Ronald Reagan Staffer Doug Elmet--Donald Trump you are no Ronald Reagan

Hitlery has ties to the CFR, Bilderburg Group, the Trilateral Commission and Chatham House aka "Royal Institute Of International Affairs". All of these "think tank" groups are inter-connected and from the creme of this shitty crop, they came up with the "Club Of Rome" in 1969 and the sustainable development plan which was designed to take down the middle class of every country using unfair "Fair Trade" agreements. As globalists, they only want two classes...serfs and the elite class....guess which one YOU fall in? They are also into eugenics and they are purposely poisoning our air, water and food because they believe that in order to return "mother earth" to her proper balance? Some of us need to go and especially those that do not buy into the "it's all about the collective". The fact that people from the other bought and paid for party are siding with globalist Hitlery doesn't shock me at all nor does it give me pause for thought.

As an interesting side note, did you know that the Rothschild family threw a 100K per plate fundraiser for Hitlery? These are the ones that financed the debt slavery system we currently live under. Their accumulative wealth is thought to be anywhere from 100 to 500 TRILLION dollars as they run every central bank in the world along with their underlings. These are tell me once again how Hitlery cares about you "little people"???
Why do liberals all of a sudden like Reagan? OH because he was awesome....and was said to be crazy and shouldn't have nuke codes....he did just fine.
And Elmet is as much of a Republican as Hillary is. Sesame Street called and they want their puppet back.

The only people that are Traitors to the Republican party are Trump supporters. Donald Trump in no way represents the party of Lincoln or Reagan, he's a FRAUD.

Trump has no honor, no respect, no dignity, and the only loyalty he has ever shown anyone was to himself.

As far as that endorsement Trump expected to get--he didn't get. Bloomberg also showed up at the DNC convention to talk about Trumps "business experience."

Who the fuck is Doug Elmet and why does anyone give shit?

Well you wouldn't know or care who Ronald Reagan was, so why are you asking?

BTW--that Endorsement from Michael Bloomberg that Donald Trump believed he was certain to get--also showed up at the DNC Convention to talk about Trump's business experience.

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The DNC stage was lined with Republicans endorsing Hillary Clinton tonight. Here's one a former Ronald Reagan staffer and life long Republican that for the 1st time in his life will be voting for a Democrat, Hillary Clinton.

Some Republicans are speaking to support Hillary Clinton at the DNC

Reagan would have bitch slapped the boy. Reagan understood that conservative appointments to the supreme court was the most important thing in preserving our republic.
Who the fuck is Doug Elmet and why does anyone give shit?

Well you wouldn't know or care who Ronald Reagan was, so why are you asking?

How and BTW--that Endorsement from Michael Bloomberg that Donald Trump believed he was certain to get--also showed up at the DNC Convention to talk about Trump's business experience.

Michael bloomingidiot is as big a regressive as the hildabitch.
Who the fuck is Doug Elmet and why does anyone give shit?

Well you wouldn't know or care who Ronald Reagan was, so why are you asking?

How and BTW--that Endorsement from Michael Bloomberg that Donald Trump believed he was certain to get--also showed up at the DNC Convention to talk about Trump's business experience.

Michael bloomingidiot is as big a regressive as the hildabitch.

Well he has 30 billion more dollars than Donald Trump (claims he has) & didn't get a million dollar check from his dad to start a business. So I would presume he's probably a much better businessman than Donald Trump who has been involved in over 30 thousand law suits--absolutely refuses to release any returns now. Bankruptcies up the yingyang. Breaking a 40 year protocol on every candidate to date.

So you've nominated a Chimpanzee nominee, one who is considered to be the greatest threat to American Democracy as we know it. And he more than proved that when he got on T.V. and encouraged Russia to do a Cyber Attack on the United States.
Donald Trump Is 'A Unique Threat To American Democracy:' Washington Post

But you turn on that radio tomorrow and let all your right wing talk show hosts smear and belittle Doug Elmets and every other Republican that spoke tonight.

And don't worry, the morning after your Hillary Clinton hangover, they'll be there for you to help you blow your noses and wipe your tears, and then you can start the process all over again for 2020.

Who the fuck is Doug Elmet and why does anyone give shit?

Well you wouldn't know or care who Ronald Reagan was, so why are you asking?

BTW--that Endorsement from Michael Bloomberg that Donald Trump believed he was certain to get--also showed up at the DNC Convention to talk about Trump's business experience.

Michael Bloomberg is a democrat, he was a republican for like 4 years to get elected....he bans soda because its unhealthy.....he's always been a liberal and he's no independent.
Who the fuck is Doug Elmet and why does anyone give shit?

Well you wouldn't know or care who Ronald Reagan was, so why are you asking?

BTW--that Endorsement from Michael Bloomberg that Donald Trump believed he was certain to get--also showed up at the DNC Convention to talk about Trump's business experience.

Michael Bloomberg is a democrat, he was a republican for like 4 years to get elected....he bans soda because its unhealthy.....he's always been a liberal and he's no independent.

I don't care if he has an R or D behind his name. He's been a Republican & a Democrat. If you'll watch the video he remarks on that. He's an Independent now. And Donald Trump was 100% positive that Bloomberg (former 3 time mayor of New York City) would endorse him. He didn't. He endorsed Hillary Clinton, stating he doesn't agree with her policies all of the time, but understands that Donald Trump is a threat to this nation. And that people need to stop voting party, and start voting country.
Ronald Reagan staffer. /sarc

You're also no Ronald Reagan.

That being said.

The Donald is following a Reagan pattern but he's got at least five different pathways and the electoral maps are changing like the alliances before WWII.

Who the fuck is Doug Elmet and why does anyone give shit?

Well you wouldn't know or care who Ronald Reagan was, so why are you asking?

How and BTW--that Endorsement from Michael Bloomberg that Donald Trump believed he was certain to get--also showed up at the DNC Convention to talk about Trump's business experience.

Michael bloomingidiot is as big a regressive as the hildabitch.

Well he has 30 billion more dollars than Donald Trump (claims he has) & didn't get a million dollar check from his dad to start a business. So I would presume he's probably a much better businessman than Donald Trump who has been involved in over 30 thousand law suits--absolutely refuses to release any returns now. Bankruptcies up the yingyang. Breaking a 40 year protocol on every candidate to date.

So you've nominated a Chimpanzee nominee, one who is considered to be the greatest threat to American Democracy as we know it. And he more than proved that when he got on T.V. and encouraged Russia to do a Cyber Attack on the United States.
Donald Trump Is 'A Unique Threat To American Democracy:' Washington Post

But you turn on that radio tomorrow and let all your right wing talk show hosts smear and belittle Doug Elmets and every other Republican that spoke tonight.

And don't worry, the morning after your Hillary Clinton hangover, they'll be there for you to help you blow your noses and wipe your tears, and then you can start the process all over again for 2020.


The idiot has been involved in his fair share of law suits and cares less for the US Constitution than your dear leader, he's a idiot regressive that banned salt and large sodas. A nanny stater if there ever was one.
he's a idiot regressive that banned large sodas. A nanny stater if there ever was one.
Nanny stater? How about that nanny stater "war on drugs"?
Excessive soda consumption is more dangerous than marijuana.

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