Republican Inferiority Complex


Gold Member
Dec 4, 2013
Carrabelle, fl. 60 miles s of tallahassee
This is what the republican establishment doesn't get. You have the White House spokesman telling republicans who their nominees are going to be and nothing is said. You have Obama going overseas and violating all etiquette by complaining about the domestic political situation, no whining about it, and then the U.N. In Switzerland piping up and saying what is acceptable in the U.S. Politically and no one says anything about it.

Americans are fed up with political correctness, both domestic and global. They are tired of a president who encourages international intervention in our countries politics and then agrees with the foreigners. Obama is not an American, he is a globalist, who uses American supremacy to force globalism on us citizens.

Donald's Trumps comments on Muslims was his typical shooting from the hip, his strength and his weakness. But let's consider,the facts. Donald's action haven't gotten anyone killed. There is no countrywide persecution of Muslims. A study recently found there was more hate directed at Jews than Muslims by far in this country.

What is happening is exactly what happened last election cycle. The democrats create a false narrative, the press promotes it, republicans cower in fear, and it becomes the common perception. Right now it has wiped clintons emails, obamas mishandling of Isis, the failure of Obamacare, and even the corrupt former chief of staff, Rahman Emmanuel off the radar. The conversation is all about republican bigotry and nothing about Hilary's proposed one trillion dollar vote buying increase in spending. Ya got to hand it to dems, they know how to demagogue better than anyone, and because of toothless repubs, it continues to work.

The president likes to talk about what kind of actions are conducive to attracting people to Isis. President Obamas actions are the biggest recruiting tool. He is weak, feckless, and ambivalent and jihadists tell their converts that the great satanism is a paper tiger who has no backbone and is easily defeated. Obama is also complicit in the massacre in San Bernardino. His leadership has lead to Americans who are afraid of,their own shadow, who are scared to report suspicious activity because they don't want to be demonized. Obama has bred the hysterical and the haters who populate our colleges and our airwaves, the ones who worship at the altar of PC. He has reduced many Americans to paralysis, he has created vast division instead of unity, he actually has conditioned way to many Americans to be sheep instead of citizens. So,Obama has created a much more fertile environment for Isis than any rhetoric from republican candidates, and republicans need to stand up and shout it out.

So how should the candidates handle those issues about refugees. Call for a complete moratorium on ALL immigration if elected until a new comprehensive 21st century immigration policy can be instituted, the first order of business of the new congress, fast tracked for the benefit of the whole country. Naysayers who are not us citizens should be told to mind their own business. People who talk about hysteria and fear should point to specific examples of ACTION not rhetoric. And republicans should say that they are not afraid or hysterical, they believe in reality not political correctness. They need to emphasize that unlike Obama who spends more time considering foreigners and non citizens, the new republican president will place the American citizen first, charity begins at home. Remind people Americans take in more immigrants than any country in the world while many Arab nations take in none. And republicans need to tell all these peaceful Muslims that live here that they need to do their part to fight this scourge and stop sitting on the fence and start weeding out the bad apples in this country, right now they are playing both sides. Point out how many congressional laws have been passed with bipartisan support to address the terrorist problem, laws drawn up by republicans.

But for gods sake republicans, grow a backbone. Punch back. Believe in what you believe in. Show some stones. Show the ability to support your position. These partisan hack democrats are ripe for picking. The facts are on your side, history is on your side, and the people are on your side. Be worthy of their support.
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