Republicans have a voting problem.


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017

Republicans, acknowledging that they can't win elections based on their candidates and policies, are now targeting voting itself as a last ditch effort to stay in power or obtain power. Democrats have a growing power base of educated young people and college students who embrace ideas of freedom, not repression. Republicans are stuck with mostly small town, rural and lesser educated voters who do not have the intelligence to sift through the constant far right wing propaganda that they are exposed to.

The really interesting point that Republicans espouse in their efforts to limit voting is "to build confidence in elections." Well, there has always been confidence in elections felt by Democrats. It was Donald Trump and his far right wing allies who screeched "election fraud" because they can't win elections fair and square. They have not been able to offer any credible proof of "voter fraud," yet that matters not to their constituencies. All that matters is keeping their voters locked in a rubber room of "voter fraud" that they have absolutely no evidence even exists.

Republicans, acknowledging that they can't win elections based on their candidates and policies, are now targeting voting itself as a last ditch effort to stay in power or obtain power. Democrats have a growing power base of educated young people and college students who embrace ideas of freedom, not repression. Republicans are stuck with mostly small town, rural and lesser educated voters who do not have the intelligence to sift through the constant far right wing propaganda that they are exposed to.

The really interesting point that Republicans espouse in their efforts to limit voting is "to build confidence in elections." Well, there has always been confidence in elections felt by Democrats. It was Donald Trump and his far right wing allies who screeched "election fraud" because they can't win elections fair and square. They have not been able to offer any credible proof of "voter fraud," yet that matters not to their constituencies. All that matters is keeping their voters locked in a rubber room of "voter fraud" that they have absolutely no evidence even exists.

Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep Trollin', Trollin', Trollin'....................

Thanks for your very thought provoking thread.


Republicans, acknowledging that they can't win elections based on their candidates and policies, are now targeting voting itself as a last ditch effort to stay in power or obtain power. Democrats have a growing power base of educated young people and college students who embrace ideas of freedom, not repression. Republicans are stuck with mostly small town, rural and lesser educated voters who do not have the intelligence to sift through the constant far right wing propaganda that they are exposed to.

The really interesting point that Republicans espouse in their efforts to limit voting is "to build confidence in elections." Well, there has always been confidence in elections felt by Democrats. It was Donald Trump and his far right wing allies who screeched "election fraud" because they can't win elections fair and square. They have not been able to offer any credible proof of "voter fraud," yet that matters not to their constituencies. All that matters is keeping their voters locked in a rubber room of "voter fraud" that they have absolutely no evidence even exists.
Well, there has always been confidence in elections felt by Democrats.
Hard to retrain a sheep after it's been trained to follow a Judas goat.
So Russia did not interfere in 2016?
They did. It's just that they did so through online propaganda and misinformation campaigns to mislead voters. They didn't rig any elections or change anyone's votes.
W Bush won FLA 2000?
An assessment of Florida's recount would of resulted in Gore winning Florida except the Supreme Court ruled that the hodge podge way Florida re-counted results in different districts violated the the equal protection clause and then simultaneously ruled there was no time to set up a uniform method of counting votes before the deadline was reached. Again, not a rigging of elections or the changing of anyone's vote.
No Democrats said otherwise????
Your strawman arguments aren't representative of reality.
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They did. It's just that they did so through online propaganda and misinformation campaigns to mislead voters. They didn't rig any elections or change anyone's votes.

An assessment of Florida's recount would of resulted in Gore winding Florida except the Supreme Court ruled that the hodge podge way Florida re-counted results in different districts violated the the equal protection clause and then simultaneously ruled there was no time to set up a uniform method of counting votes before the deadline was reached. Again, not a rigging of elections or the changing of anyone's vote.

Your strawman arguments aren't representative of reality.

There was cheating in FLA 2000

One specific demographic had their ballots tossed in overwhelmingly Democrat Counties.... and that explains why the recount by USA Today showed W's lead expanding...

Black Republican ballots were deliberately tossed by Democrats who DO ENFORCE their RULE that BLACKS and SPECIFICALLY BLACKS and ONLY BLACKS


There was cheating in FLA 2000

One specific demographic had their ballots tossed in overwhelmingly Democrat Counties.... and that explains why the recount by USA Today showed W's lead expanding...

Black Republican ballots were deliberately tossed by Democrats who DO ENFORCE their RULE that BLACKS and SPECIFICALLY BLACKS and ONLY BLACKS


Yeah... nothing in any of those links says anything about Black Republicans having their votes tossed. Fail harder.
Yeah... nothing in any of those links says anything about Black Republicans having their votes tossed. Fail harder.

How did W's vote total and lead go UP in the USA Today Recount?

Because the "spoiled ballots" were disproportionately Republican and specifically Black Republican in Dem counties.

Now the MATH makes sense.

YOUR SIDE CHEATED with BIGOTRY against Black Freedom of Thought...

John Lott did the data research and his math added up.

Somehow the ballots "spoiled" were disproportionately for W, which is why W's total went UP in the recount.

John Lott documented those were BLACK REPUBLICAN ballots.

Your side flipped out about THAT TRUTH....
How did W's vote total and lead go UP in the USA Today Recount?

Because the "spoiled ballots" were disproportionately Republican and specifically Black Republican in Dem counties.

Now the MATH makes sense.

YOUR SIDE CHEATED with BIGOTRY against Black Freedom of Thought...
Your fever dreams aren't evidence.

John Lott did the data research and his math added up.

Somehow the ballots "spoiled" were disproportionately for W, which is why W's total went UP in the recount.

John Lott documented those were BLACK REPUBLICAN ballots.

Your side flipped out about THAT TRUTH....
Nowhere does it specify Black Republicans who are were 8% of Black voters who themselves are 13% of the overall vote.

Republicans, acknowledging that they can't win elections based on their candidates and policies, are now targeting voting itself as a last ditch effort to stay in power or obtain power. Democrats have a growing power base of educated young people and college students who embrace ideas of freedom, not repression. Republicans are stuck with mostly small town, rural and lesser educated voters who do not have the intelligence to sift through the constant far right wing propaganda that they are exposed to.

The really interesting point that Republicans espouse in their efforts to limit voting is "to build confidence in elections." Well, there has always been confidence in elections felt by Democrats. It was Donald Trump and his far right wing allies who screeched "election fraud" because they can't win elections fair and square. They have not been able to offer any credible proof of "voter fraud," yet that matters not to their constituencies. All that matters is keeping their voters locked in a rubber room of "voter fraud" that they have absolutely no evidence even exists.

So, why would student ID’s be a problem for voting? Can anyone think of a reason? I can think of two for sure….

Republicans, acknowledging that they can't win elections based on their candidates and policies, are now targeting voting itself as a last ditch effort to stay in power or obtain power. Democrats have a growing power base of educated young people and college students who embrace ideas of freedom, not repression. Republicans are stuck with mostly small town, rural and lesser educated voters who do not have the intelligence to sift through the constant far right wing propaganda that they are exposed to.

The really interesting point that Republicans espouse in their efforts to limit voting is "to build confidence in elections." Well, there has always been confidence in elections felt by Democrats. It was Donald Trump and his far right wing allies who screeched "election fraud" because they can't win elections fair and square. They have not been able to offer any credible proof of "voter fraud," yet that matters not to their constituencies. All that matters is keeping their voters locked in a rubber room of "voter fraud" that they have absolutely no evidence even exists.
This is just another version of the same ole same ole the Republican party is dead that keeps on being put to bed and resurrected numerous times.

Republicans, acknowledging that they can't win elections based on their candidates and policies, are now targeting voting itself as a last ditch effort to stay in power or obtain power. Democrats have a growing power base of educated young people and college students who embrace ideas of freedom, not repression. Republicans are stuck with mostly small town, rural and lesser educated voters who do not have the intelligence to sift through the constant far right wing propaganda that they are exposed to.

The really interesting point that Republicans espouse in their efforts to limit voting is "to build confidence in elections." Well, there has always been confidence in elections felt by Democrats. It was Donald Trump and his far right wing allies who screeched "election fraud" because they can't win elections fair and square. They have not been able to offer any credible proof of "voter fraud," yet that matters not to their constituencies. All that matters is keeping their voters locked in a rubber room of "voter fraud" that they have absolutely no evidence even exists.
We're not buying it. Information- and hormone-compromised youth are only a variant of nazi youth. Their inherent liberal promiscuity can disturbingly easily flip over to fascism. On this day, Mussolini was captured and executed by Italian partisans. duh

Republicans, acknowledging that they can't win elections based on their candidates and policies, are now targeting voting itself as a last ditch effort to stay in power or obtain power. Democrats have a growing power base of educated young people and college students who embrace ideas of freedom, not repression. Republicans are stuck with mostly small town, rural and lesser educated voters who do not have the intelligence to sift through the constant far right wing propaganda that they are exposed to.

The really interesting point that Republicans espouse in their efforts to limit voting is "to build confidence in elections." Well, there has always been confidence in elections felt by Democrats. It was Donald Trump and his far right wing allies who screeched "election fraud" because they can't win elections fair and square. They have not been able to offer any credible proof of "voter fraud," yet that matters not to their constituencies. All that matters is keeping their voters locked in a rubber room of "voter fraud" that they have absolutely no evidence even exists.
Yeah, we show up, stand in line, and dont cheat.

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