Republican Traitors Declare War on the American People

If teabaggers ever gain control, grandma won't have to be pushed. She will die from asphyxiation. And children will never live long enough to be grandmas.

House Republican leaders have pushed through an astonishing 191 votes to weaken environmental protections.

Tests reveal high chemical levels in kids' bodies

Industrial toxins could be leading to more childhood disease and disorders.

"We are in an epidemic of environmentally mediated disease among American children today," he said. "Rates of asthma, childhood cancers, birth defects and developmental disorders have exponentially increased, and it can't be explained by changes in the human genome. So what has changed? All the chemicals we're being exposed to."

"We didn't inherit this land from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children."
Lakota Sioux Proverb

bfgrn doesn't see how his lame hyperbole has revealed him to be just another moron like rderp and TdM. Brainless twats, all three of them.

The right wing mind is a marvel. How can anyone be THAT subservient to the opulent? Toxins, carcinogens and poisons are not a danger if your beloved cartels create them, they are vitamins, right Monica for the opulent?

The truth is the right wing mind is completely controlled by FEAR. Pollution, and environmental harm MUST be denied, otherwise reality would create angst.

Hey Monica, which one is you?


I may have to reconsider. You may actually be even dumber than rderp. Hard to believe, I know.

Once again, you have no clue what a complete fool you keep making of yourself.

Just to help straighten out your tiny little mind, you fucking pinhead, I was referencing your opening lines. You know. That was where you ignorantly, unoriginally and dishonestly refer to tea party-ers as tea baggers. Where you suggested that Tea Party-ers have ANY inclination to have grandma asphyxiated. Where you suggested (like the asshole you always are) that because of Tea Party-ers, children will die before they can be grandparents.

I wasn't even addressing your generally dishonest spin on the problem of toxins. Tests reveal high chemical levels in kids' bodies - Page 3 - CNN points to the failure of your beloved EPA to do its fucking job, by the way. But go ahead and blame Republicans, you dishonest tool.

It's not like a jerkoff like you needs to worry about losing credibility. You cannot lose what you don't have.

And don't talk about folks who give liberal Democrap Presidents blow jobs. That would be more your style, sparky.
Do you want the Post office and public schools dead?

well no...Us taxpayers just want to have to keep BAILING out the Post office..we should find it a privilege I guess, what would we ever do without all that JUNK mail they deliver...

I like the title of this thread. It's about time.

So far, the Democrats have accused the GOP of waging "a war on" women, blacks, students, workers, Martians -- um, I'm sure I'm missing some. They've so badly overused this hyperbolic term that it's good to see them just go with "Americans". A nice, blanket word.


grandma,, you forgot grandma.
Although Romney’s goal for his first day in office if he wins the presidency has been covered in great detail, it is worth looking at what he plans on doing for the great majority of people.

Fortunately there won’t be a ‘first day’ for Romney.

Fortunately, there won't be a second term for Obama.

After November?

Sure there will.
Do you want the Post office and public schools dead?

what is the right wing plan?

you people always spew hate on public education and the post office.

the founders LOVED these ideas yet you trash them all the time.

It was the Union that wanted over half a trillion taken out, up front for pensions each year, that has the post office going into the red.
You're right. Toxins, carcinogens and poisons are not a danger if your beloved cartels create them, they are vitamins, right Monica for the opulent?

How did American people manage to survive before the 1970's?

They lived short nasty painful lives.

Unless of course they had money.

Everybody lived shorter lives than today, but I grant you, the lives of the rich may have been less painful.

Life expectancy was lower then. In fact, when retirement age was set at 65, most people died at 55. Today people are expected to live well into their 80's.

Today even the poorest live past 65 years of age, many of them with the TV remote in their hands, watching wide screen TV, drinking and smoking and bitching about how poor they are.

And therein lies the problem with the sustainability of Social Security.

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