Republicans caught lying again. Does it matter to the GOP Base?

Have you even read the memo. By the way it was the GOP who started the report on Trump and used Fusion. Don't forget that, they were looking for the same dirt that the Dems found out, that Trump is involved with American traitors that cater to Putin.

Proof republicans are lying? Oh yea, you have nothing. What do I have? How about the law firm that paid for the research admitting to doing it:

Clinton campaign, DNC helped fund Trump dossier research, report says - CNNPolitics

The law firm for the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee has acknowledged its clients' role in paying for opposition research on Donald Trump that helped fund the now-infamous dossier of allegations about the now-President and Russia.

The law firm FOR CLINTON has admitted to doing it. So you're going to say the law firm is lying?

It's well known that in 2016 a lawyer for the Clinton campaign hired Fusion GPS to look into Trump's ties with Russia. When none were found, a british spy was hired to draw up a fake dossier in which was then submitted to the FISA court to draw up a search warrant to spy on Carter. It's well known and undisputed. Even by this liberal rag:

Transcript of Fusion GPS founder's testimony intensifies feud over FBI, Trump dossier

Fusion GPS was hired in mid-2016 by a lawyer for Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee to dig into Trump's background. After Democrats began paying for the research, Fusion GPS hired Steele, a former senior officer with Britain's intelligence service, MI6, to gather intelligence about any ties between the Kremlin and Trump and his associates.
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How about when a liberal source, CNN, says that the law firm hired by Clinton admitted to hiring Fusion GPS, but the liberals say republicans are lying when they say the same thing?

If it wouldn't be so serious and such an indication of corruption in the liberal party, it would be funny.

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