Republican Debt Crises Have Killed 900,000 Jobs: Study

So Bush not the democratic controlled Congress was to blame but now the House is to blame for the current mess? I got that right?

Yes, that is when it really started happening. When Bush set out all the spending related to 9/11 and the two unneccesary wars apart from the budget the idea of a budget was worthless. The budget blew up when Obama put the cost of Bush's wars and the TART Bush got us into back into the budget and the light of day. Ignorant repugs can blame Obama all you want but the real truth is that YOU don't want to acknowledge the costs of Bush's presidency so a real and true budget will probably never happen.

Your goal is just over the horizon...Just keep blaming the ******...
Wait let me guess? Bush never paid for those wars, they cost nothing until Obama was President and did not add to the debt under Bush? Is that actually what you are arguing, cause otherwise your entire rant is horse SHIT.

Horseshit or not...THAT is exactly what I am saying. We have been dealing with Bush's arrogance and gross miss management of the budget for all of Obama's presidency. Bush started TARP... Bush gave us the first huge bailout of the theives and fraud in the mortgage markets. Obama was the one that made Bush's wars on the books which added to TARP blew the budget out of the water. BUT now the mouth breathers want to blame Obama for the budget. You people are incredible. You steal from the American people hand over fist and then charge the black guy with the costs of the theft.

Fuck you POS's and the Elephant you rode in on. As far as I am concerned you are ALL traitors and theives and should be lined up against a wall and shot in the head.

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