Republican Governors Are Kicking The Butts Of Democratic Governors On Covid-19 Response


getting there isnt for anyone who isnt committed to do anything it takes -

33 million unemployed americans dictate a long slow recovery regardless -

write that down too
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Republican Governors Are Kicking The Butts Of Democratic Governors On Covid-19 Response

In terms of exposing more of their citizens to the risk of getting COVID-19, yes.

Georgia's only been open a little over a week or so.

One week after Georgia allowed dine-in restaurants, hair salons and other businesses to reopen, an additional 62,440 visitors arrived there daily, most from surrounding states where such businesses remained shuttered, according to an analysis of smartphone location data.

Researchers at the University of Maryland say the data provides some of the first hard evidence that reopening some state economies ahead of others could worsen and prolong the spread of the novel coronavirus. Any impetus to travel, public health experts say, increases the number of people coming into contact with each other and raises the risk of transmission.

“It’s exactly the kind of effect we’ve been worried about,” said Meagan Fitzpatrick, an assistant professor at the University of Maryland School of Medicine."""

Several things to note in this article

Bottom line: on the disease side, It is impossible to find from the data any success achieved from severe lockdowns in slowing rates of infection or death. In states that have imposed severe lockdowns, infections and deaths have continued at high rates; while states that have not imposed severe lockdowns have not (at least as of yet) seen any surge in infections or deaths to remotely approach the levels in the more affected states.

This is true and it has been obvious for some time. More than not, the states with the toughest lockdown orders have the worst breakouts and their cases continue to rise, while states that waited until later and had lock downs less intrusive have seen less damage both in human casualties and economically. Texas and Florida are the second and third largest states in the country, and yet, their deaths per capita are nowhere close to that of New York, Michigan, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, etc. all states with severe lockdown orders still in place.

Remember two weeks ago when politicians and media pundits were condemning Georgia’s decision to deviate from the lockdown consensus and allow various businesses to resume operations? Not only has the virus curve flattened in the Peach [Tree] State. Data from the last 14 days show a welcome trend of declining new cases and deaths.

Georgia has been open for business for 15 days and despite the doom and gloom predictions from the media and so called health "experts" their confirmed cases and deaths continue on a decline

President Trump even said the state was opening too soon and people in the media accused Governor Brian Kemp of wanting people to die.

Maine ranks near the bottom of states in cases and deaths and yet Governor Mills extended her orders through the end of this month, which simply does not coincide with the science. Andrew Cuomo said just the other day that he was shocked upon learning two-thirds of recent hospitalizations in New York are from people who have been staying at home. A similar conclusion was hypothesized in early April by Professor Hendrik Streeck in Heinsberg, Germany who noted "There is no significant risk of catching the disease when you go shopping. Severe outbreaks of the infection were always a result of people being closer together over a longer period of time."

Politicians all over the world rushed to make rash decisions based on scant information at the recommendation of health "experts" who, themselves, really had no clue what was going on and were relying on fundamentally flawed models (IHME) that were astronomically off the mark. Now that we're two months into this and we are collecting more data it would seem that these heavy handed actions inflicting personal hardship on tens of millions of people in our country who weren't sick may not have been the way to go. Despite that, Democratic governors are still mostly digging their heals in and one has to wonder if this is more about politics and saving face at this point than it is science.
View attachment 334327 Makes good sense to me. I can see where quarantining yourself in a closed environment with others concentrating the viral cloud could be worse than being up, active, moving about, out in open fresh air and with only a very limited brief exposure to any one person.
Also consider how easily this virus would travel through an unfiltered HVAC system.
Several things to note in this article

Bottom line: on the disease side, It is impossible to find from the data any success achieved from severe lockdowns in slowing rates of infection or death. In states that have imposed severe lockdowns, infections and deaths have continued at high rates; while states that have not imposed severe lockdowns have not (at least as of yet) seen any surge in infections or deaths to remotely approach the levels in the more affected states.

This is true and it has been obvious for some time. More than not, the states with the toughest lockdown orders have the worst breakouts and their cases continue to rise, while states that waited until later and had lock downs less intrusive have seen less damage both in human casualties and economically. Texas and Florida are the second and third largest states in the country, and yet, their deaths per capita are nowhere close to that of New York, Michigan, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, etc. all states with severe lockdown orders still in place.

Remember two weeks ago when politicians and media pundits were condemning Georgia’s decision to deviate from the lockdown consensus and allow various businesses to resume operations? Not only has the virus curve flattened in the Peach [Tree] State. Data from the last 14 days show a welcome trend of declining new cases and deaths.

Georgia has been open for business for 15 days and despite the doom and gloom predictions from the media and so called health "experts" their confirmed cases and deaths continue on a decline

President Trump even said the state was opening too soon and people in the media accused Governor Brian Kemp of wanting people to die.

Maine ranks near the bottom of states in cases and deaths and yet Governor Mills extended her orders through the end of this month, which simply does not coincide with the science. Andrew Cuomo said just the other day that he was shocked upon learning two-thirds of recent hospitalizations in New York are from people who have been staying at home. A similar conclusion was hypothesized in early April by Professor Hendrik Streeck in Heinsberg, Germany who noted "There is no significant risk of catching the disease when you go shopping. Severe outbreaks of the infection were always a result of people being closer together over a longer period of time."

Politicians all over the world rushed to make rash decisions based on scant information at the recommendation of health "experts" who, themselves, really had no clue what was going on and were relying on fundamentally flawed models (IHME) that were astronomically off the mark. Now that we're two months into this and we are collecting more data it would seem that these heavy handed actions inflicting personal hardship on tens of millions of people in our country who weren't sick may not have been the way to go. Despite that, Democratic governors are still mostly digging their heals in and one has to wonder if this is more about politics and saving face at this point than it is science.

Hmm. Jury is out. Again, talk to me in two or three weeks. Then we can discuss if opening back up was a wise idea.
Worldwide coronavirus cases cross 4 million; more than 2,500 new cases in Florida since reopening Monday
Several things to note in this article

Bottom line: on the disease side, It is impossible to find from the data any success achieved from severe lockdowns in slowing rates of infection or death. In states that have imposed severe lockdowns, infections and deaths have continued at high rates; while states that have not imposed severe lockdowns have not (at least as of yet) seen any surge in infections or deaths to remotely approach the levels in the more affected states.

This is true and it has been obvious for some time. More than not, the states with the toughest lockdown orders have the worst breakouts and their cases continue to rise, while states that waited until later and had lock downs less intrusive have seen less damage both in human casualties and economically. Texas and Florida are the second and third largest states in the country, and yet, their deaths per capita are nowhere close to that of New York, Michigan, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, etc. all states with severe lockdown orders still in place.

Remember two weeks ago when politicians and media pundits were condemning Georgia’s decision to deviate from the lockdown consensus and allow various businesses to resume operations? Not only has the virus curve flattened in the Peach [Tree] State. Data from the last 14 days show a welcome trend of declining new cases and deaths.

Georgia has been open for business for 15 days and despite the doom and gloom predictions from the media and so called health "experts" their confirmed cases and deaths continue on a decline

President Trump even said the state was opening too soon and people in the media accused Governor Brian Kemp of wanting people to die.

Maine ranks near the bottom of states in cases and deaths and yet Governor Mills extended her orders through the end of this month, which simply does not coincide with the science. Andrew Cuomo said just the other day that he was shocked upon learning two-thirds of recent hospitalizations in New York are from people who have been staying at home. A similar conclusion was hypothesized in early April by Professor Hendrik Streeck in Heinsberg, Germany who noted "There is no significant risk of catching the disease when you go shopping. Severe outbreaks of the infection were always a result of people being closer together over a longer period of time."

Politicians all over the world rushed to make rash decisions based on scant information at the recommendation of health "experts" who, themselves, really had no clue what was going on and were relying on fundamentally flawed models (IHME) that were astronomically off the mark. Now that we're two months into this and we are collecting more data it would seem that these heavy handed actions inflicting personal hardship on tens of millions of people in our country who weren't sick may not have been the way to go. Despite that, Democratic governors are still mostly digging their heals in and one has to wonder if this is more about politics and saving face at this point than it is science.

Hmm. Jury is out. Again, talk to me in two or three weeks. Then we can discuss if opening back up was a wise idea.
Worldwide coronavirus cases cross 4 million; more than 2,500 new cases in Florida since reopening Monday
View attachment 334344

Yeah. This won't convince anyone. Since May 7th and 9th show increases.
Again, come talk to me in two weeks.
It will be interesting to look back and see what methods made what differences.
the states with the toughest lockdown orders have the worst breakouts and their cases continue to rise, while states that waited until later and had lock downs less intrusive have seen less damage both in human casualties and economically.
It's going to be interesting, and highly welcome, when this is over and strategies can be compared and analyzed.

What I'm wondering is whether you got this backwards--did the states with the toughest lockdown orders have the worst breakouts to begin with, and that's why they ended up with the toughest orders? Population density and warmer climate also appear to have some effect.

When we DO get to the end of this and can figure out what worked and what didn't, it is going to be absolutely essential that it NOT be performed by people looking for justification of one approach or the other. It will be difficult to compare apples to apples when looking at Kentucky and Michigan. But it has to be done as fairly as possible and the conglomerate findings analyzed with no particular outcome in mind.

Let the facts decide, not the political party.
Several things to note in this article

Bottom line: on the disease side, It is impossible to find from the data any success achieved from severe lockdowns in slowing rates of infection or death. In states that have imposed severe lockdowns, infections and deaths have continued at high rates; while states that have not imposed severe lockdowns have not (at least as of yet) seen any surge in infections or deaths to remotely approach the levels in the more affected states.

This is true and it has been obvious for some time. More than not, the states with the toughest lockdown orders have the worst breakouts and their cases continue to rise, while states that waited until later and had lock downs less intrusive have seen less damage both in human casualties and economically. Texas and Florida are the second and third largest states in the country, and yet, their deaths per capita are nowhere close to that of New York, Michigan, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, etc. all states with severe lockdown orders still in place.

Remember two weeks ago when politicians and media pundits were condemning Georgia’s decision to deviate from the lockdown consensus and allow various businesses to resume operations? Not only has the virus curve flattened in the Peach [Tree] State. Data from the last 14 days show a welcome trend of declining new cases and deaths.

Georgia has been open for business for 15 days and despite the doom and gloom predictions from the media and so called health "experts" their confirmed cases and deaths continue on a decline

President Trump even said the state was opening too soon and people in the media accused Governor Brian Kemp of wanting people to die.

Maine ranks near the bottom of states in cases and deaths and yet Governor Mills extended her orders through the end of this month, which simply does not coincide with the science. Andrew Cuomo said just the other day that he was shocked upon learning two-thirds of recent hospitalizations in New York are from people who have been staying at home. A similar conclusion was hypothesized in early April by Professor Hendrik Streeck in Heinsberg, Germany who noted "There is no significant risk of catching the disease when you go shopping. Severe outbreaks of the infection were always a result of people being closer together over a longer period of time."

Politicians all over the world rushed to make rash decisions based on scant information at the recommendation of health "experts" who, themselves, really had no clue what was going on and were relying on fundamentally flawed models (IHME) that were astronomically off the mark. Now that we're two months into this and we are collecting more data it would seem that these heavy handed actions inflicting personal hardship on tens of millions of people in our country who weren't sick may not have been the way to go. Despite that, Democratic governors are still mostly digging their heals in and one has to wonder if this is more about politics and saving face at this point than it is science.
View attachment 334327 Makes good sense to me. I can see where quarantining yourself in a closed environment with others concentrating the viral cloud could be worse than being up, active, moving about, out in open fresh air and with only a very limited brief exposure to any one person.
Several things to note in this article

Bottom line: on the disease side, It is impossible to find from the data any success achieved from severe lockdowns in slowing rates of infection or death. In states that have imposed severe lockdowns, infections and deaths have continued at high rates; while states that have not imposed severe lockdowns have not (at least as of yet) seen any surge in infections or deaths to remotely approach the levels in the more affected states.

This is true and it has been obvious for some time. More than not, the states with the toughest lockdown orders have the worst breakouts and their cases continue to rise, while states that waited until later and had lock downs less intrusive have seen less damage both in human casualties and economically. Texas and Florida are the second and third largest states in the country, and yet, their deaths per capita are nowhere close to that of New York, Michigan, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, etc. all states with severe lockdown orders still in place.

Remember two weeks ago when politicians and media pundits were condemning Georgia’s decision to deviate from the lockdown consensus and allow various businesses to resume operations? Not only has the virus curve flattened in the Peach [Tree] State. Data from the last 14 days show a welcome trend of declining new cases and deaths.

Georgia has been open for business for 15 days and despite the doom and gloom predictions from the media and so called health "experts" their confirmed cases and deaths continue on a decline

President Trump even said the state was opening too soon and people in the media accused Governor Brian Kemp of wanting people to die.

Maine ranks near the bottom of states in cases and deaths and yet Governor Mills extended her orders through the end of this month, which simply does not coincide with the science. Andrew Cuomo said just the other day that he was shocked upon learning two-thirds of recent hospitalizations in New York are from people who have been staying at home. A similar conclusion was hypothesized in early April by Professor Hendrik Streeck in Heinsberg, Germany who noted "There is no significant risk of catching the disease when you go shopping. Severe outbreaks of the infection were always a result of people being closer together over a longer period of time."

Politicians all over the world rushed to make rash decisions based on scant information at the recommendation of health "experts" who, themselves, really had no clue what was going on and were relying on fundamentally flawed models (IHME) that were astronomically off the mark. Now that we're two months into this and we are collecting more data it would seem that these heavy handed actions inflicting personal hardship on tens of millions of people in our country who weren't sick may not have been the way to go. Despite that, Democratic governors are still mostly digging their heals in and one has to wonder if this is more about politics and saving face at this point than it is science.
View attachment 334327 Makes good sense to me. I can see where quarantining yourself in a closed environment with others concentrating the viral cloud could be worse than being up, active, moving about, out in open fresh air and with only a very limited brief exposure to any one person.
i am still waiting to hear about how many millions have died in these red states from Mizz Pelosi
if we don't count way less populated states like Wyoming, and don't count densely populated areas. and focus on the rest of states & area's to see what happens, could that help give us a clue about how fast to open where & when? looking for practical answers, not political ones.
Several things to note in this article

Bottom line: on the disease side, It is impossible to find from the data any success achieved from severe lockdowns in slowing rates of infection or death. In states that have imposed severe lockdowns, infections and deaths have continued at high rates; while states that have not imposed severe lockdowns have not (at least as of yet) seen any surge in infections or deaths to remotely approach the levels in the more affected states.

This is true and it has been obvious for some time. More than not, the states with the toughest lockdown orders have the worst breakouts and their cases continue to rise, while states that waited until later and had lock downs less intrusive have seen less damage both in human casualties and economically. Texas and Florida are the second and third largest states in the country, and yet, their deaths per capita are nowhere close to that of New York, Michigan, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, etc. all states with severe lockdown orders still in place.

Remember two weeks ago when politicians and media pundits were condemning Georgia’s decision to deviate from the lockdown consensus and allow various businesses to resume operations? Not only has the virus curve flattened in the Peach [Tree] State. Data from the last 14 days show a welcome trend of declining new cases and deaths.

Georgia has been open for business for 15 days and despite the doom and gloom predictions from the media and so called health "experts" their confirmed cases and deaths continue on a decline

President Trump even said the state was opening too soon and people in the media accused Governor Brian Kemp of wanting people to die.

Maine ranks near the bottom of states in cases and deaths and yet Governor Mills extended her orders through the end of this month, which simply does not coincide with the science. Andrew Cuomo said just the other day that he was shocked upon learning two-thirds of recent hospitalizations in New York are from people who have been staying at home. A similar conclusion was hypothesized in early April by Professor Hendrik Streeck in Heinsberg, Germany who noted "There is no significant risk of catching the disease when you go shopping. Severe outbreaks of the infection were always a result of people being closer together over a longer period of time."

Politicians all over the world rushed to make rash decisions based on scant information at the recommendation of health "experts" who, themselves, really had no clue what was going on and were relying on fundamentally flawed models (IHME) that were astronomically off the mark. Now that we're two months into this and we are collecting more data it would seem that these heavy handed actions inflicting personal hardship on tens of millions of people in our country who weren't sick may not have been the way to go. Despite that, Democratic governors are still mostly digging their heals in and one has to wonder if this is more about politics and saving face at this point than it is science.
Ah, so now it is a competition....How macabre...
if we don't count way less populated states like Wyoming, and don't count densely populated areas. and focus on the rest of states & area's to see what happens, could that help give us a clue about how fast to open where & when? looking for practical answers, not political ones.
As I live out here I can tell you that we do social distancing. We never fully closed down and as of Saturday our restaurants are now opening up to 25% capacity for inside dinning. Most never closed down and did drive up service or curbside delivery.

I moved to graveyards so that I would not have direct public contact but could still do my job due to my age and underlying health issues. We found ways to work around things and do it safely.
Population density and warmer climate also appear to have some effect.
I read yesterday that warm weather was not deemed a factor in reducing the spread of Wuhan Virus according to a study by University of Toledo(?).

Not saying it's fact...but that's what I read.
Several things to note in this article

Bottom line: on the disease side, It is impossible to find from the data any success achieved from severe lockdowns in slowing rates of infection or death. In states that have imposed severe lockdowns, infections and deaths have continued at high rates; while states that have not imposed severe lockdowns have not (at least as of yet) seen any surge in infections or deaths to remotely approach the levels in the more affected states.

This is true and it has been obvious for some time. More than not, the states with the toughest lockdown orders have the worst breakouts and their cases continue to rise, while states that waited until later and had lock downs less intrusive have seen less damage both in human casualties and economically. Texas and Florida are the second and third largest states in the country, and yet, their deaths per capita are nowhere close to that of New York, Michigan, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, etc. all states with severe lockdown orders still in place.

Remember two weeks ago when politicians and media pundits were condemning Georgia’s decision to deviate from the lockdown consensus and allow various businesses to resume operations? Not only has the virus curve flattened in the Peach [Tree] State. Data from the last 14 days show a welcome trend of declining new cases and deaths.

Georgia has been open for business for 15 days and despite the doom and gloom predictions from the media and so called health "experts" their confirmed cases and deaths continue on a decline

President Trump even said the state was opening too soon and people in the media accused Governor Brian Kemp of wanting people to die.

Maine ranks near the bottom of states in cases and deaths and yet Governor Mills extended her orders through the end of this month, which simply does not coincide with the science. Andrew Cuomo said just the other day that he was shocked upon learning two-thirds of recent hospitalizations in New York are from people who have been staying at home. A similar conclusion was hypothesized in early April by Professor Hendrik Streeck in Heinsberg, Germany who noted "There is no significant risk of catching the disease when you go shopping. Severe outbreaks of the infection were always a result of people being closer together over a longer period of time."

Politicians all over the world rushed to make rash decisions based on scant information at the recommendation of health "experts" who, themselves, really had no clue what was going on and were relying on fundamentally flawed models (IHME) that were astronomically off the mark. Now that we're two months into this and we are collecting more data it would seem that these heavy handed actions inflicting personal hardship on tens of millions of people in our country who weren't sick may not have been the way to go. Despite that, Democratic governors are still mostly digging their heals in and one has to wonder if this is more about politics and saving face at this point than it is science.

Hmm. Jury is out. Again, talk to me in two or three weeks. Then we can discuss if opening back up was a wise idea.
Worldwide coronavirus cases cross 4 million; more than 2,500 new cases in Florida since reopening Monday

so let’s see here. You say in one paragraph to wait 2-3 weeks for data, then you post a sensationalist news site about new cases since last Monday. So which is it? Those new cases are a result of more testing, not reopening. Jackass...
Population density and warmer climate also appear to have some effect.
I read yesterday that warm weather was not deemed a factor in reducing the spread of Wuhan Virus according to a study by University of Toledo(?).

Not saying it's fact...but that's what I read.
Thanks. Just looking at the numbers and the map, it looks like the south was (in general) hit less hard than the northern states. But maybe warmth has nothing to do with it.
We found ways to work around things and do it safely.
That's what we did as well...never closed down and found workarounds. It's what we all have to do.

I'm not sure the major metropolitans are going to survive this. If this relatively minor pandemic spurred this reaction...think about what the next one will be like.

With a 99% survival rate trucks still ran to NYC...but how many are coming when it's 85%? At 85% you're at Russian roulette odds. Are you going to pull that trigger...cuz I'm not.
Republican Governors Are Kicking The Butts Of Democratic Governors On Covid-19 Response

In terms of exposing more of their citizens to the risk of getting COVID-19, yes.

If you wish to spend your life wallowing in ignorance, that is certainly your right, but I honestly don’t know why anybody would want to do that
He's not. Don't you get it yet? He's lying.
Population density and warmer climate also appear to have some effect.
I read yesterday that warm weather was not deemed a factor in reducing the spread of Wuhan Virus according to a study by University of Toledo(?).

Not saying it's fact...but that's what I read.
Thanks. Just looking at the numbers and the map, it looks like the south was (in general) hit less hard than the northern states. But maybe warmth has nothing to do with it.
Thanks Doc!
Population density and warmer climate also appear to have some effect.
I read yesterday that warm weather was not deemed a factor in reducing the spread of Wuhan Virus according to a study by University of Toledo(?).

Not saying it's fact...but that's what I read.
Actually DHS and NIH released a paper that shows COVID-19 dies in about 90 seconds in direct sunlight. So summer time will most certainly slow further spread as long as distancing is done outside. The higher in altitude you go the faster it dies as UV radiaiton is greater as the atmosphere thins. At 6300 feet, above sea level, it kills the virus in about 45 seconds. Density of the atmosphere has a whole lot to do with it.

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