Republicans Deemed Too Pro-Rich, 57% in Poll Want Change


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity
Just one poll ...

A majority of Americans say the Republican Party needs a major overhaul after electoral losses revealed demographic, messaging and technological shortfalls compared with Democrats, a Bloomberg National Poll shows. ...

“For the Republican Party to broaden its base, they will need to change either what they value, or how they talk about what they value,” said J. Ann Selzer, president of Des Moines, Iowa-based Selzer & Co., which conducted the Dec. 7-10 poll. “What they are doing now is not winning.”

Among all Americans, 57 percent say the Republican Party needs a major overhaul, while 30 percent say modest modifications are needed and eight percent say no changes are necessary.

Independents’ Voices

Independents, a critical voting bloc in presidential elections, also see a need for significant renovation of the Republican Party, with six in 10 taking that view. Among Republicans, a third say the party needs major change and nearly half say modest changes are needed.

Six in 10 Americans say Republicans have placed too much emphasis on protecting the wealthy from tax rate increases at the expense of pursuing the interests of those of more modest means, the poll shows. More than half of independents -- 58 percent -- hold that view. ...

One area of concern for Republicans has been primary contests that result in candidates with more extreme views than the general public because the nomination process is dominated by the most zealous partisans.

Gay Marriage

The poll found that Republicans as a whole are more flexible than the party activist base on some issues, such as taxes and global warming. Shifts in standard party dogma are riskier on social issues, including abortion rights and gay marriage. ...

Republicans Deemed Too Pro-Rich, 57% in Poll Want Change - Bloomberg
If we go over the cliff because the GOP didn't want to raise taxes on the rich... I think being "pro-the rich guy" will be a hard label to shake off by 2014.

So you believe it's a Tax the rich thing, and not a reckless spending on entitlements thing. :lol:
If we go over the cliff because the GOP didn't want to raise taxes on the rich... I think being "pro-the rich guy" will be a hard label to shake off by 2014.

So you believe it's a Tax the rich thing, and not a reckless spending on entitlements thing. :lol:

So you believe in alien abductions and the magic bullet thing. :lol:

See I can quote you and make shit up too ;)
Among all Americans, 57 percent say the Republican Party needs a major overhaul, while 30 percent say modest modifications are needed and eight percent say no changes are necessary.
And most of those post here on USMB.

Otherwise this is consistent with the only poll that matters taken last month.
It's not surprising that people would think that way, considering that liberals control the flow of information.
Meanwhile in France where they have decided to tax the wealthy 75%, the French President and Prime Minister are whining their asses off as the rich are bailing in droves.

Now wealthy French citizens have responded predictably by moving out of France and last week famed French actor Gerard Depardieu joined the exodus.

The steady stream of departures has left the Hollande government incensed and this week Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault blasted the rich.

The English have also seen the same decline in wealthy taxpayers after it imposed a 50% tax. They are now going to reduce that tax after the departure of many wealthy Brits and David Cameron controversially pledged to “roll out the red carpet” for any French residents fleeing the massive tax hike.

In the meantime, anger at the wealthy continues to rise in France, where “eat the rich” signs are appearing.

The problems is that you cannot eat the rich if the rich flee before the meal.


Liberal fools. It looks good on Hollande. What an idiot.
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