Republican "stars" last week were like refugees from reality shows

Outrun My Gun

Jul 22, 2016
including Trumpf. How'd he let so many refugees from cable access channels infiltrate his platform speeches? His Rolodex must be non-HUUUGE.
including Trumpf. How'd he let so many refugees from cable access channels infiltrate his platform speeches? His Rolodex must be non-HUUUGE.

I'm sure he has access to their phone numbers, but they have caller ID.
I would think that this is what really hurts Drumpf most of all. He’s spent years trying to break into show business in one form or another. He managed a rapist named Mike Tyson as one avenue. It failed. He tried to bully his way into the NFL and it failed. He has tried to launch a TV show time and again and it ultimately failed. In the most recent carnations of it; other celebs have to be called in to prop up the dying franchise.

Anyway, he’s made a concerted effort to be “one of them” and when he could really use some endorsements…Scott Baio and the guy from DD show up. The guy has his name on how many golf courses? Number of PGA players visible there last week? One. Quick….do you know who it was?

Meanwhile….down the road at the DNC they had so many celebrities that they had trouble finding enough stage time for all of them: Here is a small sampling (extra emphasis for my girl Demi of course).

DNC STARS_59.jpg
including Trumpf. How'd he let so many refugees from cable access channels infiltrate his platform speeches? His Rolodex must be non-HUUUGE.

This make me like the RNC even more. They aren't full of elitist hollywood types who don't give a shit about anyone but themselves. Does anyone really think these "celebrities" for the DNC don't do it for the attention? The RNC is just normal everyday people trying to make a living. Additionally, if you pick your candidate based on what a celebrity says, you are one dumb motherfucker.
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Yeah, the DNC is all about paid actors.

Seriously, you think celebrity endorsements matter to thinking people? The DNC is obviously courting the Kardashian viewer types cause those are the people we should be listening to, lol.
My favorite was "stars" were Khizr Khan and Michael Bloomberg.
Bloomberg's Case Against Trump
Michael Bloomberg, a brand-name billionaire far wealthier than Donald Trump, a famously independent voter who derides both the Democratic and Republican parties, endorsed Hillary Clinton on Wednesday and called Trump a “risky, radical and reckless choice” for president.
“Throughout his career,” Bloomberg said in his prime-time address. “Trump has left behind a well-documented record of bankruptcies and thousands of lawsuits and angry shareholders and contractors who feel cheated and disillusioned customers who feel ripped off. Trump says he wants to run the nation like he’s run his business. God help us!”
'Trump Says He Wants to Run the Nation Like He’s Run His Business. God Help Us!'

The Most Inspiring and Depressing Moment of the Democratic Convention
Khizr Khan began his speech at the Democratic National Convention on Thursday with words I wish he didn’t have to say: “Tonight we are honored to stand here as parents of Captain Humayun Khan and as patriotic American Muslims—as patriotic American Muslims with undivided loyalty to our country.”
I wish he and his wife didn’t have to stand there as the parents of a 27-year-old Army captain who was killed by suicide bombers while serving in the Iraq War. And I wish Khizr Khan hadn’t felt the need to declare his patriotism and loyalty to the United States of America. Those truths should have been self-evident.
“Donald Trump, you’re asking Americans to trust you with their future,” said Khan, who works as a legal consultant. “Let me ask you: Have you even read the United States Constitution?” He pulled out a pocket version of the document from his suit jacket. “I will gladly lend you my copy. In this document, look for the words ‘liberty’ and ‘equal protection of law.’”
“Donald Trump, you’re asking Americans to trust you with their future,” said Khan, who works as a legal consultant. “Let me ask you: Have you even read the United States Constitution?” He pulled out a pocket version of the document from his suit jacket. “I will gladly lend you my copy. In this document, look for the words ‘liberty’ and ‘equal protection of law.’”

Ultimately, that opportunity came with sacrifice. Addressing Trump directly on Thursday evening, Khan called out the Republican nominee’s tough talk: “You have sacrificed nothing and no one.”
The Most Inspiring and Depressing Moment of the Democratic Convention

These two provided very interesting and powerful subjects.

Exactly kiwiman. It's interesting that my op was a reference to the MANY great speakers at the dnc and the GOP pukes immediately thought about "celebrities." They are pathetic!
Exactly kiwiman. It's interesting that my op was a reference to the MANY great speakers at the dnc and the GOP pukes immediately thought about "celebrities." They are pathetic!

Perhaps you should have clarified.

Main Entry: star
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: person who is famous
Synonyms: celebrity, draw*, favorite, headliner, hero, idol, lead, leading role, luminary, name, starlet, superstar, topliner
Antonyms: commoner

"Celebrity" is the most common synonym for "star."

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