Republicans have this strange double speak about socialism and how it is defined

I can see why people confuse authoritarian confiscation and forced participation in a welfare state as "socialism."

Both require mandatory compliance at the point of a gun.

Socialism is the Republican name for almost everything that helps all the people:

"Senator Bernie Sanders, the only avowed socialist in the Presidential race, delivered a speech on Wednesday that presented his brand of democratic socialism as an unthreatening egalitarianism, in the spirit of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Martin Luther King, Jr.

"He called it 'the unfinished business of the New Deal' and recited an 'economic bill of rights' that included the right to a living wage, health care, a secure retirement, and a clean environment.

"'Socialism,' Sanders quoted President Harry Truman as saying, in 1952, ' is the epithet they have hurled at every advance that people have made in the last twenty years.

"'Socialism is what they called Social Security.'

"'Socialism is what they called farm-price supports.'

"'Socialism is what they called bank-deposit insurance.'

"'Socialism is what they called the growth of free and independent labor.'

"'Socialism is their name for almost everything that helps all of the people.'"

The Many, Tangled American Definitions of Socialism

The rich would never acquire their fortunes without government supplied welfare in the form of tax and trade policies.

Socialism for the rich and cut-throat capitalism for the rest.

Here is the socialist's conception of helping all people.
Scandinavian countries are homogenous in race and taught to work to contribute to the social safety net from birth.

Not entitled taking from the safety net provided by the working hands of others as in this country.
The social safety net is socialist you dense motherfucker lol

Contribution to the safety net is forced on Americans under duress of imprisonment. Many would opt out of taking the benefit and making the contribution.
Um yeah it’s still socialism.
No it's not.

Quit making shit up.

Socialism is government ownership or control of the means of production and distribution.

Not Socialism.

Um no it’s defined as “social ownership” but you already knew that. Social as in people. Programs are funded by tax revenue therefore the people own the programs.
On the one hand, a liberal would say to a republican that we know socialism works because the Scandinavian countries' brand of socialism works. Repubs then say "those aren't socialist countries! They have private economies"

Um okay. They are socialist countries even though they have private economies. Those concepts don't have to be conflicting. They get that, right?

However, republicans will call those nations socialist depending on the context of the conversation.

A republican will say in a different conversation that Bernie shouldn't be elected because he is a dirty socialist who will turn the US into Venezuela. A liberal defending Bernie Sanders will say "No, Bernie doesn't want to end the private market system. He just wants to institute socialist policies that would require the population at large to benefit from the current overall system that we have. He also thinks healthcare and other critical institutions should be socialized or remain socialized. The Scandinavian nations have these same policies" response the republican says "THAT'S JUST LIKE VENEZUELA!"

No, it isn't.

Dude you’re dumb. The Scandinavian countries are not Socialist. They are indeed very homogeneous well sans Sweden until most recently and how is that working out for Sweden?

Uh no they are socialist. Either way, Bernie’s platform is based off Nordic policies.

Denmark Tells Bernie Sanders It's Had Enough Of His 'Socialist' Slurs

The ignorance of this word knows no bounds. Of course they are socialist. It doesn’t matter if the economy is private. That’s what you aren’t getting. Either way, in reference to that region, Bernie just says we should be more like them in regards to their social policies. He isn’t talking about replacing our free market system. It doesn’t matter if you want to call that socialism or not.

"Of course they are socialist. It doesn’t matter if the economy is private."

Scandinavian countries are homogenous in race and taught to work to contribute to the social safety net from birth.

Not entitled taking from the safety net provided by the working hands of others as in this country.
The social safety net is socialist you dense motherfucker lol

Contribution to the safety net is forced on Americans under duress of imprisonment. Many would opt out of taking the benefit and making the contribution.
Um yeah it’s still socialism.
No it's not.

Quit making shit up.

Socialism is government ownership or control of the means of production and distribution.

Not Socialism.

Um no it’s defined as “social ownership” but you already knew that. Social as in people. Programs are funded by tax revenue therefore the people own the programs.
Corporations are privately owned in Sweden. What you call "social ownership" is just organized plunder.
On the one hand, a liberal would say to a republican that we know socialism works because the Scandinavian countries' brand of socialism works. Repubs then say "those aren't socialist countries! They have private economies"

Um okay. They are socialist countries even though they have private economies. Those concepts don't have to be conflicting. They get that, right?

However, republicans will call those nations socialist depending on the context of the conversation.

A republican will say in a different conversation that Bernie shouldn't be elected because he is a dirty socialist who will turn the US into Venezuela. A liberal defending Bernie Sanders will say "No, Bernie doesn't want to end the private market system. He just wants to institute socialist policies that would require the population at large to benefit from the current overall system that we have. He also thinks healthcare and other critical institutions should be socialized or remain socialized. The Scandinavian nations have these same policies" response the republican says "THAT'S JUST LIKE VENEZUELA!"

No, it isn't.

Dude you’re dumb. The Scandinavian countries are not Socialist. They are indeed very homogeneous well sans Sweden until most recently and how is that working out for Sweden?

Uh no they are socialist. Either way, Bernie’s platform is based off Nordic policies.

Denmark Tells Bernie Sanders It's Had Enough Of His 'Socialist' Slurs

The ignorance of this word knows no bounds. Of course they are socialist. It doesn’t matter if the economy is private. That’s what you aren’t getting. Either way, in reference to that region, Bernie just says we should be more like them in regards to their social policies. He isn’t talking about replacing our free market system. It doesn’t matter if you want to call that socialism or not.

Holy moly.
You’re so dumb.
The social safety net is socialist you dense motherfucker lol

Contribution to the safety net is forced on Americans under duress of imprisonment. Many would opt out of taking the benefit and making the contribution.
Um yeah it’s still socialism.
No it's not.

Quit making shit up.

Socialism is government ownership or control of the means of production and distribution.

Not Socialism.

Um no it’s defined as “social ownership” but you already knew that. Social as in people. Programs are funded by tax revenue therefore the people own the programs.
Corporations are privately owned in Sweden. What you call "social ownership" is just organized plunder.
Lol that’s what academics call it asshat.
Um no it’s defined as “social ownership” but you already knew that. Social as in people. Programs are funded by tax revenue therefore the people own the programs.
You need a dictionary.

That's not socialism.

It is a sad attempt by communist educators to make actual socialism seem more palatable.

Contribution to the safety net is forced on Americans under duress of imprisonment. Many would opt out of taking the benefit and making the contribution.
Um yeah it’s still socialism.
No it's not.

Quit making shit up.

Socialism is government ownership or control of the means of production and distribution.

Not Socialism.

Um no it’s defined as “social ownership” but you already knew that. Social as in people. Programs are funded by tax revenue therefore the people own the programs.
Corporations are privately owned in Sweden. What you call "social ownership" is just organized plunder.
Lol that’s what academics call it asshat.
You mean that's what Marxist con artists call it.
On the one hand, a liberal would say to a republican that we know socialism works because the Scandinavian countries' brand of socialism works. Repubs then say "those aren't socialist countries! They have private economies"

Um okay. They are socialist countries even though they have private economies. Those concepts don't have to be conflicting. They get that, right?

However, republicans will call those nations socialist depending on the context of the conversation.

A republican will say in a different conversation that Bernie shouldn't be elected because he is a dirty socialist who will turn the US into Venezuela. A liberal defending Bernie Sanders will say "No, Bernie doesn't want to end the private market system. He just wants to institute socialist policies that would require the population at large to benefit from the current overall system that we have. He also thinks healthcare and other critical institutions should be socialized or remain socialized. The Scandinavian nations have these same policies" response the republican says "THAT'S JUST LIKE VENEZUELA!"

No, it isn't.

What you and the rest of the idiot savants at large who follow the cult of postmodernism fail to comprehend is, to answer your OP's question, that is because socialism has but one baseline definition or qualification for being what it is and nothing else. I feel sorry for you and your ilk who must spend your days grasping at knowledge forever just out of reach to you, even with a stepladder and on your tippy toes. I feel sorry for you because you practice a religion, the very same one practiced by all radical American Leftists and their apologists; a religion you did not even know existed and cannot hope to understand. That religion is postmodernism. One of its key tenets holds that anything, anything at all can be defined or redefined in an infinite number of ways; thus no true truth can ever be grasped--meaning infinite procrastination and sleight of hand must win the day; not. And that, poor Billy is why you dance this jig of willful convolution and needless obfuscation. Why not cut the marionette strings dancing your feet to the postmodernist beat and use your brain to figure out how to knock the fruit of knowledge from the too high branch? Books still exist. Guess what? You can read them.
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Socialism is the Republican name for almost everything that helps all the people:

"Senator Bernie Sanders, the only avowed socialist in the Presidential race, delivered a speech on Wednesday that presented his brand of democratic socialism as an unthreatening egalitarianism, in the spirit of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Martin Luther King, Jr.

"He called it 'the unfinished business of the New Deal' and recited an 'economic bill of rights' that included the right to a living wage, health care, a secure retirement, and a clean environment.

"'Socialism,' Sanders quoted President Harry Truman as saying, in 1952, ' is the epithet they have hurled at every advance that people have made in the last twenty years.

"'Socialism is what they called Social Security.'

"'Socialism is what they called farm-price supports.'

"'Socialism is what they called bank-deposit insurance.'

"'Socialism is what they called the growth of free and independent labor.'

"'Socialism is their name for almost everything that helps all of the people.'"

The Many, Tangled American Definitions of Socialism

The rich would never acquire their fortunes without government supplied welfare in the form of tax and trade policies.

Socialism for the rich and cut-throat capitalism for the rest.
America has been the worlds leading economy for far too long. We will put an end to it! -- Bernie Lizzy
On the one hand, a liberal would say to a republican that we know socialism works because the Scandinavian countries' brand of socialism works. Repubs then say "those aren't socialist countries! They have private economies"

Um okay. They are socialist countries even though they have private economies. Those concepts don't have to be conflicting. They get that, right?

However, republicans will call those nations socialist depending on the context of the conversation.

A republican will say in a different conversation that Bernie shouldn't be elected because he is a dirty socialist who will turn the US into Venezuela. A liberal defending Bernie Sanders will say "No, Bernie doesn't want to end the private market system. He just wants to institute socialist policies that would require the population at large to benefit from the current overall system that we have. He also thinks healthcare and other critical institutions should be socialized or remain socialized. The Scandinavian nations have these same policies" response the republican says "THAT'S JUST LIKE VENEZUELA!"

No, it isn't.

Dude you’re dumb. The Scandinavian countries are not Socialist. They are indeed very homogeneous well sans Sweden until most recently and how is that working out for Sweden?

This is correct. The less than well read among us continuously mistake the in doubt economic nuance of the Scandinavian nations in question as socialism, when in fact they employ a system of government "aid" known as limited economic intervention.
Scandinavian countries are homogenous in race and taught to work to contribute to the social safety net from birth.

Not entitled taking from the safety net provided by the working hands of others as in this country.

Here's clue idiot. Every country teaches their children to work and contribute to the social safety net. Except in the USA, the poor people, who are predominently non whites, are excluded. The USA is one of only two countries in the world which spends LESS money on educating the children of the poor, than the children of the rich.

For example, in Norway, they spend MORE money on education for the children of the poor than the rich. They know that education is the key to escaping poverty. In the USA, the children of the poor get the least assistance to escape poverty.

European countries have majority white populations, just like the USA. Same with Canada. The world is multi-cultural. Japan and China are the closest thing there is to a homogenous, cultures, and that's because they don't allow non-Asian immigration.

"Homogenous Culture" is a lie conservatives tell to convince others that it would never work in the US. Just like they lie and say the rest of the world has substandard health care to justify a for profit system that gets worse every year. No 37 and sinking like a stone, while in excess of 40,000 people a year die in the USA because of inadequate access to health care.
On the one hand, a liberal would say to a republican that we know socialism works because the Scandinavian countries' brand of socialism works. Repubs then say "those aren't socialist countries! They have private economies"

Um okay. They are socialist countries even though they have private economies. Those concepts don't have to be conflicting. They get that, right?

However, republicans will call those nations socialist depending on the context of the conversation.

A republican will say in a different conversation that Bernie shouldn't be elected because he is a dirty socialist who will turn the US into Venezuela. A liberal defending Bernie Sanders will say "No, Bernie doesn't want to end the private market system. He just wants to institute socialist policies that would require the population at large to benefit from the current overall system that we have. He also thinks healthcare and other critical institutions should be socialized or remain socialized. The Scandinavian nations have these same policies" response the republican says "THAT'S JUST LIKE VENEZUELA!"

No, it isn't.
No, Comrade Billy, they aren't socialist countries and it isn't normal Americans who try to put lipstick on that "free" stuff pig but rather life's losers who just can't come to grips with what it is and how it destroys economies and people:

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
    • (in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.
When you find anything socialist in America let us know. Yawn. It's like Bigfoot. It's there...but it's not.
Socialism is the Republican name for almost everything that helps all the people:

"Senator Bernie Sanders, the only avowed socialist in the Presidential race, delivered a speech on Wednesday that presented his brand of democratic socialism as an unthreatening egalitarianism, in the spirit of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Martin Luther King, Jr.

"He called it 'the unfinished business of the New Deal' and recited an 'economic bill of rights' that included the right to a living wage, health care, a secure retirement, and a clean environment.

"'Socialism,' Sanders quoted President Harry Truman as saying, in 1952, ' is the epithet they have hurled at every advance that people have made in the last twenty years.

"'Socialism is what they called Social Security.'

"'Socialism is what they called farm-price supports.'

"'Socialism is what they called bank-deposit insurance.'

"'Socialism is what they called the growth of free and independent labor.'

"'Socialism is their name for almost everything that helps all of the people.'"

The Many, Tangled American Definitions of Socialism

The rich would never acquire their fortunes without government supplied welfare in the form of tax and trade policies.

Socialism for the rich and cut-throat capitalism for the rest.

Here is the socialist's conception of helping all people.
Here is the socialist's conception of helping all people.
Here's where Capitalism's free market started:
Scandinavian countries are homogenous in race and taught to work to contribute to the social safety net from birth.

Not entitled taking from the safety net provided by the working hands of others as in this country.

Here's clue idiot. Every country teaches their children to work and contribute to the social safety net. Except in the USA, the poor people, who are predominently non whites, are excluded. The USA is one of only two countries in the world which spends LESS money on educating the children of the poor, than the children of the rich.

For example, in Norway, they spend MORE money on education for the children of the poor than the rich. They know that education is the key to escaping poverty. In the USA, the children of the poor get the least assistance to escape poverty.

European countries have majority white populations, just like the USA. Same with Canada. The world is multi-cultural. Japan and China are the closest thing there is to a homogenous, cultures, and that's because they don't allow non-Asian immigration.

"Homogenous Culture" is a lie conservatives tell to convince others that it would never work in the US. Just like they lie and say the rest of the world has substandard health care to justify a for profit system that gets worse every year. No 37 and sinking like a stone, while in excess of 40,000 people a year die in the USA because of inadequate access to health care.

There is generational dependency in the US

It’s the modern Democrat plantation

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