etc) who routinely have incomes of around $100 million/year). And the federal govt needs to be involves so that nowhere in America are wages too low.
Were you born yesterday? Republicans won the most stunning mid-term victory in modern political history just last year.

and all they've done with it is remind everyone how they WON ... nothing more nothing less.
Were you born yesterday? Republicans won the most stunning mid-term victory in modern political history just last year.
Yes they did. But that doesn't mean they always will, and it doesn't mean that we are still losing votes for no good reason. No reason to lose votes just to take foolish positions on important issues.

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