Representing Dirt


VIP Member
Dec 7, 2014
I was asked at school, to create a list of problems that exist in American politics, this is the list that I came up with.

1. This is a republic whereby the politicians create the laws.
Amongst those politicians, are Senators and Representatives from each state in Washington DC.
Each and every state has guaranteed equal representation in the Senate, 2 senators from each state.

This is regardless of the state's population, which creates minority rule over the majority.

It creates minority rule over the majority, because when 1 state has 15 or 30 million people, and another has less than 3 million people, and they both have equal representation in the government, the smaller population can over rule the larger population... a phenomenon called "Representing Dirt".

Why is it called representing dirt ? because you have empty states (dirt) which makes up the majority of the STATES in the USA... having greater representation in congress than the states where the PEOPLE live.

If each state has 2 senators, and the northeast, the mid atlantic and far west have the American population... and the bulk of the American land takes up more of the USA and has more states...

And BOTH the senate, and the house have to agree with each other in order to create or repeal policy...

The dirt ends up with the representation, therefore the dirt gets to decide the politics.

2. This place right here where we are at, Arkansas... is part the dirt and not the people, this state is part of the MAJORITY of the dirt... and the MINORITY of the people.. who voted republican, and continue to hold Americans hostage to right wing policies.

This state has no business having greater representation in congress, than the state of New York.

However, due to a faulty system, or one deliberately designed to represent dirt... this state does have more representation than New York.

Which it shouldn't.

3. The definition of what is the USA is, is way too fixated on national borders, and not the people...
Therefore what is patriotism, is also fixated on borders, and not the people.

What makes a nation is the people, however we're loaded with politicians who continue to represent dirt, and call their love for dirt "patriotism", while the people who actually make up the country are left to starve, like chopped liver.

This is basically what the GOP

This is basically what the GOP who is only in office because of the DIRT that I described above, continues to hold the USA to.

1. The first amendment means that one gets to claim religion, and in effect make his own laws, and get away with not abiding by ours.

2. The first amendment protects hate speech against legally protected groups which are Race, Creed, Religion, Age, Sexual Orientation, Gender, Disability, National Origin and Veteran Status.

3. The second amendment means that the individual gets to own a firearm.

4. Supply side economic politics creates wealth.

These are all false because the constitution is open to interpretation, and these are all what the GOP that represents states where Americans don't live (called dirt).. continue to hold the PEOPLE (the population) hostage to.

What needs to happen, is we need to have a popular vote in the USA.
Popular vote wins in elections, and make it mandatory to vote.

And make failure to vote, punishable by a $250,000 fine, and up to 10 years in prison.
(so that there is no low voter turnouts, and therefore minority rule)

We also need to make the representation by senators, proportionate to their state's population.

1 senator per million people.

That's what we need to do.
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I was asked at school, to create a list of problems that exist in American politics, this is the list that I came up with.

1. This is a republic whereby the politicians create the laws.
Amongst those politicians, are Senators and Representatives from each state in Washington DC.
Each and every state has guaranteed equal representation in the Senate, 2 senators from each state.

This is regardless of the state's population, which creates minority rule over the majority.

It creates minority rule over the majority, because when 1 state has 15 or 30 million people, and another has less than 3 million people, and they both have equal representation in the government, the smaller population can over rule the larger population... a phenomenon called "Representing Dirt".

Why is it called representing dirt ? because you have empty states (dirt) which makes up the majority of the STATES in the USA... having greater representation in congress than the states where the PEOPLE live.

If each state has 2 senators, and the northeast, the mid atlantic and far west have the American population... and the bulk of the American land takes up more of the USA and has more states...

And BOTH the senate, and the house have to agree with each other in order to create or repeal policy...

The dirt ends up with the representation, therefore the dirt gets to decide the politics.

2. This place right here where we are at, Arkansas... is part the dirt and not the people, this state is part of the MAJORITY of the dirt... and the MINORITY of the people.. who voted republican, and continue to hold Americans hostage to right wing policies.

This state has no business having greater representation in congress, than the state of New York.

However, due to a faulty system, or one deliberately designed to represent dirt... this state does have more representation than New York.

Which it shouldn't.

3. The definition of what is the USA is, is way too fixated on national borders, and not the people...
Therefore what is patriotism, is also fixated on borders, and not the people.

What makes a nation is the people, however we're loaded with politicians who continue to represent dirt, and call their love for dirt "patriotism", while the people who actually make up the country are left to starve, like chopped liver.

This is basically what the GOP

This is basically what the GOP who is only in office because of the DIRT that I described above, continues to hold the USA to.

1. The first amendment means that one gets to claim religion, and in effect make his own laws, and get away with not abiding by ours.

2. The first amendment protects hate speech against legally protected groups which are Race, Creed, Religion, Age, Sexual Orientation, Gender, Disability, National Origin and Veteran Status.

3. The second amendment means that the individual gets to own a firearm.

4. Supply side economic politics creates wealth.

These are all false because the constitution is open to interpretation, and these are all what the GOP that represents states where Americans don't live (called dirt).. continue to hold the PEOPLE (the population) hostage to.

What needs to happen, is we need to have a popular vote in the USA.
Popular vote wins in elections, and make it mandatory to vote.

And make failure to vote, punishable by a $250,000 fine, and up to 10 years in prison.
(so that there is no low voter turnouts, and therefore minority rule)

We also need to make the representation by senators, proportionate to their state's population.

1 senator per million people.

That's what we need to do.

Now you need to write about how many Representatives in the House Arkansas has relative to New York or California.
If I were your teacher, you got a F on that paper.
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It seems that you have fundamentally misunderstood the way our government works.

The senate represents the STATES and that is why there are 2 per state without consideration of the population. They are not representing 'dirt' but the respective governments in that state. The original intent was not to have them elected by a vote at all.
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The government has no business having representation by itself, and states with a smaller population having the same representation as much larger states, is representing dirt.
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Interesting that Libs ALWAYS want to FORCE people to do whatever it is that they want them to do.

Things that make you go "hmmmmmmm".
I was asked at school, to create a list of problems that exist in American politics, this is the list that I came up with.

1. This is a republic whereby the politicians create the laws.
Amongst those politicians, are Senators and Representatives from each state in Washington DC.
Each and every state has guaranteed equal representation in the Senate, 2 senators from each state.

This is regardless of the state's population, which creates minority rule over the majority.

It creates minority rule over the majority, because when 1 state has 15 or 30 million people, and another has less than 3 million people, and they both have equal representation in the government, the smaller population can over rule the larger population... a phenomenon called "Representing Dirt".

Why is it called representing dirt ? because you have empty states (dirt) which makes up the majority of the STATES in the USA... having greater representation in congress than the states where the PEOPLE live.

If each state has 2 senators, and the northeast, the mid atlantic and far west have the American population... and the bulk of the American land takes up more of the USA and has more states...

And BOTH the senate, and the house have to agree with each other in order to create or repeal policy...

The dirt ends up with the representation, therefore the dirt gets to decide the politics.

2. This place right here where we are at, Arkansas... is part the dirt and not the people, this state is part of the MAJORITY of the dirt... and the MINORITY of the people.. who voted republican, and continue to hold Americans hostage to right wing policies.

This state has no business having greater representation in congress, than the state of New York.

However, due to a faulty system, or one deliberately designed to represent dirt... this state does have more representation than New York.

Which it shouldn't.

3. The definition of what is the USA is, is way too fixated on national borders, and not the people...
Therefore what is patriotism, is also fixated on borders, and not the people.

What makes a nation is the people, however we're loaded with politicians who continue to represent dirt, and call their love for dirt "patriotism", while the people who actually make up the country are left to starve, like chopped liver.

This is basically what the GOP

This is basically what the GOP who is only in office because of the DIRT that I described above, continues to hold the USA to.

1. The first amendment means that one gets to claim religion, and in effect make his own laws, and get away with not abiding by ours.

2. The first amendment protects hate speech against legally protected groups which are Race, Creed, Religion, Age, Sexual Orientation, Gender, Disability, National Origin and Veteran Status.

3. The second amendment means that the individual gets to own a firearm.

4. Supply side economic politics creates wealth.

These are all false because the constitution is open to interpretation, and these are all what the GOP that represents states where Americans don't live (called dirt).. continue to hold the PEOPLE (the population) hostage to.

What needs to happen, is we need to have a popular vote in the USA.
Popular vote wins in elections, and make it mandatory to vote.

And make failure to vote, punishable by a $250,000 fine, and up to 10 years in prison.
(so that there is no low voter turnouts, and therefore minority rule)

We also need to make the representation by senators, proportionate to their state's population.

1 senator per million people.

That's what we need to do.

What a truly horrible plan. Fortunately, it will never be implemented.

I'll note that DIRT is smarter than the OP.
The government has no business having representation by itself, and states with a smaller population having the same representation as much larger states, is representing dirt.

So you want to flip it so that New York and California can dictate to everyone their beliefs.

If your side had turned out to vote you wouldn't be whining like this kid.
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If that's where the American people live, then yes their beliefs should be the law in the USA, yes the nation's people should be allowed to dictate to the dirt states how the entire USA is governed.
If that's where the American people live, then yes their beliefs should be the law in the USA.

.....and EVERYONE else should be forced to bow to their will.

Too funny,why not just get "your" people out to vote?
Non mob rule = dictatorship

You are a blithering moron. SRSLY.

The strawman attempt to equate Mob Rule as the opposite of Dictatorship is incredibly transparent. In reality, mobs serve dictatorships. They are both on the side of tyranny.

The purpose of the Senate, as was originally prescribed, was to prevent the tyranny of the majority over the minority. A laudable goal.


The purpose of the Senate, as originally prescribed, was to prevent the tyranny of the majority against the minority. A laudable goal.


The only tyrant there has ever been in human history has been government bureaus that run stray from the people.

The purpose of the Senate, as originally prescribed, was to prevent the tyranny of the majority against the minority. A laudable goal.

That's the court system, not the senate.

The senate dates back to a time when the 13 original states had about the same population and all lived close to eachother.

The Senate was constructed as a counter balance to the House of Representatives. The Judicial branch of government was not an issue.

Put in colloquial terms, the Senate was instituted so that New York could not butt fuck Rhode Island...or Wyoming, for that matter.

The purpose of the Senate, as originally prescribed, was to prevent the tyranny of the majority against the minority. A laudable goal.

That's the court system, not the senate.

The senate dates back to a time when the 13 original states had about the same population and all lived close to eachother.

The Senate was constructed as a counter balance to the House of Representatives. The Judicial branch of government was not an issue.

Put in colloquial terms, the Senate was instituted so that New York could not butt fuck Rhode Island...or Wyoming, for that matter.

He doesn't like that
The government has no business having representation by itself, and states with a smaller population having the same representation as much larger states, is representing dirt.

Government does not have representation by itself.
States with smaller populations have less House Representatives.
States with a smaller populations does not have the same representation as larger states
Calif - 53 house Representatives
New York - 29
Wyoming -1
AZ- 8

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