Republicans determined to start a war.

Do you have any idea how many big rigs come bringing products American Companies make in Mexico? You would cut the American Economy in half in a week. You really are ignorant aren’t you?
I left three words out of my post that are integral. I've since fixed it. "loaded with fentanyl." For folks like you who were unable to make the connection.
Every Republican Candidate for President is promising Military action in Mexico. Unilaterally, and even on Day One.

Now. All of these folks are College Graduates. All of them have had some History Classes. And presumably they had at least one class on American History. So how is it that none of them seem to know Military Action in Mexico doesn’t seem to go well?

The second question is this. Do they really think the Mexicans will stand aside and welcome the Americans? Really?

If you thought Afghanistan was a quagmire that swallowed lives and treasure like nobodies business, just wait until we invade Mexico to get the cartels. That will consume money and men like you won’t believe.

Correct. Mexican Drug Cartels run our southern border and need to be stopped.

Obviously you know nothing about Mexico, but the government isn't powerful enough to stop them. They don't actually support them, Democrats gave them no choice since you do support the Mexican Drug Cartels. Democrat party racism rages on. You were the party of slave owners and you still support slavers, drugs and sex trafficking. You're shitty people
No. That's a fictitious American lie. Vietnam was never two nations.
Ho Chi Minh started the split in 1941 when he established the Viet Minh to fight the French colonial forces and Japanese. Ho Chi Minh defeated the French in 1954 at Dien Bien Phu and that set in motion the US occupation ostensibly to defeat communism, the Domino Theory. That history is long and complex. Here is some good reading.
Mexican Drug Cartels are a law enforcement issue. One the Mexican Army and Police are battling every day. I believe in supporting the Mexican Government in their efforts.

Want to end the drug war tomorrow? You can easily. Hell you can destroy the cartels in a month. Bombs and troops haven’t done it. How many Cartel leaders have we gotten in jail? And another just crops up. The cops round up the dealers and before they are done processing the arrests the corners are full of dealers again.

There is too much money involved to stop everyone from getting involved.

We have been fighting the drug war since I was a child. We’ve sunk Billions into it. We keep getting tougher and we keep losing.

Want to end it like we did the Criminal Gangs running bootleg Whiskey? Get tough law enforcement didn’t do it.
You don't have to pay a lot... but you do need to pay attention...

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You don't have to pay a lot... but you do need to pay attention...

I can't get over SavannahMann logging on a computer to find out what his positions are from the DNC today
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Correct. Mexican Drug Cartels run our southern border and need to be stopped.

Obviously you know nothing about Mexico, but the government isn't powerful enough to stop them. They don't actually support them, Democrats gave them no choice since you do support the Mexican Drug Cartels. Democrat party racism rages on. You were the party of slave owners and you still support slavers, drugs and sex trafficking. You're shitty people

Mexican Police now carry Rocket Launchers to fight the “Monster” trucks. These are trucks like bigger Pick Ups that have armor plate welded to them. Many have turrets with machine guns in place.

Cartels are using explosive laden drones to attack the cops and army.

Are you sure an escalation is in our best interests?
You don't have to pay a lot... but you do need to pay attention...

I just posted the one link. I do have a fair idea, for a Gringo, what is going on down in Mexico. But they are doing this for money. And if there is no money, there is no cartel. They would stop hiring soldiers to fight for them and start hiring lawyers to help them patent their products, and defend themselves from product liability lawsuits.
Mexican Police now carry Rocket Launchers to fight the “Monster” trucks. These are trucks like bigger Pick Ups that have armor plate welded to them. Many have turrets with machine guns in place.

Cartels are using explosive laden drones to attack the cops and army.

Are you sure an escalation is in our best interests?

Fuck yes, you just made the argument for destroying them perfectly. Of course as a Democrat you want to do nothing about the slave, drug and sex trafficking, just like all through US history
Mexican Police now carry Rocket Launchers to fight the “Monster” trucks. These are trucks like bigger Pick Ups that have armor plate welded to them. Many have turrets with machine guns in place.

Cartels are using explosive laden drones to attack the cops and army.

Are you sure an escalation is in our best interests?

How many Americans do you want to watch drown in their own spit as they are passed out from Fentanyl?... the war has already been started by the Cartels and their supplier nation China... the problem is we have a compromised president way too easy to blackmail and control....
Yeah. The resentment on that continues today. How did the search for Ponco Villa go? How about Veracruz? In both of those cases we left after giving up. We accomplished nothing. We lost troops and money for zero gain.

Because of the Mexican American War, the following factions would oppose us in Mexico if we went.

The Cartels. The Army. The Police, oh and let’s not forget the Citizens. Everybody would oppose us there. Are you ready for an insurgency that lasted twenty years before we scrambled to leave like Saigon or Kabul?
Because of the Mexican-American War, Mexico surrendered and we got the territory comprising California, Arizona and New Mexico and ensured that we continued to retain Texas.
I say, roll into Mexico, take it over and really punish them by making Mexico our 51st state.
Because of the Mexican-American War, Mexico surrendered and we got the territory comprising California, Arizona and New Mexico and ensured that we continued to retain Texas.
I say, roll into Mexico, take it over and really punish them by making Mexico our 51st state.
Their southern border is a lot narrower and easier to defend from land invasion as well. Think of all the tourism $$$ that would be generated by those beautiful beaches.
Fuck yes, you just made the argument for destroying them perfectly. Of course as a Democrat you want to do nothing about the slave, drug and sex trafficking, just like all through US history

I want to respect Mexican Sovereignty and Mexico’s elected Government if at all possible. I want to avoid a Quagmire we can’t win. And in this case. A quagmire is certain.

Do you really think the Mexican People will help us? Are you going to slaughter them all? Carpet Bomb Mexico City? The townsfolk will fire at us. It will be Afghanistan all over again.
Because of the Mexican-American War, Mexico surrendered and we got the territory comprising California, Arizona and New Mexico and ensured that we continued to retain Texas.
I say, roll into Mexico, take it over and really punish them by making Mexico our 51st state.

Great plan. All we hear is how Mexicans are coming here to bankrupt our Welfare system, and you want to add 126 million more people to the nation many of whom live below the Poverty Line in Mexico, which is way less than the same line here.

Are you really that dumb?
I want to respect Mexican Sovereignty and Mexico’s elected Government if at all possible. I want to avoid a Quagmire we can’t win. And in this case. A quagmire is certain.

Do you really think the Mexican People will help us? Are you going to slaughter them all? Carpet Bomb Mexico City? The townsfolk will fire at us. It will be Afghanistan all over again.

And the Democrat supports sex and slave traffickers, of course you do.

Either the Mexican government doesn't support them and need our help or worse, they do support them. Either way we should destroy the criminal cartels. Of course as a Democrat, you relate to the cartels, you've supported the slave trade throughout US history from start to today
No. That's a fictitious American lie. Vietnam was never two nations.
You not liking it doesn't make it true. Buy a history book, Petunia.
Yes, you could read an American propaganda history spin. Or you could visit or telephone your nearest Vietnam Embassy and they'll put you straighter than an arrow, Bonzo. They might even give you a history book.
Ho Chi Minh started the split in 1941 when he established the Viet Minh to fight the French colonial forces and Japanese.
That's no "split". Throwing the French & Japanese out didn't create a new country. Vietnam was Vietnam. The notion of "South Vietnam" was a fake concoction made up by the CIA.
Ho Chi Minh defeated the French in 1954 at Dien Bien Phu and that set in motion the US occupation ostensibly to defeat communism ...
What do you mean by "defeat"? Communism was Vietnam. It wasn't an invasion from elsewhere or foisted upon the country.

the Domino Theory.
That was a CIA concoction as well. Read my comment previous to this one.
Here is some good reading.
Timeline is an official CIA-sponsored spin of events. Instead of poisoning your mind with that crap whet your whistle on this .... just for starters.

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