Rep. Steve King Viciously Attacks Woman, grabbing her screaming Racial Slurs

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Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012

Rep. Steve King Grabs Latino Woman's Wrist: 'You're Very Good At English'

Fucking Rand Paul shit his pants and ran like a coward.

Things got dicey Monday night when two immigration activists confronted Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and Rep. Steve King (R-IA) at a fundraiser in Okobiji, Iowa.

Erika Andiola and Cesar Vargas, both members of the Dream Action Coalition, shook hands with the two lawmakers and introduced themselves as beneficiaries of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, program — a program King pushed to end through legislation in the House. Paul was quickly whisked away from the table by an aide and even left his food behind as Andiola handed her DACA card to King and offered to let him rip it up.
I am no fan of King, but he did not grab her wrist. He took her hand.

She constantly interrupted King, not letting him talk.

And he sure as shit did not "viciously attack" the woman. Not did he "scream racial slurs".

You are an unmitigated asshole, hazlnut.
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Rep. Steve King Grabs Latino Woman's Wrist: 'You're Very Good At English'

Fucking Rand Paul shit his pants and ran like a coward.

Things got dicey Monday night when two immigration activists confronted Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and Rep. Steve King (R-IA) at a fundraiser in Okobiji, Iowa.

Erika Andiola and Cesar Vargas, both members of the Dream Action Coalition, shook hands with the two lawmakers and introduced themselves as beneficiaries of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, program — a program King pushed to end through legislation in the House. Paul was quickly whisked away from the table by an aide and even left his food behind as Andiola handed her DACA card to King and offered to let him rip it up.

Hazel, is there an honest bone in your body?

Yes, there was confrontation but does everyone have to agree. The hand grapping was no big deal to either one of them. At least this time it didn't turn out to be two democrats.
Hazel, you realize that if you keep lying about things, you don't give us any reason to believe what you say, right?

Rep. Steve King Grabs Latino Woman's Wrist: 'You're Very Good At English'

Fucking Rand Paul shit his pants and ran like a coward.

Things got dicey Monday night when two immigration activists confronted Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and Rep. Steve King (R-IA) at a fundraiser in Okobiji, Iowa.

Erika Andiola and Cesar Vargas, both members of the Dream Action Coalition, shook hands with the two lawmakers and introduced themselves as beneficiaries of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, program — a program King pushed to end through legislation in the House. Paul was quickly whisked away from the table by an aide and even left his food behind as Andiola handed her DACA card to King and offered to let him rip it up.

I am no fan of King but I thought he handled himself quite well in an ambush interview. He was patient and respectful
I am no fan of King, but he did not grab her wrist. He took her hand.

She constantly interrupted King, not letting him talk.

And he sure as shit did not "viciously attack" the woman. Not did he "scream racial slurs".

You are an unmitigated asshole, hazlnut.

I just watched it without sound.

Ol' Hazel's description seems pretty accurate.

Rand ran.

King grabbed her idea where he thinks he can do that.

And he seemed pretty aggressive.
What an arrogant little **** and how fucking rude to interrupt a man eating a meal, misrepresent what he says, and then not listen at all. She a stupid leftist illegal who's trying to make a name for herself. This is her schtick. Nothing but a mestizo bitch trying to justify her existence, and failing.

Rep. Steve King Grabs Latino Woman's Wrist: 'You're Very Good At English'

Fucking Rand Paul shit his pants and ran like a coward.

Things got dicey Monday night when two immigration activists confronted Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and Rep. Steve King (R-IA) at a fundraiser in Okobiji, Iowa.

Erika Andiola and Cesar Vargas, both members of the Dream Action Coalition, shook hands with the two lawmakers and introduced themselves as beneficiaries of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, program — a program King pushed to end through legislation in the House. Paul was quickly whisked away from the table by an aide and even left his food behind as Andiola handed her DACA card to King and offered to let him rip it up.

I am no fan of King but I thought he handled himself quite well in an ambush interview. He was patient and respectful

Well, when you are an elected representative, you have to respect the people you represent when they confront you. If they live in your district, you represent them.
They don't look like drug smugglers with calves the size of cantaloupes.

Worse, they both lied. The Hispanic guy when he said he wasn't allowed in the military and Steve (Mr. Impeachment) King when he said the president wasn't following the constitution.

I was in the military. I served with guys who spoke almost no English from variety of countries. Every one of them saw the military as a path to citizenship. I saw it as a way to get an education. It's both.

Politely pointing that out.
What an arrogant little **** and how fucking rude to interrupt a man eating a meal, misrepresent what he says, and then not listen at all. She a stupid leftist illegal who's trying to make a name for herself. This is her schtick. Nothing but a mestizo bitch trying to justify her existence, and failing.

Guess that makes Obama a "tar baby".
I am no fan of King, but he did not grab her wrist. He took her hand.

She constantly interrupted King, not letting him talk.

And he sure as shit did not "viciously attack" the woman. Not did he "scream racial slurs".

You are an unmitigated asshole, hazlnut.

I just watched it without sound.

Ol' Hazel's description seems pretty accurate.

Rand ran.

King grabbed her idea where he thinks he can do that.

And he seemed pretty aggressive.

Body contact is a no-no.
I am no fan of King, but he did not grab her wrist. He took her hand.

She constantly interrupted King, not letting him talk.

And he sure as shit did not "viciously attack" the woman. Not did he "scream racial slurs".

You are an unmitigated asshole, hazlnut.

I just watched it without sound.

Ol' Hazel's description seems pretty accurate.

Rand ran.

King grabbed her idea where he thinks he can do that.

And he seemed pretty aggressive.

You are an idiot.

At no point does he "scream racial slurs". He never even raises his voice. His tone is nothing but calm and measured throughout.

He is not aggressive in any way. If anyone is aggressive, it is the woman. He tries to give her her DACA card back, she won't take it. He tries to address her claims, she doesn't let him. She never lets him complete a sentence. Let's see what your body language would be if someone kept interrupting you after confronting you during a meal.

And ask any woman who has ever been "viciously attacked" for real what they think of someone describing this scene as a vicious attack.

You are both unmitigated assholes.
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The left has a war on white people. This is just another skirmish.

Republicans being 90% white are at war on everyone not white.

Over 60% of Democrats are white. They aren't at war with other whites. They are at war with ignorant racists. A big difference.
that's why you NEVER believe any of the left wing sites folks

the make up, embellish, and just outright LIE so they can get some rabid hate going for Republicans

did anyone see them post them ON dingbat Pelosi chasing someone around the room?

probably not, take them with a grain of you know it's dishonest
That they are.

King was respectfull even when that idiot damned near assaulted him.

Shallow and Haznuts need their eyes examined or brains. Whichever comes first.

Oh and you can throw Deanie in there as well.
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I am no fan of King, but he did not grab her wrist. He took her hand.

She constantly interrupted King, not letting him talk.

And he sure as shit did not "viciously attack" the woman. Not did he "scream racial slurs".

You are an unmitigated asshole, hazlnut.

I just watched it without sound.

Ol' Hazel's description seems pretty accurate.

Rand ran.

King grabbed her idea where he thinks he can do that.

And he seemed pretty aggressive.

You are an idiot.

At no point does he "scream racial slurs". He never even raises his voice. His tone is nothing but calm and measured throughout.

He is not aggressive in any way. If anyone is aggressive, it is the woman. She never lets him complete a sentence. Let's see what your body language would be if someone kept interrupting you.

And ask any woman who has ever been "viciously attacked" for real what they think of someone describing this scene as a vicious attack.

You are both unmitigated assholes.

When he said "drug smugglers with calves the size of cantaloupes" he made no distinction. He may not have said it in this instance, in fact, she brought it up. But it's a statement he has used many times to slur Hispanics. Only for Republicans is there a place for that. That and "tar baby" and "boi" and "uppity" and so on.
The left has a war on white people. This is just another skirmish.

Republicans being 90% white are at war on everyone not white.

Over 60% of Democrats are white. They aren't at war with other whites. They are at war with ignorant racists. A big difference.

So even Democrats hate your racism?

I'm not racist. That would be those who say the president was born in Kenya. Sound familiar?
I just watched it without sound.

Ol' Hazel's description seems pretty accurate.

Rand ran.

King grabbed her idea where he thinks he can do that.

And he seemed pretty aggressive.

You are an idiot.

At no point does he "scream racial slurs". He never even raises his voice. His tone is nothing but calm and measured throughout.

He is not aggressive in any way. If anyone is aggressive, it is the woman. She never lets him complete a sentence. Let's see what your body language would be if someone kept interrupting you.

And ask any woman who has ever been "viciously attacked" for real what they think of someone describing this scene as a vicious attack.

You are both unmitigated assholes.

When he said "drug smugglers with calves the size of cantaloupes" he made no distinction. He may not have said it in this instance, in fact, she brought it up. But it's a statement he has used many times to slur Hispanics. Only for Republicans is there a place for that. That and "tar baby" and "boi" and "uppity" and so on.

As I said at the top, I am no fan of King. But his prior statement in no way justifies slandering him as viciously attacking the woman or screaming racial slurs. In fact, that accusation is far worse than his statement about drug smugglers with big calves.

hazlnut is a whackjob libeling liar.
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