Report: Israel training to block Freedom Fleet

yo girls, you think it would be too much trouble to take the bitch slapping to the flame zone and try to keep the arguments on topic elsewhere?
Dummy, you clearly are clueless, so, why do you insist on being humiliated?

In addition to a barrier separating Gaza from southern Israel, there is a buffer zone. The Erez Crossing is also a massive border crossing.

You're a little faggot living at home with his parents pretending to have a clue about the Middle East, but, you're an uninformed moron.

It's breast-feeding time, troll.

Right, barrier not border. There is no border. Sderot is in Palestine.

Wrong, barrier, border. Israel=sovereign state. There is no state called Palestine.

Gaza firing rockets into Israel=war crime.

Tin Head=faggot living at home with parents.

Try to remember, retard.

IDF does not murder innocent civilians??

I am quite sure this school was full of "terrorists".

Gaza Horror: Updated Large Photo Gallery of Gaza Massacre by Israel Pak Alert Press

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