Report Shows Drone Strikes Based on Scant Evidence


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
New information on the Central Intelligence Agency’s campaign of drone strikes in northwest Pakistan directly contradicts the image the Barack Obama administration and the CIA have sought to establish in the news media of a program based on highly accurate targeting that is effective in disrupting al-Qaeda’s terrorist plots against the United States.
Report Shows Drone Strikes Based on Scant Evidence
Report also shows that hand-grenades and bombs are not accurate and have indiscriminately been killing civilians since their inception.

Does it matter? Not really. Drones are still effective weapons, both practically and psychologically, against insurgents.

I see no reason to handicap ourselves anymore than we choose too.
Those of us who are familiar with the target verification process know the truth about calling in strikes on targets. Those who never called in a strike only know what they see in the movies or read from anti-war web sites posted by the OP.

I'll rely on the word of those who BTDT.

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