Republican talking points

Aww.. a few thousand people that listen to talk radio and watch FoxNews are telling the government to fuck off. How cute.

To disagree with a policy isn't telling the government to fuck off you moron.

What if it happens 52.9% of the time?
Will it be overwhelming?

You people can't even muster 5% of the American population to actually give a shit about this. Sure, you can get a few nutjobs like this lady who "wants her country back" and like the idiot lady at the McCain town hall who thought that Obama was an Arab and couldn't be trusted... that's easy -- they're idiots.

Most of the country though is not full of idiots and they can see right through this partisan bullshit -- from both sides and probably quite sick of it. The Republicans are writing their own epitaph if they continue to allow conservatives write policy for them.

It is amazing to me the level of naive on a Political Discussion forum............... have the political IQ of a handball. Republicans lost recently precisely because they spent the last 5 years trying to out Democrat the Democrats. Recent polls of Obama 's approval provide 100% certainty...........America continues to be a center right nation. Clearly..........a majority loaths liberalism.:clap2:

And thank God for that s0n.................:lol:
[quoteSorry, unlike most liberals, I actually have a job.]

I suppose it would be too much to ask you to post the data to support such an asinine post?

:eek: A liberal asking for proof of something? Is that possible?

I'd love to stay and chat, but having a debate with conservatives and a liberal is draining to me. Howabout some non-partisan posters on here who see every bill on its merit and not whether or not it benefits their so-called movement?[/QUOTE]

I'm pretty much a moderate independent who does see (most) every bill at face value and I see your(leftist) talking points and their (rightist) talking points with a few truly factual, non-partisan responses by a very few posters. Re-read your original post and come back and tell me it's not leftist partisan ranting. If you say no then you're either lying to me or yourself.

As for Obama's status as POTUS, he would not be president if he was unable to present his credentials to the proper election officials, so in my mind the point is moot.
As for people feeling their country has been stolen from them, that's called personal perspective and I hear it just as much from the left as I do from the right, non-issue.
As for the rest of your rant, it almost reads like you belong to one of the conspiracy groups, the ones that aren't taken seriously by normal, rational people.

If you want rational, respectful debate try presenting your position with out first attacking those you wish to have an exchange of ideas with as you did in your original post, it invites nothing but counter attack from your opponents and ridicule and/or ambivalence from those in the middle.
David you hypocritical fuck what you're complaining about is Republicans saying the Same thing Dems were yelling virtually from the moment Bush took Office till Obama Took office.

And you want to be taken seriously? Give me a break. If nobody is on our side how come every poll out there is showing Obama's popularity falling like a stone and every Democrat along with Mr. Switch of Pennsylvania suddenly trailing some even in supposedly safe districts?
Gee about exactly the Margin by which Bush beat Kerry and I bet David didn't think it was overwhelming then.

To add to both comments isn't it around 52.9% of the American population that are opposed to this public option health care plan--according to the opt--that signals an overwhelming majority. :clap2:
David you hypocritical fuck what you're complaining about is Republicans saying the Same thing Dems were yelling virtually from the moment Bush took Office till Obama Took office.

And you want to be taken seriously? Give me a break. If nobody is on our side how come every poll out there is showing Obama's popularity falling like a stone and every Democrat along with Mr. Switch of Pennsylvania suddenly trailing some even in supposedly safe districts?

DITTO--52% of this country are opposed to this plan--& all of a sudden it's ALL republicans.

If these liberals would take a look at the polls Obama is loosing independents in hoards--along with conservative democrats -of which both--voted for him. :cuckoo:
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David you hypocritical fuck what you're complaining about is Republicans saying the Same thing Dems were yelling virtually from the moment Bush took Office till Obama Took office.

And you want to be taken seriously? Give me a break. If nobody is on our side how come every poll out there is showing Obama's popularity falling like a stone and every Democrat along with Mr. Switch of Pennsylvania suddenly trailing some even in supposedly safe districts?

DITTO--52% of this country are opposed to this plan--& all of a sudden it's ALL republicans.

If these liberals would take a look at the polls Obama is loosing independents in hoards--along with conservative democrats -of which both--voted for him. :cuckoo:

Yup - poll posted earlier to day showed 66% of Independents opposed to Obamacare.

Obama misunderstood the right of center leanings of most Independents - big time.
Because the left never really even attempted to evaluate GW Bush at face value and were disposed to believe that McCain would be just more of Bush, they have been taken completely off guard by the fact that everyone doesn't suddenly support their leftist agenda. They thought the American people had turned hard left. What they did not understand was that Bush and the Neocons they reviled are actually the old Scoop Jackson Democrats which is to say strong on defense but good to go with all the social spending traditional Democrats had favored since FDR. hence the vote rather than repudiating conservatism as they chose to define it was in reality a repudiation of liberal social spending of the same sort they are now trying to bury the country under.
Interesting bunch of smackdowns, but I don't see a single one (except for the vote tally) being actually discussed at all.

Imagine that...

Good job, David. And good luck finding civil responses from this crowd.

What is good about David's post? He has presented his opinion as fact, and in a biased manner at that. I find it ironic, that he would create a thread denouncing ignorant partisan talking points, while using the same as some kind of valid foundation for debate.

The OP stated it was all based on fact? I don't think he said that. While there ARE some facts included in his litany, they are his opinions. I simply said they deserve opposing viewpoints rather than just smackdowns which are meaningless. I could also respond to every post I don't like by saying FUCK YOU, but how is that helpful? And now I shall await Willow to respond to me with her usual "PHUCK EWE." Clever, eh?

So next time you think about showing up to town hall with a swatstika attached to Obama's logo... please remember that you are just a puppet of the health insurance industry and they don't give two shits about the American people. All they care about is their stock price, their mansions, their yachts and polo tournaments. The super rich of this country could care less about everyone else's well being -- which is why they're employing the Republican Party to do their dirty work for them and which is also why less and less people are members of the Republican Party these days.


This is all well and good, but the party of the rich today is the Democratic Party. So which side are you on?

(Just google search democrats party of the rich. Here's one link: "Party of the Rich" by Peter Schweizer on National Review Online)

Well dayum, I wonder if those rich Dems have any idea that they're about to be taxed and there's nowhere to run once the crackdown begins on Swiss banks and Caymen Island vaults.

But I think David was referring strictly to the fellas running the big insurance ripoffs.
The problem as I see it is I'm trying to have intelligent discussion with Republicans... that's probably an oxymoron.

Not all of them. Just the whack job neo-cons on these baords. Come back tomorrow during the day. These idiots seem to take the place over at night.

You've noticed that too?
Yet another Democrat talking point in a thread where he is supposedly pointing out repub talking points...:confused:

I'm far from wealthy, and i personally benefited from the Bush "tax cuts for the rich"

Do you know that if you piss them off by using logic and common sense they will call you "bigtard" instead of "bigtoad"?

Liberal Logic knows no bounds, but my statement is in error...Liberal, and LOGIC" are like Yin, and such thing as "Liberal Logic"...

Sorry, but "liberal logic" doesn't compute mantras like "Lead, Follow or Go Away." In other words, you are the type who spouts meaningless platitudes laced with cute little bumper sticker logic and deserve no credibility for any self-education on any political reality at all.
This is a real landslide election...


Yes, and in 1972, Nixon won every state but Massachusetts too. Proving Republicans think party-first rather than country-first? You tell me.
Lately, you may hear words such as:

"I want my country back" or "uprising" on FoxNews, in town halls, in Republican memos, or talking points...

Let me educate the uneducated:

To all of the idiots who feel their country was somehow stolen from them: I have just looked at the latest earth satellite photos and I have overwhelming evidence that this country has not been stolen from you. The continent of North America is exactly where you left it on January 19th. No one has stolen this country. Americans, an overwhelming majority of them, have voted for and elected Barrack Obama to the White House. Please reference the United States Constitution for the clause of whoever wins the most votes wins the contest.

Number two, Obama is an American citizen. Hawaii has looked into this and found this to be true. Obama has provided a scan and a real copy of his COB for us to view and many people, many intelligent people I should say, have said that it is in fact geniune. Additionally, two Hawaiian newspapers published birth announcements within a week and a half of his birth. Even if he was born in Kenya, his mother is an American citizen which automatically makes him one as well. Again, please reference the United States constitution.

Now then, onto this uprising. Having a few loud mouths at town hall meetings does not constitute an uprising. This conservative tea-party movement has yet to even reach a FRACTION of the anti-war movement and the anti-war movement wasn't even a fraction of what a real uprising is. No, you cannot compare these loud mouthed, un-educated, mumbling idiots to the colonists who declared independence from the Brits 300something years ago. I'm sorry about that.

The people who are pulling the strings against higher taxes for the rich are the rich people. When Sean Hannity is telling you that higher taxes are bad - he makes millions of dollars a year - he's telling that to you because he doesn't want to pay the government any additional money. Of course, he forgets that when the country gave tax cuts to the rich many years back, we never paid for that. When we decided to go to war in Iraq -- we never paid for that. When we bailed out the banks and the auto industry last year -- we never paid for that, either. All of a sudden the Republicans are against adding to the national debt when Reagan, Bush 1 and Bush 2 are responsible for over 70% of the money we owe.

The people who are against healthcare reform are.... insurance companies. They're creating proxy groups and joining forces with the tea baggers to wage war against healthcare reform. Why are they doing this? Because ever since the healthcare reform debate begun, most health insurance companies' stock prices have been cut in half or worse. This means the people who own stock, i.e. executives of health insurance companies, i.e. the rich, are losing money. This is not a small business where profit is used to create jobs... profit is used to make the rich richer, meanwhile, we have 40 million Americans without health insurance and millions more being screwed over by the healthcare companies.

So next time you think about showing up to town hall with a swatstika attached to Obama's logo... please remember that you are just a puppet of the health insurance industry and they don't give two shits about the American people. All they care about is their stock price, their mansions, their yachts and polo tournaments. The super rich of this country could care less about everyone else's well being -- which is why they're employing the Republican Party to do their dirty work for them and which is also why less and less people are members of the Republican Party these days.

This has been a public service announcement by DavidS.


That looks like Huntington Gorge in Vermont, which as a teenager, I jumped into many times. And didn't fail. It's a matter of calculating the drop. Next? I'm sure you have many pichurs in your repertoire to make your simplistic points.
David you hypocritical fuck what you're complaining about is Republicans saying the Same thing Dems were yelling virtually from the moment Bush took Office till Obama Took office.

And you want to be taken seriously? Give me a break. If nobody is on our side how come every poll out there is showing Obama's popularity falling like a stone and every Democrat along with Mr. Switch of Pennsylvania suddenly trailing some even in supposedly safe districts?

DITTO--52% of this country are opposed to this plan--& all of a sudden it's ALL republicans.

If these liberals would take a look at the polls Obama is loosing independents in hoards--along with conservative democrats -of which both--voted for him. :cuckoo:

Yup - poll posted earlier to day showed 66% of Independents opposed to Obamacare.

Obama misunderstood the right of center leanings of most Independents - big time.

It's a gamble he knew from the outset that he might not win. Independents and some Democrats have a huge concern about the COST of a health care plan on top of the stimulus and bank bailouts (which was actually Bush, but Obama put it in motion). If he had NOT done health care, he would have had every liberal in the country going against him. So trying to put a plan together that could eventually start paying for itself was the only option, and people don't understand how it would work because they want a guarantee that it will. And that's not possible. That is the ONLY reason for Obama's drop in popularity. Those who post funny avatars, political cartoons, and anti-Obama bumper sticker phrases would hate him no matter what he did.
This is a real landslide election...


Yes, and in 1972, Nixon won every state but Massachusetts too. Proving Republicans think party-first rather than country-first? You tell me.

The American people overwhelmingly chose Nixin in 1972.

Please elaborate on the party-first / country-first statement. At present it appears to lack even simple historical context...
DITTO--52% of this country are opposed to this plan--& all of a sudden it's ALL republicans.

If these liberals would take a look at the polls Obama is loosing independents in hoards--along with conservative democrats -of which both--voted for him. :cuckoo:

Yup - poll posted earlier to day showed 66% of Independents opposed to Obamacare.

Obama misunderstood the right of center leanings of most Independents - big time.

It's a gamble he knew from the outset that he might not win. Independents and some Democrats have a huge concern about the COST of a health care plan on top of the stimulus and bank bailouts (which was actually Bush, but Obama put it in motion). If he had NOT done health care, he would have had every liberal in the country going against him. So trying to put a plan together that could eventually start paying for itself was the only option, and people don't understand how it would work because they want a guarantee that it will. And that's not possible. That is the ONLY reason for Obama's drop in popularity. Those who post funny avatars, political cartoons, and anti-Obama bumper sticker phrases would hate him no matter what he did.

Obama's popularity is dropping becuase he has an issue with speaking straight with the American People. During the campaign, people did not care. He was charismatic, of the crowd.

Now that he is no longer a candidate, many of his supporters wnat substance..not just words. As much as he tries, he can no longer keep them interested with words.

A for his actions....saying "the stimulus is doing exactly what we said it would do" was his lame attempt to get peoplke to believe what he says, not what he said....and they just aint that stupid.

"I did not bow to the king. Your eyes are playing tricks on you".....jeez.
Yup - poll posted earlier to day showed 66% of Independents opposed to Obamacare.

Obama misunderstood the right of center leanings of most Independents - big time.

It's a gamble he knew from the outset that he might not win. Independents and some Democrats have a huge concern about the COST of a health care plan on top of the stimulus and bank bailouts (which was actually Bush, but Obama put it in motion). If he had NOT done health care, he would have had every liberal in the country going against him. So trying to put a plan together that could eventually start paying for itself was the only option, and people don't understand how it would work because they want a guarantee that it will. And that's not possible. That is the ONLY reason for Obama's drop in popularity. Those who post funny avatars, political cartoons, and anti-Obama bumper sticker phrases would hate him no matter what he did.

Obama's popularity is dropping becuase he has an issue with speaking straight with the American People. During the campaign, people did not care. He was charismatic, of the crowd.

Now that he is no longer a candidate, many of his supporters wnat substance..not just words. As much as he tries, he can no longer keep them interested with words.

A for his actions....saying "the stimulus is doing exactly what we said it would do" was his lame attempt to get peoplke to believe what he says, not what he said....and they just aint that stupid.

"I did not bow to the king. Your eyes are playing tricks on you".....jeez.

You are absolutely correct there - Obama was elected on image, bolstered in great part by his being a legacy candidate.

Now that the election is long over, those who voted for him are actually looking for results from a man who has never actually led. And it is not opposition from Republicans that is his most direct threat - but rather opposition from within his own party.

His White House has been to date, a near complete failure of policy and continued empty rhetoric...
Over in "Is America becoming a third world country", I answered one of the talking points that keep coming up and is being totally ignored by the news.

That is the Stimulus Package.

10 of the largest banks have already paid it back including billions in fees. I was reading about it in Crain's Business. Seems the CEO's are itching to return the money and pay off the dividends and other fees so they can give themselves big bonuses which they can't until they pay the money back.

The government will get billions in return for Tarp money investment. I wonder how they are going to spin this?

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