Republicans Lose Their Minds As The ACA Is a Raging Success

Less than 2% of the Uninsured signing up is only a Raging Success if one is a Certified Barking Moonbat.


You heard that from Steve Doocy on Fox. This is the truth:

9.5 Million Previously Uninsured Have Gained Coverage Under Obamacare. The LA Times reported on March 30 that based on "enrollment reports, surveys, and interviews," the ACA had already provided health care coverage to 9.5 million previously uninsured individuals as the initial enrollment deadline drew to a close. The report accounted for individuals who had signed up through the exchanges, people who will now receive insurance through Medicaid expansion, people who bought plans directly through insurers, as well as young adults who choose to remain on their parent's health plans:

President Obama's healthcare law, despite a rocky rollout and determined opposition from critics, already has spurred the largest expansion in health coverage in America in half a century, national surveys and enrollment data show.

As the law's initial enrollment period closes, at least 9.5 million previously uninsured people have gained coverage. Some have done so through marketplaces created by the law, some through other private insurance and others through Medicaid, which has expanded under the law in about half the states.

The tally draws from a review of state and federal enrollment reports, surveys and interviews with insurance executives and government officials nationwide. [Los Angeles Times, 3/30/14]
Republicans and their media have come unhinged. There hasn’t been this kind of collective mental breakdown on the right since President Obama won reelection. Lord only knows what will happen if anybody tells them that more people now favor the ACA than disapprove of it.

The Affordable Care Act was supposed to be President Obama’s Waterloo, but it’s the Republican Party’s Obamacare lies that are being sent into exile. :eusa_clap:

Republicans Lose Their Minds As The ACA Is a Raging Success

You do realize that you're going to look like a horses ass when the real numbers come out on ObamaCare? Barry & Company have lied to the American people about most things related to the ACA...why should we believe that's changed now?

I fully expect that when we get a real look at the actual numbers of people who have signed up and how that number breaks down demographically the ACA is going right back to being the fiasco it always has been. I say that quite confidently because the numbers never did add up for the ACA and nothing has changed in that regard.

This is simply more BS from an Administration that shovels more Grade A manure than your average dairy farmer!

Weren't you people ever taught as children that it's not cool to be a bad sport??? I'll bet you were all nasty little boogers when you lost any competition in school. Which was probably often!!! :eusa_angel:
Republicans and their media have come unhinged. There hasn’t been this kind of collective mental breakdown on the right since President Obama won reelection. Lord only knows what will happen if anybody tells them that more people now favor the ACA than disapprove of it.

The Affordable Care Act was supposed to be President Obama’s Waterloo, but it’s the Republican Party’s Obamacare lies that are being sent into exile. :eusa_clap:

Republicans Lose Their Minds As The ACA Is a Raging Success

You do realize that you're going to look like a horses ass when the real numbers come out on ObamaCare? Barry & Company have lied to the American people about most things related to the ACA...why should we believe that's changed now?

I fully expect that when we get a real look at the actual numbers of people who have signed up and how that number breaks down demographically the ACA is going right back to being the fiasco it always has been. I say that quite confidently because the numbers never did add up for the ACA and nothing has changed in that regard.

This is simply more BS from an Administration that shovels more Grade A manure than your average dairy farmer!

Weren't you people ever taught as children that it's not cool to be a bad sport??? I'll bet you were all nasty little boogers when you lost any competition in school. Which was probably often!!! :eusa_angel:

Sorry, Rinata but I was one of the kid's who got chosen early when they picked up sides back in the day. That was when you still HAD winners and losers as opposed to today where EVERYBODY gets a trophy no matter where they finished because God forbid anyone should be a "loser"! I take it you still have bad memories about "competition" in school?

I'm amused by the victory lap that you Progressives are taking at the moment because it's obvious to me that you're doing it on more of the bullshit that this Administration pumps out on a regular basis and at some point your naivete will be exposed.
Give me THREE (3)government programs that have comedown in price, ad even br give me OBE (1) that has come down 3 years in a row!.... Not being confrontational here, but that remark is simply delusional, IMHO!




Obama Deficits
FY 2015*: $564 billion
FY 2014*: $649 billion
FY 2013: $680 billion
FY 2012: $1,087 billion
FY 2011: $1,300 billion
FY 2010: $1,294 billion
Bush Deficits
FY 2009†: $1,413 billion
FY 2008: $458 billion
FY 2007: $161 billion
FY 2006: $248 billion
FY 2005: $318 billion
US Federal Deficit Definition - plus charts and analysis
Any more brilliant fucking questions?

Looking at just your first SNAP program, can you point out where that program now costs us LESS. as I asked, after that I might start to pull the others apart, but you won't like hearing what's going on, subversive!

Oh, and deficit reduction is such good news because.....American workers are being taxed at a significantly higher rate in 2013 than they were in 2012!!!!....Look it up!

Oh you got pwned and now you are moving the goalposts.


First off, because of Bush's wonderful gift of cratering the financial system and the cataclysmic cascade it did to the economy, we were losing some 700K jobs a month.

Second off, people didn't get a raise in taxes. That would have been going back to Eisenhower tax rates.

What happened was that Bush's taxes cuts were allowed to expire..much later than they were supposed too.

Don't let the facts get in the way of a good lie.
Obama says 48 million need insurance.
Then 5 million more lose it.

And we are supposed to believe that when 7 million sign up
this is a huge success???? :cuckoo:

And we are the crazy ones?

the alleged 5 million includes an awful lot of people who got BETTER insurance.

but I know that's not what fakenews is telling you.

but psssssst: there's a reason the winger stories keep getting debunked.



Any more brilliant fucking questions?

Looking at just your first SNAP program, can you point out where that program now costs us LESS. as I asked, after that I might start to pull the others apart, but you won't like hearing what's going on, subversive!

Oh, and deficit reduction is such good news because.....American workers are being taxed at a significantly higher rate in 2013 than they were in 2012!!!!....Look it up!

Oh you got pwned and now you are moving the goalposts.


First off, because of Bush's wonderful gift of cratering the financial system and the cataclysmic cascade it did to the economy, we were losing some 700K jobs a month.

Second off, people didn't get a raise in taxes. That would have been going back to Eisenhower tax rates.

What happened was that Bush's taxes cuts were allowed to expire..much later than they were supposed too.

Don't let the facts get in the way of a good lie.

Bush's tax cuts were retained because Obama had done such an abysmal job with the economy and job creation that he didn't have a choice but to keep the cuts since getting rid of them would have slowed down the economy and job creation even further.

It's what happens when ideology runs headlong into reality! The Progressives in Barry's Administration didn't WANT to extend the Bush tax cuts because it went against their ideology but the stimulus they'd just spent nearly a trillion dollars on had been such a failure that they'd been forced to come up with "jobs created or saved" to hide how bad it was.
Q: How many "subscribers" paid their premium?

Dem Answer: No clue

Q: How many Subscribers lost their insurance because of ObamaCare?

Dem answer: No Clue

Q: Why did you pay Michelle's roommate $600million to develop the only website that can't track when someone buys your product?

Dem answer: Racist!
Provocative worded posts not withstanding, you have to be mentally unbalanced to think that the (forced) enrolment of 2% of the Country in the ironically named ACA indicates a profound success.

Whenn are we going to give out awards for stopping at stop signs?

Mandating then crowing about how many sign up rings kinda hollow.
I'm not sure where Republicans are getting their "data".

1 million people lost their coverage last year because it wasn't up to the new standards. Republicans keep saying 6 million. I don't know where this number comes from.

No empirical data supports anything they say about healthcare. Obamacare has led to health coverage for millions more people -

Nothing in the Constitution says anything about the federal govt
having authority to mandate buying health insurance
or penalizing people on the basis of their creed that opposes this as unconstitutional.

You ever read it?

Section 8.

The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

To borrow money on the credit of the United States;

To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states, and with the Indian tribes;

Roberts went with that tax thing.

But it was probably more suited under the commerce thing.

Except Obama flatly denied it was a tax...remember? One of the dozens of lies he told to sell this piece of shit.
We are far from realizing the full impact of the ACA. Tens of millions of Americans have yet to be covered. There is a mighty shit storm waiting to be unleashed upon this horrid unnecessary and quite useless piece of legislation.

But, that is in fact its purpose. To incite derision and division. Massive pubic discontent. And we will see much of it.

Never before in our nations history has a President conceived so much discord, fomented so much unrest, or nurtured such a class against class environment.

Obama is the fucking fucker in charge of you fucking fucks. And you better fucking like it or you'll end up fucked.

You've obviously never heard of President Lincoln.

Lincoln had to override Constitutional rights of Americans because secessionists were considered enemies of the state.

Today's president can hardly justify treating citizens as enemies of the state who have not proven to committed any treasonous acts.

Instead of fighting to end slavery, Obama is fighting to justify involuntary servitude.

He declared that conservatives and Republicans were "enemies"
but political or religious differences are not enough justification for
abusing government authority to fight against others, just because he disagrees with them!

By those definitions of being enemies against America,
Obama and his party are equally guilty then, so the conflict is mutual.

This is not justification to wage "war" at the expense of equal constitutional

Lincoln was facing a civil war, where people were committing crimes, violence and killings.

Political differences based on political beliefs are not justification for
criminalizing or penalizing people of another sect. That is not Constitutional
grounds for abusing government to violate equal protections and beliefs of others
who have committed no crimes or threats of violence against the state.

If persons have, they are supposed to go through "due process" before
being deprived of liberties or being treated as less than equal citizens
of equally valid beliefs protected under the Constitution. To criminalize
and fine people for their beliefs "you don't agree with" is an abuse of office and govt authority
for political interests and agenda that government is not authorized to impose.

Obama is not in a state of war as Lincoln was. In a state of war, the President
can invoke emergency war powers against Americans who were enemies in combat.
There is no comparison.

President Lincoln hanged journalists and burned presses because there was a civil war going on against the country.

President Obama's manipulations of the media are for political gain and partisan agenda, not for defending the interests of all people and states in the union.

Obama is free to wage his own war for political agenda as a free person, but not abusing government office to do so when there has been no official declaration or attacks of war by any such Americans as in the days of Lincoln.
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Provocative worded posts not withstanding, you have to be mentally unbalanced to think that the (forced) enrolment of 2% of the Country in the ironically named ACA indicates a profound success.

Whenn are we going to give out awards for stopping at stop signs?

Mandating then crowing about how many sign up rings kinda hollow.

I'd like to see us start rewarding people with public offices
who can mediate and resolve the conflicts over this ACA
to enforce equal Constitutional protections of people of all beliefs.

Anyone who can only push one sided agenda, and cannot
represent all people equally without imposing their own bias,
should not be allowed to make decisions, which require consensus
where religious beliefs are involved on both sides of these issues.

I'd rather reward citizens and businesses with tax breaks
for investing in more sustainable solutions, all built, participated it,
financed and run by VOLUNTARY compliance because it works better and people choose it.
Republicans and their media have come unhinged. There hasn’t been this kind of collective mental breakdown on the right since President Obama won reelection. Lord only knows what will happen if anybody tells them that more people now favor the ACA than disapprove of it.

The Affordable Care Act was supposed to be President Obama’s Waterloo, but it’s the Republican Party’s Obamacare lies that are being sent into exile. :eusa_clap:

Republicans Lose Their Minds As The ACA Is a Raging Success

Nobody is unhinged, nobody is even concerned.

The truth will get out, he didn't hit the numbers.

The public is still OVERWHELMINGLY against this law, you know...the same law President ASSHOLE has been lying about since day 1.

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