Republicans Need to Learn Their Real History on Race. conservatives fought to free the slaves, religious conservatives.

Democrats fought to keep blacks as slaves
In 1854 there were no "conservative" Republicans.
Obviously your knowledge of the history of the GOP and Democratic parties are based on MAGAT myths and you speak only from ignorance.
The Arrogance of Ignorance is why you're so certain of your "facts"
The Dred Scott decision, first you state it was no Republicans, now you claim it was all conservatives.

You are partially right,

it was all conservatives that stated it was wrong to deny African American's their freedom.

The Democratic Party majority voted together, denying freedom to African American's that lived in free states, asserting that they were property.
In 1854 there were no Republican "conservatives"
100% of the "conservatives" were Democrats.
But your ignorance and attempt to excuse the current GOP's infatuation with racism and all things hate is not unexpected.
Knowledge of the truth is why I no longer vote Republican
Ignorance of the truth is why you do.
It was neither, your question is a false premise.

The Democratic Party owns racism and hate. It is your history, it is your base today.

Yep, the Democrat party was the party of slave owners in the 1800s and the party of the KKK, Jim Crow, segregation and lynching for the 1900s and today are the ones calling any black who disagrees with their white asses "Uncle Tom's"
In 1854 there were no "conservative" Republicans.
Obviously your knowledge of the history of the GOP and Democratic parties are based on MAGAT myths and you speak only from ignorance.
The Arrogance of Ignorance is why you're so certain of your "facts"
In 1854 the Republican party was began as an Anti-Slavery party in opposition to the Democratic party.

How is it that Democrats always make big bold statements that encompass entire groups. I think there is a word for that, labeling everybody as something or not something, what do we call that?


No conservative republicans? Instead of insulting, using epithets and running from your comments why dont you attempt to explain your one liners.

In 1854 there were no "conservative" Republicans.
Obviously your knowledge of the history of the GOP and Democratic parties are based on MAGAT myths and you speak only from ignorance.
The Arrogance of Ignorance is why you're so certain of your "facts"

In 1854, neither party was fiscally leftist in that they would run up spending and debt like Democrats today. Though in 1854 Democrats believed blacks were your property. That one's just like today. Blacks are not allowed to disagree with your racist ass
Some of the Republicans here are clearly ignorant of their record on race.

The racist history of the Democratic party is well documented. The Democratic Party was founded in 1828. Slavery had been in this country since at least 1619. Slavery existed for 209 years before the democratic party existed. Republicans today love telling blacks how the Democratic Party was pro-slavery and how it was the Republican Party that freed the slaves. There is a lot modern republicans choose not to tell blacks as they try luring blacks into supporting a move back into Jim Crow. First, not all Republicans were for racial equality. The Party had several factions in the beginning. One was the Radical Republicans. The Radical Republicans were for the eradication of slavery. They were not conservatives. Frederick Douglass was a Radical Republican. Lincoln was moderate politically. He opposed the expansion of slavery but did not believe in racial equality.

“I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black ... I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will for ever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be a position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.”

Those who have studied Lincoln claim that his views evolved. Did they? The Second Confiscation Act in 1862 had provisions for the colonization of blacks who chose to leave. Both Dr. Henry Louis Gates and the 1619 Project have written about a meeting between blacks and Lincoln whereby he made insulting comments to them, blamed blacks for the Civil War, and demanded they accept his plan to resettle blacks outside of America. According to both sources, on Aug. 14, 1862, Lincoln met with black representatives at the White House to try getting blacks to accept getting shipped out of the country. They refused.

Arthur Zilversmit, Lincoln and the Problem of Race: A Decade of Interpretations, Journal of the Abraham Lincoln Association, Volume 2, Issue 1, 1980, pp. 22-45, U-M Library Digital Collections j/jala/2629860.0002.104?view=text;rgn=main

Henry Louis Gates Jr., Did Lincoln Want to Ship Black People Back to Africa? people-back-to-africa-1790858389

End of Pt.1
Slabvery was not in this country in 1619

This country did not exist in 1619
In 1854 there were no Republican "conservatives"
100% of the "conservatives" were Democrats.
But your ignorance and attempt to excuse the current GOP's infatuation with racism and all things hate is not unexpected.
Knowledge of the truth is why I no longer vote Republican
Ignorance of the truth is why you do.
You watch too much spongebob, it is not opposite day

Now you want to argue semantics. Democrats can only be called Conservative in the sense that they wanted things to remain as they always were, with Slavery.

This is a thread, OP, about race and history. When it comes to racism, you can call Democrats whatever you want. That does not change the facts, which is the Democratic Party was and is the party of hate and racism. The attempts to revise history fails, there are too many facts that show the Republicans never embraced the hate and racism of Democrats.

Certainly the Democratic party has evolved, evolved their political strategy and wrote revisionist history to hide your past.
It was neither, your question is a false premise.

The Democratic Party owns racism and hate. It is your history, it is your base today.
Can you link a credible source that supports your contention that the parties didn't switch places, ie the southern strategy?
Can you link a credible source that supports your contention that the parties didn't switch places, ie the southern strategy?
Link to something that did not happen?

Can you actually debate what happened, and present a factual argument, other than simply repeating the Democratic Party talking point.

Why don't you link to the articles in said politicians archives that support your argument.
Link to something that did not happen?

Can you actually debate what happened, and present a factual argument, other than simply repeating the Democratic Party talking point.

Why don't you link to the articles in said politicians archives that support your argument.

Their is a link to something you claimed didn't happen.

Where is your link that supports your contention?

I'll wait.

Their is a link to something you claimed didn't happen.

Where is your link that supports your contention?

I'll wait.
links, now you expect me to link as if a link is the only truth?

Google is nothing more than Democratic Party propaganda. How about I use books from my library.

How about I post more facts, or you address the facts are already posted instead of ignoring them.

And now instead of discussing the, "southern strategy". You wish to discuss Lincoln?
In 1854 the Republican party was began as an Anti-Slavery party in opposition to the Democratic party.

How is it that Democrats always make big bold statements that encompass entire groups. I think there is a word for that, labeling everybody as something or not something, what do we call that?


No conservative republicans? Instead of insulting, using epithets and running from your comments why dont you attempt to explain your one liners.

Answer the question yourself

In 1854, what was a "conservative" when it came to slavery?
In 1854, what was a "liberal" when it came to slavery?

There ya go fool.

Speaking of "make big bold statements that encompass entire groups"

LGBTQ+people are abominations
Democrats are all socialists/communists
Immigrants are rapists and drug smugglers.

Maybe a long look in the mirror might provide some enlightenment.
You watch too much spongebob, it is not opposite day

Now you want to argue semantics. Democrats can only be called Conservative in the sense that they wanted things to remain as they always were, with Slavery.

This is a thread, OP, about race and history. When it comes to racism, you can call Democrats whatever you want. That does not change the facts, which is the Democratic Party was and is the party of hate and racism. The attempts to revise history fails, there are too many facts that show the Republicans never embraced the hate and racism of Democrats.

Certainly the Democratic party has evolved, evolved their political strategy and wrote revisionist history to hide your past.
When someone claims that Republicans on the SCOTUS opposed the dred scott decision before there even was a Republican party I'd suggest that the OP and the post to which I responded are actually ignorant about the subject and, of course, the Arrogance of Ignorance leads them to speak with authority on a topic of which they are wholly ignorant.

I presume, based on that last paragraph you think its 1965.
Maybe you should join us here in the 21st century.
When someone claims that Republicans on the SCOTUS opposed the dred scott decision before there even was a Republican party I'd suggest that the OP and the post to which I responded are actually ignorant about the subject and, of course, the Arrogance of Ignorance leads them to speak with authority on a topic of which they are wholly ignorant.
The Republican Party was founded in 1854
The Dred Scott decision was in 1857

and what is that you are speaking of, ignorance and arrogance
LGBTQ+people are abominations
Democrats are all socialists/communists
Immigrants are rapists and drug smugglers.

Maybe a long look in the mirror might provide some enlightenment.
Yes, I took a long look in the mirror. I see myself, which you do not.

I never ever stated that homosexuals are abominations
I never said all Democrats are socialists/communists
I never said Immigrants are rapists and drug smugglers

Immigrants? Of course they are not all rapists and drug smugglers, immigrants came here legally, hence more likely not to be Criminals.

illegal aliens, break at least one crime crossing the border illegally, and anyone that does not know that many have been raped on their journey to our great country is a moron.

Anyone who does not use the proper terms is certainly stupid.

Anyone who does not see that the Democratic Party is infested with people openly declaring their Socialism/Marxism/Communism is a fool, but more than being a fool you are pretty stupid.

LGBTQ, abcdefg, are you not missing a few letters

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