Republican Senate candidate says rape pregnancies are "God's will"


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
(CNN) – Richard Mourdock, running for U.S. Senate in Indiana, said at a debate Tuesday that pregnancies resulting from rape are intended by God.

The Republican candidate was explaining his opposition to abortion in cases of rape or incest when he made the remark.

GOP Senate candidate: Pregnancies from rape God
Another whacked out religious nutjob.
I wish these people would keep their mouths shut, how hurtful and offensive would it be for a rape victim to be told that if she gets pregnant, it was Gods will?
Romney is endorsing this good and there is an ad running right now about the endorsement. These guys are all nutjobs propping each other up!
Richard Mourdock On Abortion: Pregnancy From Rape Is 'Something God Intended'

NEW ALBANY, Ind. (AP) — Indiana Republican Senate candidate Richard Mourdock said Tuesday when a woman becomes pregnant during a rape, "that's something God intended."
Mourdock, who's been locked in one of the country's most watched Senate races, was asked during the final minutes of a debate with Democratic challenger Rep. Joe Donnelly whether abortion should be allowed in cases of rape or incest.
"I struggled with it myself for a long time, but I came to realize that life is that gift from God. And, I think, even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happen," Mourdock said.

Mourdock: God at work when rape leads to pregnancy - Yahoo! News

It will be interesting to see how many other Hoosiers believe God intends rape to happen.
Anyone who understands the power of God can see the wisdom in his statement. You have to be able to understand that an all powerful being is capable of producing good from evil. It's is such a simple concept that even liberals can grasp it --- at least I would think they would have an intellect developed enough to understand it. Maybe I'm wrong here??...
Mourdock's god is an asshole.

And for him to claim knowledge of his or any other god's intention is blasphemy.
According to the Bible every thing that happens, happens according to plan.

It's not blasphemy to know that about God that which he tells us.
You folks make me laugh, if this guy is elected he will be 1% off the US Senate, even if 100% shared his opinion they could not cahange anything that exist in law today. The supremes have ruled abortion legal, so one of two things must happen to change that. Either the supremes reverse themselves which is highly unlikely, or a constitutional amendment is proposed by congress, which requires a super majority of both houses and approval of the states. Even if one of the two occurs, they would also have to ban the day after pill, a pill that prevents pregnancy, the likelyhood of that happening is even slimmer. So you can take your scare tactics and put them back in your little box, cause women aren't stupid.
According to the Bible every thing that happens, happens according to plan.

It's not blasphemy to know that about God that which he tells us.

That might be so, but its still offensive. Would you tell the parents of a murdered child that it was Gods will that their child be raped and murdered?
Of course not.
(CNN) – Richard Mourdock, running for U.S. Senate in Indiana, said at a debate Tuesday that pregnancies resulting from rape are intended by God.

The Republican candidate was explaining his opposition to abortion in cases of rape or incest when he made the remark.

GOP Senate candidate: Pregnancies from rape God

He is one sick fuck. I just donated to Donnely's campaign. Mourdock doesn't have that big of a lead, and this faux pas may well be his undoing.
Anyone who understands the power of God can see the wisdom in his statement. You have to be able to understand that an all powerful being is capable of producing good from evil. It's is such a simple concept that even liberals can grasp it --- at least I would think they would have an intellect developed enough to understand it. Maybe I'm wrong here??...

Not many people would see a pregnancy as a good thing to come of rape.
Duplicat post, so here's my duplicate post.

You folks make me laugh, if this guy is elected he will be 1% off the US Senate, even if 100% shared his opinion they could not cahange anything that exist in law today. The supremes have ruled abortion legal, so one of two things must happen to change that. Either the supremes reverse themselves which is highly unlikely, or a constitutional amendment is proposed by congress, which requires a super majority of both houses and approval of the states. Even if one of the two occurs, they would also have to ban the day after pill, a pill that prevents pregnancy, the likelyhood of that happening is even slimmer. So you can take your scare tactics and put them back in your little box, cause women aren't stupid.
1 to 3 Supreme Court justices are expected to retire during the next Presidential term.

The more extremists there are in Congress, the more likely it is that extremists will be appointed to the Court.
Anyone who understands the power of God can see the wisdom in his statement. You have to be able to understand that an all powerful being is capable of producing good from evil. It's is such a simple concept that even liberals can grasp it --- at least I would think they would have an intellect developed enough to understand it. Maybe I'm wrong here??...

Not many people would see a pregnancy as a good thing to come of rape.

Thats because they aren't omnicient --- they can't see the end results - only see the immediate outcome. God would never allow the pregnancy if it weren't part of a bigger picture. Christians understand that bad things happen for a reason and that we (people) are WAY to insignificant to be able to understand all that is in work in God's hands.

To many liberals get the idea from their religion, secularism, that their wants and desires are the most important thing --- that THEY can determine what is good and/or bad.

If that child born of rape was intended to get the mother off drugs so she could make a stand against rape - and change the world in a good way... think about it....

Or the most obvious (albeit fantastic) the child itself could have a child that would become President.

A child born of rape isn't a bad thing because secularists say so any more than a child being born of rape is a good thing (if you could find a Christian to say so). A worthy intellectual debate - perhaps... but as a Christian, I also realize that God wouldn;t allow that important child to be aborted. Lots of children are born as a result of rape - as most rapes aren't even reported. God - not secularists - determines that as well.
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Your god is an asshole. Bottom line. There's nothing good about a woman being beaten and forced to the ground, her clothes torn, and a man that either she thought was someone trustworthy or who is a total stranger forcibly penetrates her, often repeatedly. There's nothing good about being forced to carry the child of that vicious attack and being told that some god wanted it to happen so it's okay.

Your god needs to fuck himself in the eye.

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