Republicans Accuse Obama of Using Position as President to Lead Country

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Republicans Accuse Obama of Using Position as President to Lead Country : The New Yorker

... Republicans in Congress unleashed a blistering attack on him today, accusing Mr. Obama of “cynically and systematically using his position as President to lead the country.”

Spearheading the offensive was Rep. Steve Stockman (R-Texas), who charged the President with the “wanton exploitation of powers that are legally granted to him under the U.S. Constitution.”

Calling him the “Law Professor-in-Chief,” Rep. Stockman accused Mr. Obama of “manipulating a little-known section of the Constitution,” Article II, which outlines the power of the President.

“President Obama looks down the list of all of the powers that are legally his and he’s like a kid in a candy store,” Rep. Stockman said. “It’s nauseating.”

The Texas congressman said that if Mr. Obama persists in executing the office of the Presidency as defined by the Constitution, he could face “impeachment and/or deportation.”

It doesn't get much better than this. Many libs will read this and wonder if its satire while the rw's will be nodding their collective heads like the little bobble-headed fools they are.
Your headline appears to quote the New Yorker, rather than Republicans. Nice try.
Republicans Accuse Obama of Using Position as President to Lead Country : The New Yorker

... Republicans in Congress unleashed a blistering attack on him today, accusing Mr. Obama of “cynically and systematically using his position as President to lead the country.”

Spearheading the offensive was Rep. Steve Stockman (R-Texas), who charged the President with the “wanton exploitation of powers that are legally granted to him under the U.S. Constitution.”

Calling him the “Law Professor-in-Chief,” Rep. Stockman accused Mr. Obama of “manipulating a little-known section of the Constitution,” Article II, which outlines the power of the President.

“President Obama looks down the list of all of the powers that are legally his and he’s like a kid in a candy store,” Rep. Stockman said. “It’s nauseating.”

The Texas congressman said that if Mr. Obama persists in executing the office of the Presidency as defined by the Constitution, he could face “impeachment and/or deportation.”

It doesn't get much better than this. Many libs will read this and wonder if its satire while the rw's will be nodding their collective heads like the little bobble-headed fools they are.

Republicans unhinged. yummy!
Your headline appears to quote the New Yorker, rather than Republicans. Nice try.

That's it?

That's the best you can do?

Guess what, dingbat, of course it quotes the title of the article.

What do YOU think the title of the thread should be?

Now, why don't you have the balls to address the content?


But, don't feel bad if you don't have the balls to do that because none of your fellow rw's do either. Just watch the posts from them, all dancing around, name calling and hoping no one notices.
Your headline appears to quote the New Yorker, rather than Republicans. Nice try.

That's it?

That's the best you can do?

Guess what, dingbat, of course it quotes the title of the article.

What do YOU think the title of the thread should be?

Now, why don't you have the balls to address the content?


But, don't feel bad if you don't have the balls to do that because none of your fellow rw's do either. Just watch the posts from them, all dancing around, name calling and hoping no one notices.

Can you refute anything Stockman said?

Have you ever read Article 2 of the Constitution?
Your headline appears to quote the New Yorker, rather than Republicans. Nice try.

That's it?

That's the best you can do?

Guess what, dingbat, of course it quotes the title of the article.

What do YOU think the title of the thread should be?

Now, why don't you have the balls to address the content?


But, don't feel bad if you don't have the balls to do that because none of your fellow rw's do either. Just watch the posts from them, all dancing around, name calling and hoping no one notices.

Can you refute anything Stockman said?

Have you ever read Article 2 of the Constitution?

How come rw's STILL don't know that Obama won the election and IS the President of the United States?
Republicans Accuse Obama of Using Position as President to Lead Country : The New Yorker

... Republicans in Congress unleashed a blistering attack on him today, accusing Mr. Obama of “cynically and systematically using his position as President to lead the country.”

Spearheading the offensive was Rep. Steve Stockman (R-Texas), who charged the President with the “wanton exploitation of powers that are legally granted to him under the U.S. Constitution.”

Calling him the “Law Professor-in-Chief,” Rep. Stockman accused Mr. Obama of “manipulating a little-known section of the Constitution,” Article II, which outlines the power of the President.

“President Obama looks down the list of all of the powers that are legally his and he’s like a kid in a candy store,” Rep. Stockman said. “It’s nauseating.”

The Texas congressman said that if Mr. Obama persists in executing the office of the Presidency as defined by the Constitution, he could face “impeachment and/or deportation.”
It doesn't get much better than this. Many libs will read this and wonder if its satire while the rw's will be nodding their collective heads like the little bobble-headed fools they are.

Republicans unhinged. yummy!
Poor Ravi, bein' a tool. :muahaha:

Oh, and I was gonna pos rep her for the next time she showed a cute hat, too. tch, tch, tch.
Your headline appears to quote the New Yorker, rather than Republicans. Nice try.

That's it?

That's the best you can do?

Guess what, dingbat, of course it quotes the title of the article.

What do YOU think the title of the thread should be?

Now, why don't you have the balls to address the content?


But, don't feel bad if you don't have the balls to do that because none of your fellow rw's do either. Just watch the posts from them, all dancing around, name calling and hoping no one notices.

Can you refute anything Stockman said?

Have you ever read Article 2 of the Constitution?

Don't you know that liberals think the Constitution is outdated. It was written by white men for white men (their view, not mine).

If you haven't noticed this president is black, it doesn't apply to him.
Leave it to the left to be confused about the word "lead". President Hussein isn't leading the Country anymore than King George led England. A true leader works within Constitutional restraints and doesn't whine about his skin color or the unfairness of only controlling 2/3 of the federal government.
That's it?

That's the best you can do?

Guess what, dingbat, of course it quotes the title of the article.

What do YOU think the title of the thread should be?

Now, why don't you have the balls to address the content?


But, don't feel bad if you don't have the balls to do that because none of your fellow rw's do either. Just watch the posts from them, all dancing around, name calling and hoping no one notices.

Can you refute anything Stockman said?

Have you ever read Article 2 of the Constitution?

How come rw's STILL don't know that Obama won the election and IS the President of the United States?

I'll take that as a "no" to both questions.
Thanks for today's latest dumbfuck thread.

FINALLY! A rw who tells the truth about his own party. Good for you and DAMN, I couldn't agree more with you about this asshole Stockman. Actually, "dumbfuck" is a hugmongous understatment!

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