Republicans Heard The Voters: They Want Hunter Biden’s Laptop

Joe Biden is fine. I’m not in love with him, but he is at least competent. I don’t care about personalities. I want government to work, as it should. It is ours, and we pay for it.
In what way is Joe Biden "competent", Maria? What has he handled well? I mean no disrespect but I find that statement to be rather amusing.
So by telling us you didn't know Biden had another've basically admitted you don't really know much about the Biden family. What does that say about you, Maria?
It says, I know enough, and look at the alternative offered up from the Rs. Pathetic and criminal. Donald Trump is a criminal and this special investigator doesn’t have to go far to find it. I just hope I don’t hear it day and night.
In what way is Joe Biden "competent", Maria? What has he handled well? I mean no disrespect but I find that statement to be rather amusing.
Just because you are too ignorant and biased, you can’t see the forest for the trees. I’m done here. Not interested in any more conversation. Adios.
Just because you are too ignorant and biased, you can’t see the forest for the trees. I’m done here. Not interested in any more conversation. Adios.
Wow...ask a rather simple question about a rather sweeping statement and Maria runs for the hills? Come on, shouldn't be THAT hard to defend Joe?
It says, I know enough, and look at the alternative offered up from the Rs. Pathetic and criminal. Donald Trump is a criminal and this special investigator doesn’t have to go far to find it. I just hope I don’t hear it day and night.
The GOP is "criminal"? LOL In what way? You make these statements that are overkill and then get pissy when you get called on them. You're one of those snowflakes that exists in "safe spaces" where nobody challenges your contentions...aren't you?
Hello, fellow Americans. We are the new Republican majority in the U.S. House of Representatives, and it is our honor to share our exciting plans for the weeks and months ahead.

Clearly the midterm elections didn’t go quite as we had hoped, but we are appropriately chastened and have fully heard the message that was sent: You all are tired of conspiracy theories and election denialism and prefer a focus on legislation that will make a difference in your lives.

Point taken. Now that we have a narrow majority in the House, we’re totally going to nail this.

That’s why we’re proudly promise to introducing the first of 37 investigations into Hunter Biden and his father, President Joe Biden, along with a number of new committees that will address the concerns of regular Americans like Sean Hannity, Donald Trump and Tucker Carlson.

The beginning of the end gets off to an early start.
Uh-oh sound nervous. Are your heroes about to get nailed?

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