Repealing ObamaCare would add $353 billion to deficits, CBO says



19 million people would lose health insurance in 2016, the report said.

From 2021 to 2025, 24 million more people would lose insurance, including 22 million who had been enrolled in the law’s exchanges and 14 million who had been on Medicaid.

On the question of ObamaCare subsidies, House Republicans have been uniting around a plan that would give states the option of keeping them if the Supreme Court rules against the healthcare law.

Repealing ObamaCare would add 353 billion to deficits CBO says TheHill


I think Republicans should finally come out and just run on a policy of "let them die".

Seriously, could you imagine 19 million Americans losing health care just before the next election? We know that such a thing is fine with Republicans. In fact, it makes them giddy. Until they discover that isn't 19 million Democrats.

And you have to admit, this part is hilarious on so many levels: On the question of ObamaCare subsidies, House Republicans have been uniting around a plan that would give states the option of keeping them if the Supreme Court rules against the healthcare law.
Funny, someone named "here we go again" making the comment I was thinking of making, "here we go again". No way the GOP is getting out of this unscathed.
19 million people would lose health insurance in 2016, the report said.

From 2021 to 2025, 24 million more people would lose insurance, including 22 million who had been enrolled in the law’s exchanges and 14 million who had been on Medicaid.

On the question of ObamaCare subsidies, House Republicans have been uniting around a plan that would give states the option of keeping them if the Supreme Court rules against the healthcare law.

Repealing ObamaCare would add 353 billion to deficits CBO says TheHill


I think Republicans should finally come out and just run on a policy of "let them die".

Seriously, could you imagine 19 million Americans losing health care just before the next election? We know that such a thing is fine with Republicans. In fact, it makes them giddy. Until they discover that isn't 19 million Democrats.

And you have to admit, this part is hilarious on so many levels: On the question of ObamaCare subsidies, House Republicans have been uniting around a plan that would give states the option of keeping them if the Supreme Court rules against the healthcare law.
19 million people would lose health insurance in 2016, the report said.

From 2021 to 2025, 24 million more people would lose insurance, including 22 million who had been enrolled in the law’s exchanges and 14 million who had been on Medicaid.

On the question of ObamaCare subsidies, House Republicans have been uniting around a plan that would give states the option of keeping them if the Supreme Court rules against the healthcare law.

Repealing ObamaCare would add 353 billion to deficits CBO says TheHill


I think Republicans should finally come out and just run on a policy of "let them die".

Seriously, could you imagine 19 million Americans losing health care just before the next election? We know that such a thing is fine with Republicans. In fact, it makes them giddy. Until they discover that isn't 19 million Democrats.

And you have to admit, this part is hilarious on so many levels: On the question of ObamaCare subsidies, House Republicans have been uniting around a plan that would give states the option of keeping them if the Supreme Court rules against the healthcare law.
lmao Rderp do you even bother reading your links?

From the same link....

While CBO’s report notes that the deficit impact of repealing the law is highly uncertain, and could even reduce the deficit, it does show that repealing this law will boost nationwide employment and grow the economy,” Enzi said in a statement.
19 million people would lose health insurance in 2016, the report said.

From 2021 to 2025, 24 million more people would lose insurance, including 22 million who had been enrolled in the law’s exchanges and 14 million who had been on Medicaid.

On the question of ObamaCare subsidies, House Republicans have been uniting around a plan that would give states the option of keeping them if the Supreme Court rules against the healthcare law.

Repealing ObamaCare would add 353 billion to deficits CBO says TheHill


I think Republicans should finally come out and just run on a policy of "let them die".

Seriously, could you imagine 19 million Americans losing health care just before the next election? We know that such a thing is fine with Republicans. In fact, it makes them giddy. Until they discover that isn't 19 million Democrats.

And you have to admit, this part is hilarious on so many levels: On the question of ObamaCare subsidies, House Republicans have been uniting around a plan that would give states the option of keeping them if the Supreme Court rules against the healthcare law.

And yet, in the long run it will do more good for the poor and middle class than leaving it in place. Face it derpy, you're one of the "stupid people" that Gruber was talking about when he explained the necessity of lying about the Act to get it passed.

Just think derpy, without idiots like you the poor and middle class wouldn't be getting bent over like they are. How does it feel to be a supporter of the insurance companies over the interests of the poor?
And yet, in the long run it will do more good for the poor and middle class than leaving it in place. Face it derpy, you're one of the "stupid people" that Gruber was talking about when he explained the necessity of lying about the Act to get it passed.

Just think derpy, without idiots like you the poor and middle class wouldn't be getting bent over like they are. How does it feel to be a supporter of the insurance companies over the interests of the poor?

The ACA is a necessary evil.

The biggest thing wrong with it is that dimocraps wrote it.

But the ACA is absolutely necessary. In fact, it needs to be stronger. The fine for not buying Health Insurance should be $5,000 per person. Minimum

What happens, Joe Bob goes without insurance in favor of a new set of 20's on his Camaro.

Six Months later, he wraps it around a tree and gets carried to the E-Room.

$300,000 later, he's stabilized (which is The LAW)

The Doctors and Hospitals collect -- Zero (0)

Shaquelle don't want no stinking Helf inshore-ance.

He's out wilding wiff his bros one night and gets shot in the guts 3 times by some homeowner defending his home and family.

Gets carried to the E-Room and 4 operations and $500,000 later, he's stabilized (it's the LAW)

Hospitals and Doctors never get a dime from him. Ever.

So the Hospitals cost-shit the loss onto people who CAN pay. It's business 101.

Carry Health Insurance or get the fuck out of my Country.

Also, SLAM the fucking lawyers. Start a schedule like Workers Comp has..... Lose an arm, you get X, lose a leg, xx, lose an eye, XXx, lose anything else due to malpratice, it's all predetermined. Bring a Lawyer and we'll talk to you in 10 years. Lawyer scum get SHIT.

Do those two things, mandatory coverage and kick lawyer scum in the nutz, and our Health Care problems in this Country are OVER

But we need the ACA. Just an ACA written by adults instead of by morons
And yet, in the long run it will do more good for the poor and middle class than leaving it in place. Face it derpy, you're one of the "stupid people" that Gruber was talking about when he explained the necessity of lying about the Act to get it passed.

Just think derpy, without idiots like you the poor and middle class wouldn't be getting bent over like they are. How does it feel to be a supporter of the insurance companies over the interests of the poor?

The ACA is a necessary evil.

The biggest thing wrong with it is that dimocraps wrote it.

But the ACA is absolutely necessary. In fact, it needs to be stronger. The fine for not buying Health Insurance should be $5,000 per person. Minimum

What happens, Joe Bob goes without insurance in favor of a new set of 20's on his Camaro.

Six Months later, he wraps it around a tree and gets carried to the E-Room.

$300,000 later, he's stabilized (which is The LAW)

The Doctors and Hospitals collect -- Zero (0)

Shaquelle don't want no stinking Helf inshore-ance.

He's out wilding wiff his bros one night and gets shot in the guts 3 times by some homeowner defending his home and family.

Gets carried to the E-Room and 4 operations and $500,000 later, he's stabilized (it's the LAW)

Hospitals and Doctors never get a dime from him. Ever.

So the Hospitals cost-shit the loss onto people who CAN pay. It's business 101.

Carry Health Insurance or get the fuck out of my Country.

Also, SLAM the fucking lawyers. Start a schedule like Workers Comp has..... Lose an arm, you get X, lose a leg, xx, lose an eye, XXx, lose anything else due to malpratice, it's all predetermined. Bring a Lawyer and we'll talk to you in 10 years. Lawyer scum get SHIT.

Do those two things, mandatory coverage and kick lawyer scum in the nutz, and our Health Care problems in this Country are OVER

But we need the ACA. Just an ACA written by adults instead of by morons
But it was the morons who are smart enough to see the need? That's tarded.
19 million people would lose health insurance in 2016, the report said.

From 2021 to 2025, 24 million more people would lose insurance, including 22 million who had been enrolled in the law’s exchanges and 14 million who had been on Medicaid.

On the question of ObamaCare subsidies, House Republicans have been uniting around a plan that would give states the option of keeping them if the Supreme Court rules against the healthcare law.

Repealing ObamaCare would add 353 billion to deficits CBO says TheHill


I think Republicans should finally come out and just run on a policy of "let them die".

Seriously, could you imagine 19 million Americans losing health care just before the next election? We know that such a thing is fine with Republicans. In fact, it makes them giddy. Until they discover that isn't 19 million Democrats.

And you have to admit, this part is hilarious on so many levels: On the question of ObamaCare subsidies, House Republicans have been uniting around a plan that would give states the option of keeping them if the Supreme Court rules against the healthcare law.
19 million people would lose health insurance in 2016, the report said.

From 2021 to 2025, 24 million more people would lose insurance, including 22 million who had been enrolled in the law’s exchanges and 14 million who had been on Medicaid.

On the question of ObamaCare subsidies, House Republicans have been uniting around a plan that would give states the option of keeping them if the Supreme Court rules against the healthcare law.

Repealing ObamaCare would add 353 billion to deficits CBO says TheHill


I think Republicans should finally come out and just run on a policy of "let them die".

Seriously, could you imagine 19 million Americans losing health care just before the next election? We know that such a thing is fine with Republicans. In fact, it makes them giddy. Until they discover that isn't 19 million Democrats.

And you have to admit, this part is hilarious on so many levels: On the question of ObamaCare subsidies, House Republicans have been uniting around a plan that would give states the option of keeping them if the Supreme Court rules against the healthcare law.
lmao Rderp do you even bother reading your links?

From the same link....

While CBO’s report notes that the deficit impact of repealing the law is highly uncertain, and could even reduce the deficit, it does show that repealing this law will boost nationwide employment and grow the economy,” Enzi said in a statement.
Read it again fool. That quote is a paraphrase from Sen. Mike Enzi (R-Wyo.). And if you are able, think about it. Part time jobs with no benefits? That's what it might create. But entrepreneurs like affordable care. Try to figure out why.

Obamacare Is An Entrepreneur s Best Friend - Forbes
19 million people would lose health insurance in 2016, the report said.

From 2021 to 2025, 24 million more people would lose insurance, including 22 million who had been enrolled in the law’s exchanges and 14 million who had been on Medicaid.

On the question of ObamaCare subsidies, House Republicans have been uniting around a plan that would give states the option of keeping them if the Supreme Court rules against the healthcare law.

Repealing ObamaCare would add 353 billion to deficits CBO says TheHill


I think Republicans should finally come out and just run on a policy of "let them die".

Seriously, could you imagine 19 million Americans losing health care just before the next election? We know that such a thing is fine with Republicans. In fact, it makes them giddy. Until they discover that isn't 19 million Democrats.

And you have to admit, this part is hilarious on so many levels: On the question of ObamaCare subsidies, House Republicans have been uniting around a plan that would give states the option of keeping them if the Supreme Court rules against the healthcare law.

This is parallel-universe material. Obamacare is such a train wreck that 34 states have refused to set up the exchanges. Obamacare is already costing way, way more than was advertised. Millions of people have *lost* their health insurance because of Obamacare. A large chunk of the millions who have obtained health insurance via Obamacare have done so with the help of *federal subsidies," and the Obamacare Medicaid subsidies last only a few years, after which the cost gets thrown onto the states. The exchanges that have been set up are *not* self-sustaining, contrary to what we were told--not even close.

Are the liberals here just a bunch of college students or something? Do they have any idea what it's like in the real world?
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19 million people would lose health insurance in 2016, the report said.

From 2021 to 2025, 24 million more people would lose insurance, including 22 million who had been enrolled in the law’s exchanges and 14 million who had been on Medicaid.

On the question of ObamaCare subsidies, House Republicans have been uniting around a plan that would give states the option of keeping them if the Supreme Court rules against the healthcare law.

Repealing ObamaCare would add 353 billion to deficits CBO says TheHill


I think Republicans should finally come out and just run on a policy of "let them die".

Seriously, could you imagine 19 million Americans losing health care just before the next election? We know that such a thing is fine with Republicans. In fact, it makes them giddy. Until they discover that isn't 19 million Democrats.

And you have to admit, this part is hilarious on so many levels: On the question of ObamaCare subsidies, House Republicans have been uniting around a plan that would give states the option of keeping them if the Supreme Court rules against the healthcare law.

This is parallel-universe material. Obamacare is such a train wreck that 34 states have refused to set up the exchanges. Obamacare is already costing way, way more than was advertised. Millions of people have *lost* their health insurance because of Obamacare. A large chunk of the millions who have obtained health insurance via Obamacare have done so with the help of *federal subsidies," and the Obamacare Medicaid subsidies last only a few years, after which the cost gets thrown onto the states. The exchanges that have been set up are *not* self-sustaining, contrary to what we were told--not even close.

Are the liberals here just a bunch of college students or something? Do they have any idea what it's like in the real world?
Obamacare is such a train wreck that 34 states have refused to set up the exchanges.

That's the most stupid thing I've heard in a long time. Don't be such a shithead. What is wrong with you?

In Kentucky, they simply changed the name to Kynect. And what do those people in Kentucky think of Obamacare? They hate it. What do they think of Kynect? They love it. Cuz they are fucking right wing moronic idiots.

McConnell s Obamacare Spin Exploits Kentuckian Confusion Over KyNect The New Republic

This will only strike you as ironic if you ignored ACA's stunning successes in Kentucky

McConnell attempted to obscure this obvious conundrum by claiming the fate of Kynect—the state's popular and prosperous online insurance exchange—is "unconnected" from the fate of the ACA statute itself.

McConnell surely remembers all this. He was Kentucky's junior senator at the time. But the same can't be said for some large number of Kentuckians who hate Obamacare and love Kynect. Despite intensifying cries of foul from the state press, McConnell appears determined to capitalize on their bewilderment rather than level with them about what he has in store.


That's how the GOP leadership treats their base. Bewilders them then screws them over.
And yet, in the long run it will do more good for the poor and middle class than leaving it in place.

Not really. As the CBO has noted, health care cost growth has dropped substantially over the past few years. That's why the taxpayer tab for Medicare, Medicaid, and even the ACA's new spending have collectively dropped by hundreds of billions of dollars. In the private sector it's materialized in insurance premiums below projections (and growing more slowly than expected), record low in health care price inflation, etc.

The CBO pointed out that if the ACA has anything to do with health care cost and spending trends over the past 5 years (which they've conservatively not assumed for the purposes of their repeal estimates), then repeal hurts everyone a lot, lot more in the long run than they can capture:

Over the longer term, there is particular uncertainty about the ways that providers of health care will respond to the ACA’s reductions in the updates to Medicare’s payment rates and about whether repealing the ACA would weaken pressures for cost control that may have contributed to a broad slowdown in spending growth for health care.
Nevertheless, it is difficult to dismiss the argument that implementation of the ACA’s provisions has in some way fostered a focus on cost control that has encouraged slower growth in spending. As one analysis concluded recently, however, “it is impossible to quantify how much the ACA has truly contributed to the reduced spending projections over time”—at least until more extensive data and analyses are available.30 Reflecting that view, CBO and JCT have not incorporated such an effect into this estimate. But to the extent that such an effect has occurred and would continue under current law, repealing the ACA would generate a larger increase in federal deficits than is estimated here. Specifically, repealing the ACA would cause spending on Medicare and Medicaid to grow more rapidly—and the substantial costs of the tax preference for employment-based health insurance to grow more quickly —than is reflected in this estimate.

Obamacare is already costing way, way more than was advertised.

If by "way more" you mean way less:
Overall, the health-care law will now cost 29% less for the 2015-19 period than was first forecast by the CBO when the law was signed in March 2010. Back then, the CBO and the congressional Joint Committee on Taxation estimated that for the last five years of their 10-year projection, Obamacare would cost $710 billion. Now, they expect it will cost $506 billion for the same period.

Parallel universe indeed.
“While CBO’s report notes that the deficit impact of repealing the law is highly uncertain, and could even reduce the deficit, it does show that repealing this law will boost nationwide employment and grow the economy,” Enzi said in a statement.

The agencies released their findings a day after the House voted to repeal an ObamaCare tax on the makers of medical equipment. That tax is expected to generate $25 billion for ObamaCare over the next decade, but there is support in both parties for abolishing it. The White House has rejected repealing the tax unless the funding is replaced.
Think about this for a moment, when they say its going to cost the government X number of dollars to repeal it, where does that money come from in the first place?
their loss of revenue is created by workers paying less in tax.
To me, less in tax is a good thing.
I've paid for my own insurance since the late 70s, nobody had to help. I fail to see why I should be responsible for paying for someone else now.
Cut the ACA out, repeal it completely.
It just continuously baffles me when I think about how little personal responsibility the left has.
I've paid for my own insurance since the late 70s, nobody had to help. I fail to see why I should be responsible for paying for someone else now.

The tax revenue you're talking about comes from scaling back the formerly limitless tax subsidy for employer-based insurance, which in turn means more compensation will flow through wages than through inflated tax-privileged health benefit plans (i.e., an existing market distortion is being scaled back).

If you've been buying your own plan for decades instead of getting it through an employer-based plan, that doesn't affect you.
I've paid for my own insurance since the late 70s, nobody had to help. I fail to see why I should be responsible for paying for someone else now.

The tax revenue you're talking about comes from scaling back the formerly limitless tax subsidy for employer-based insurance, which in turn means more compensation will flow through wages than through inflated tax-privileged health benefit plans (i.e., an existing market distortion is being scaled back).

If you've been buying your own plan for decades instead of getting it through an employer-based plan, that doesn't affect you.
think about what you just said. Its only part of the equation.
Me contributing to someone else's health care is not in my best interest.
think about what you just said. Its only part of the equation.
Me contributing to someone else's health care is not in my best interest.

If you believe that, why have you been buying health insurance for 40 years? Those premium dollars didn't go into a savings account for you somewhere, they went to pay other people's medical expenses.
Repealing Obamacare would boost economic growth by an average of 0.7 percent after several years, according to an analysis by the Congressional Budget Office released on Friday.
"CBO has determined what many in Congress have known all along," Republican Senate Budget Committee Chairman Mike Enzi of Wyoming said in a statement. "This law acts as an anchor on our economy by dragging down employment and reducing labor force participation.
Repeal would make the economy grow faster in the budget office's projections mostly because of the removal provisions of the law that reduce the supply of labor.
CBO estimated that repeal would not boost growth immediately. Then economic output would be boosted by 0.1 percent in 2017, rising to about 0.6 percent in 2020.
From 2021-2025, gross domestic product would be on average 0.7 percent greater. Based on the budget office's most recent economic projections, that amounts to between $100 billion and $200 billion in today's dollars.
I've paid for my own insurance since the late 70s, nobody had to help. I fail to see why I should be responsible for paying for someone else now.

The tax revenue you're talking about comes from scaling back the formerly limitless tax subsidy for employer-based insurance, which in turn means more compensation will flow through wages than through inflated tax-privileged health benefit plans (i.e., an existing market distortion is being scaled back).

If you've been buying your own plan for decades instead of getting it through an employer-based plan, that doesn't affect you.

(i.e., an existing market distortion is being scaled back).

The government caused a market distortion and now even more government is going to reduce the distortion? That's funny!

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