Repub/eXtreme Right PACS alliance falling apart

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA

Can this marriage be saved? GOP, hard-right groups at odds
WASHINGTON (AP) — Republican leaders and several hard-right groups are displaying the classic signs of a political divorce, including bitter name-calling and reprisals against one another.

The recent eagerness of House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell to lash out at groups that have given them fits has unshackled others in the Republican ranks to publicly question the motivation of organizations like the Senate Conservatives Fund, Heritage Action, Madison Project and Club for Growth.

Those PACs are sooo far Right, it isn't funny.

It was the only hope America had.

Now, the big government lovers are gonna ruin America. Hope you're happy. You'll be a happy little slave to FEMA soon.
It was the only hope America had.

Now, the big government lovers are gonna ruin America. Hope you're happy. You'll be a happy little slave to FEMA soon.

oh, don't crawl to the cemetery yet.

there are different candidates and there are plenty of possibilities to apply the PACs money.

and there is still plenty of time.
It was the only hope America had.

Now, the big government lovers are gonna ruin America. Hope you're happy. You'll be a happy little slave to FEMA soon.

those are merely front-groups private business that want to further extract $ from the middle-class (whats left of it anyway) and funnel it upwards to the 1%.

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