Republicans better open our fucking government or


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Republicans better open our fucking government or I am going to vote straight democrat in 2014!!! You're destroying our edge within science, tech and hundreds of thousands of American jobs.

Believe me I HATE the racism, sexism and bull shit of the democrats big time. BUT you're no longer a party of a first world nation and sure as hell don't act like you wish America to be a first world nation.

Democrats suck dick but as bad as they're, they can run a fucking government(poorly).

Don't you ever tell me how proud you're of America being a super power. You don't care if we remain such you radical heartless bastards.

At least under George Bush you cared about science, tech and our leadership in the world. No more and so I can't support such a party. Good bye! I beg all my thinking republican friends to join me.
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I think the Democrats should negotiate some spending cuts, to fund the govt.

But as for the debt ceiling, no negotiations. Just raise the damn ceiling!!!!
The GOP has now lost any chance of winning the Senate in 2014 and could soon lose their chance of retaining the House. Yeah Tea Party!!!!!!!

You can't fix Stupid......
The GOP has now lost any chance of winning the Senate in 2014 and could soon lose their chance of retaining the House. Yeah Tea Party!!!!!!!

You can't fix Stupid......

yeah and you all predicted Walker would recalled

but you all dream

why don't you people trying fixing your STUPID party

7 to 8% unemployment for five years isn't just STUPID it's INCOMPETENCE
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Republicans better open our fucking government or I am going to vote straight democrat in 2014!!! You're destroying our edge within science, tech and hundreds of thousands of American jobs.

Believe me I HATE the racism, sexism and bull shit of the democrats big time. BUT you're no longer a party of a first world nation and sure as hell don't act like you wish America to be a first world nation.

Democrats suck dick but as bad as they're, they can run a fucking government(poorly).

Don't you ever tell me how proud you're of America being a super power. You don't care if we remain such you radical heartless bastards.

At least under George Bush you cared about science, tech and our leadership in the world. No more and so I can't support such a party. Good bye! I beg all my thinking republican friends to join me.
If you're voting straight D ticket, you're not thinking at all. You're mindlessly and childishly lashing out.

In other words, you're the perfect Democrat voter.
Republicans better open our fucking government or I am going to vote straight democrat in 2014!!! You're destroying our edge within science, tech and hundreds of thousands of American jobs.

Believe me I HATE the racism, sexism and bull shit of the democrats big time. BUT you're no longer a party of a first world nation and sure as hell don't act like you wish America to be a first world nation.

Democrats suck dick but as bad as they're, they can run a fucking government(poorly).

Don't you ever tell me how proud you're of America being a super power. You don't care if we remain such you radical heartless bastards.

At least under George Bush you cared about science, tech and our leadership in the world. No more and so I can't support such a party. Good bye! I beg all my thinking republican friends to join me.

And what good would that do?
Instead of switching sides, seek and find true conservative candidates and vote for them.
We have a 17 Trillion debt that we can't afford and never seem to pay even a little of the principle off. Explain how our financial situation is helped by adding another few trillion to the debt. Are we just telling future generations that we are so irresponsible we spent the funds they need to have a productive future? If we can never pay off this debt we might as well default now and give out future generations a chance to learn from our mistakes and have a successful future. Our President and Congressmen don't care about our future financial health, they made theirs and have it protected if foreign bank and investments' so all they care about is the power they can wield. We don't have to default on our debt to solve our problem, we just have to cut the budget to spend less than we take in. We have a yearly income of about 2.5 Trillion, if we spend no more that 2 Trillion we can start paying down the debt. Maybe we can't afford foreign aid, funding for arts,pbs, too generous welfare, ss as we now know it or anything else that won't kill American. The problem we have is our fault, we spent the money and we need to pay it back,and not leave it for our geandchildren to deal with.
Some of you need to grow up, this is BOTH parties fault, But more blame goes to Obama FOR being a thug.....

and his APPROVALS are proving it
Republicans have been TRYING to open the government, but Harry Reid has been successful in keeping the shut down going.
Isn't anyone concerned about the fact that we need to raise the debt ceiling.
And I don't mean we seem to have to raise it every fucking year,doesn't it bother anyone we have to raise it at all.We are at $17 Trillion in debt now and the politicians seem to be fine with that.

Well not all the politicians..The Tea party has a big problem with it...

And they are called the crazy wacky ones.
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Republicans have been TRYING to open the government, but Harry Reid has been successful in keeping the shut down going.

The only people that really care who is at fault are the politicians because all they care about is who is going to win the next election. The citizens of this country always come out the loser. The reason I back the TEA PARTY is they want to cut the size of government which means spend less money. All the bad publicity the TEA PARTY gets is coming from both the dems and repubs because it goes against their policy of taking more and more form the American people and gathering more power. Most people at some time have said it's time for the citizens to stand up and form a party that represents them and that's how the TEA PARTY came to be. The reason they don't have an organized party with clear leaders is it's made up of a bunch of like minded people that have not yet organized which so far has kept it from being corrupted. Somebody needs to speak for the people and the dems and repubs sure don't do that
you all better understand a part of the TeaPs WANT to put us over the edge so they can rise like a phoenix from the ashes of Depression as the rulers of all. That is very Mussolini and Hitler-esq.
This is going to fucking destroy our economy. You people are acting like fucking fools and are risking everything.

Do you think raising the debt will save our economy or just put off the destruction for a while? Do you really think someday someone will wave a magic wand and this debt will go away? We need to deal with this NOW. It will not be easier when the debt doubles again. What is your answer to the problem other that kicking that can down the road to our grandchildren?

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