Republican Mentality: Rule or Ruin


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Republicans are all about them first and America second. Anyone who disagrees with that assessment is apparently not following political reality very closely.

Republicans somehow feel ordained to be in control. With them it's either rule or ruin. Mitch McConnell has openly stated that his primary goal is to keep Obama from being reelected. Sad...
Thats fine with me because I don't depend on Republicans to make me happy, rich, stable, or anything else. I depend on Republicans to win office, and be greedy and do whatever makes them rich, or their friends, but for the most part leaving me Joe Blow in Anywhere, USA alone.

Democrats, however, have legions of followers to believe strongly that their happiness, wealth, stability depends directly on the government.

As long as you Dems keep thirsting for government to solve your ills, you'll remain bitter and disappointed. I vote Republican becauase they'll fuck up, be greedy, but mostly leave the average private man alone.

Demoncrats, on the other hand, now tell me that while a person has the right to kill a baby inside them, they do not have the right to leave their body uninsured. In other words, not leaving me the fuck alone.
I think our primary goal was to keep Bush from being re-elected. Let's not fool ourselves.

I was hoping hopy changy would bring Bush Inc to Justice for murder, torture and rape of innocent women and children who were detained, chained in his prisons of horror.
Oh goodie, just what the board needs, another partisan hack.

Here's a news flash for you...

Politicians, Republicans and Democrats, are all about them first and America and the people second. Anyone who disagrees with that assessment is apparently not following political reality very closely.

Our elected representatives somehow feel ordained to be in control of every aspect of our lives. With them it's either rule or ruin.

As for Mitch McConnell openly stating that his primary goal is to keep Obama from being re-elected? Well duh! No shit Sherlock. That's what they do. Were you hibernating during Bush's term? Clinton's? Or do you know of someone in the Deomcrat camp who wanted to see Bush re-elected? Were as sad when all they talked about was defeating him?

I thought not.
Republicans are all about them first and America second. Anyone who disagrees with that assessment is apparently not following political reality very closely.

Republicans somehow feel ordained to be in control. With them it's either rule or ruin. Mitch McConnell has openly stated that his primary goal is to keep Obama from being reelected. Sad...
An oversimplification and generalization but there is a grain of truth to this, particularly where the House is concerned, where political gain trumps what’s best for the Nation. Add to this blind adherence to dogma and it’s a disastrous mix.

What’s also sad is there are some responsible republicans who can’t get off of the back of he TPM tiger, lest they be eaten.
Republicans are all about them first and America second. Anyone who disagrees with that assessment is apparently not following political reality very closely.

Republicans somehow feel ordained to be in control. With them it's either rule or ruin. Mitch McConnell has openly stated that his primary goal is to keep Obama from being reelected. Sad...

That is about the most backwards thing I've ever seen on the internet. Leftwingers live and breathe government control. They believe EVERYTHING but abortion should be under government control. Government has expanded greatly under obama, particularly the executive branch and the EPA, which wants to tell you what kind of toilets and light bulbs to use and god knows what else in the future. They tell employers what color skin their employees have to be. They are nature's original control freaks. They just staged a takeover of the healthcare system. They are pushing people into dangerous small cars with obama's new reality-detached cafe standards for fuel economy. They hate the fact that people own cars, because it implies freedom. Instead, they want massive public transit projects so that the government can control where you go, when you go, and how you get there. They've had their slimy claws in your wallet forever - they never saw a tax they didn't like. They use schools to brainwash the young. They've turned the military into a virtual Pee See society. Most republicans would never want to get into politics, because they're too busy running businesses, being entrepreneurs, and working at useful productive careers. Leftwingers, by contrast, all aspire to government - they are incompetents and people like Hillary and obama who've never had a real job in their lives, so they want to run the lives of the productive achieving people in society.
Thats fine with me because I don't depend on Republicans to make me happy, rich, stable, or anything else. I depend on Republicans to win office, and be greedy and do whatever makes them rich, or their friends, but for the most part leaving me Joe Blow in Anywhere, USA alone.

Democrats, however, have legions of followers to believe strongly that their happiness, wealth, stability depends directly on the government.

As long as you Dems keep thirsting for government to solve your ills, you'll remain bitter and disappointed. I vote Republican becauase they'll fuck up, be greedy, but mostly leave the average private man alone.

Demoncrats, on the other hand, now tell me that while a person has the right to kill a baby inside them, they do not have the right to leave their body uninsured. In other words, not leaving me the fuck alone.

One would be very foolish to think that the Republicans being in power will not effect their lives.
Republicans are all about them first and America second. Anyone who disagrees with that assessment is apparently not following political reality very closely.

Republicans somehow feel ordained to be in control. With them it's either rule or ruin. Mitch McConnell has openly stated that his primary goal is to keep Obama from being reelected. Sad...

That is about the most backwards thing I've ever seen on the internet. Leftwingers live and breathe government control. They believe EVERYTHING but abortion should be under government control. Government has expanded greatly under obama, particularly the executive branch and the EPA, which wants to tell you what kind of toilets and light bulbs to use and god knows what else in the future. They tell employers what color skin their employees have to be. They are nature's original control freaks. They just staged a takeover of the healthcare system. They are pushing people into dangerous small cars with obama's new reality-detached cafe standards for fuel economy. They hate the fact that people own cars, because it implies freedom. Instead, they want massive public transit projects so that the government can control where you go, when you go, and how you get there. They've had their slimy claws in your wallet forever - they never saw a tax they didn't like. They use schools to brainwash the young. They've turned the military into a virtual Pee See society. Most republicans would never want to get into politics, because they're too busy running businesses, being entrepreneurs, and working at useful productive careers. Leftwingers, by contrast, all aspire to government - they are incompetents and people like Hillary and obama who've never had a real job in their lives, so they want to run the lives of the productive achieving people in society.

These things are happening all over the world, and for the good of mankind. Nothing is wrong with conserving energy. What is your problem with people not being discriminated against because of their race? Is it the same reason that you do not like having a non white in the WHITE House?
Republicans are all about them first and America second. Anyone who disagrees with that assessment is apparently not following political reality very closely.

Republicans somehow feel ordained to be in control. With them it's either rule or ruin. Mitch McConnell has openly stated that his primary goal is to keep Obama from being reelected. Sad...

Yup... we all herd together...:cow::cow::cow:
Oh goodie, just what the board needs, another partisan hack.

Here's a news flash for you...

Politicians, Republicans and Democrats, are all about them first and America and the people second. Anyone who disagrees with that assessment is apparently not following political reality very closely.

Our elected representatives somehow feel ordained to be in control of every aspect of our lives. With them it's either rule or ruin.

As for Mitch McConnell openly stating that his primary goal is to keep Obama from being re-elected? Well duh! No shit Sherlock. That's what they do. Were you hibernating during Bush's term? Clinton's? Or do you know of someone in the Deomcrat camp who wanted to see Bush re-elected? Were as sad when all they talked about was defeating him?

I thought not.

And Obama's reelection chances are pretty much directly tied to the state of the economy/recovery.

You're a smart, open minded guy.

Think about that.
Republicans are all about them first and America second. Anyone who disagrees with that assessment is apparently not following political reality very closely.

Republicans somehow feel ordained to be in control. With them it's either rule or ruin. Mitch McConnell has openly stated that his primary goal is to keep Obama from being reelected. Sad...

That is about the most backwards thing I've ever seen on the internet. Leftwingers live and breathe government control. They believe EVERYTHING but abortion should be under government control. Government has expanded greatly under obama, particularly the executive branch and the EPA, which wants to tell you what kind of toilets and light bulbs to use and god knows what else in the future. They tell employers what color skin their employees have to be. They are nature's original control freaks. They just staged a takeover of the healthcare system. They are pushing people into dangerous small cars with obama's new reality-detached cafe standards for fuel economy. They hate the fact that people own cars, because it implies freedom. Instead, they want massive public transit projects so that the government can control where you go, when you go, and how you get there. They've had their slimy claws in your wallet forever - they never saw a tax they didn't like. They use schools to brainwash the young. They've turned the military into a virtual Pee See society. Most republicans would never want to get into politics, because they're too busy running businesses, being entrepreneurs, and working at useful productive careers. Leftwingers, by contrast, all aspire to government - they are incompetents and people like Hillary and obama who've never had a real job in their lives, so they want to run the lives of the productive achieving people in society.

These things are happening all over the world, and for the good of mankind. Nothing is wrong with conserving energy. What is your problem with people not being discriminated against because of their race? Is it the same reason that you do not like having a non white in the WHITE House?

Take your idiot race card and shove it where the sun don't shine. :lol: And get a clue einstein - look up the collision mortality rates in more massive vs less massive cars. I'm all FOR people not being discriminated against because of their race - it's leftwingers who want racial discrimination (aka "affirmative action" and "diversity).
Republicans are all about them first and America second. Anyone who disagrees with that assessment is apparently not following political reality very closely.

Republicans somehow feel ordained to be in control. With them it's either rule or ruin. Mitch McConnell has openly stated that his primary goal is to keep Obama from being reelected. Sad...

Wasssamatter honey? Your sugar tit run dry? Need a tissue?
Republicans are all about them first and America second. Anyone who disagrees with that assessment is apparently not following political reality very closely.

Republicans somehow feel ordained to be in control. With them it's either rule or ruin. Mitch McConnell has openly stated that his primary goal is to keep Obama from being reelected. Sad...

"It is wiser to say nothing and be thought a fool, than open your mouth and confirm it." Wise words. You should pay heed to them.

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