Rep Paul Gosar R-AZ Suggests General Milley Should Be Hung In Recent Newsletter to Constituents

If it were a different point in American history, he would have been executed for disregarding his duty to President Trump and pledging his help to Xi Jinping.

Except he did nothing of the sort.
Unless Trump was actually planning to nuke China.

SO let's review what happened here. Trump went around talking a lot of smack about China, which lead to some legitimate concerns by the Chinese that the US Might attack China. When Chinese officials raised these concerns to Milley during meetings, Milley assured them that Trump had no such intention.

It would have been nice to have a president who wasn't such a crazy actor that this was a legitimate concern the Chinese had.
Trump did nothing illegal or contrary to what the voters wanted.
I am upset about Roe Vs Wade, but otherwise Trump did average.
He was correct on covid, started us out of Afghanistan (it was Milley that botched Afghanistan), did not start any wars, kept us out of a depression, etc.

Trump's very presence in the White House was contrary to what the voters wanted.

What Trump botched in Afghanistan was releasing 5000 Taliban hard cases and selling out the Afghan government at Doha.
Hanging is way too kind.

A bath of sarin gas... that's what all the Iraq War liars deserve...
Would you prefer an accidental war with a nuclear armed state?
These links were first put in place during the early Cold War to avoid just that. We even had monitors permitted to watch training exercises on both sides to make sure thats all they were.
Would you prefer an accidental war with a nuclear armed state?
Gosar has been known for years for making shocking statements, but this guy has become totally unhinged. This man's conduct is unbecoming of a member of Congress. We need to purge the extremists on both sides of the aisle and send adults to D.C.

Does MAGA find this behavior acceptable?

After the riot was in full swing, the Chief’s request for National Guard was finally approved. But even after approval was given, General Milley, the homosexual-promoting-BLM-activist Chairman of the military joint chiefs, delayed. Of course, we now know that the deviant Milley was coordinating with Nancy Pelosi to hurt President Trump, and treasonously working behind Trump’s back. In a better society, quislings like the strange sodomy-promoting General Milley would be hung. He had one boss: President Trump, and instead he was secretly meeting with Pelosi and coordinating with her to hurt Trump.

You should understand that any thread critical of maga insanity is automatically a troll thread.
My guess is that the General will be willing to testify under oath in his own defense in the matter. Oh wait, he already did.

The Neo-GOP propagandists think/know their flock is stupid and they will buy whatever is shoved down their throats.

"With respect to the Chinese calls, I routinely communicated with my counterpart General Li with the knowledge and coordination of civilian oversight. I am specifically directed to communicate with the Chinese by Department of Defense guidance, the policy dialogue system. These military-to-military communications at the highest level are critical to the security of the United States in order to de-conflict military actions, manage crisis, and prevent war between great powers that are armed with the world’s most deadliest weapons. The calls on 30 October and 8 January were coordinated before and after with Secretary Esper and Acting Secretary Miller’s staffs and the interagency.

Gen. Milley: (38:33)
The specific purpose of the October and January calls were generated by concerning intelligence which caused us to believe the Chinese were worried about an attack on them by the United States. I know, I am certain, that President Trump did not intend to attack the Chinese, and it is my directed responsibility, and it was my directed responsibility by the secretary, to convey that intent to the Chinese. My task at that time was to de-escalate. My message, again, was consistent. Stay calm, steady, and de-escalate. We are not going to attack you. At Secretary of Defense Esper’s direction, I made a call to General Li on 30 October.

My guess is that the General will be willing to testify under oath in his own defense in the matter. Oh wait, he already did.

The Neo-GOP propagandists think/know their flock is stupid and they will buy whatever is shoved down their throats.

"With respect to the Chinese calls, I routinely communicated with my counterpart General Li with the knowledge and coordination of civilian oversight. I am specifically directed to communicate with the Chinese by Department of Defense guidance, the policy dialogue system. These military-to-military communications at the highest level are critical to the security of the United States in order to de-conflict military actions, manage crisis, and prevent war between great powers that are armed with the world’s most deadliest weapons. The calls on 30 October and 8 January were coordinated before and after with Secretary Esper and Acting Secretary Miller’s staffs and the interagency.

Gen. Milley: (38:33)
The specific purpose of the October and January calls were generated by concerning intelligence which caused us to believe the Chinese were worried about an attack on them by the United States. I know, I am certain, that President Trump did not intend to attack the Chinese, and it is my directed responsibility, and it was my directed responsibility by the secretary, to convey that intent to the Chinese. My task at that time was to de-escalate. My message, again, was consistent. Stay calm, steady, and de-escalate. We are not going to attack you. At Secretary of Defense Esper’s direction, I made a call to General Li on 30 October.

Left wing Lunatics - Milley, Dude, are you a traitor?
Milley - No
Left wing lunatics - I think we are done here.
Incorrect. Perfect sense, to anyone not in thrall to the Orange Baboon.
Only Congress can declare war,
Presidents have the unfortunate tendency in modern times to deploy first and tell Congress about it later.
and any discussions about Trump legally should have been totally secret.
During the end-game, Rump posed such existential danger to the Republic that it was best everything be placed out-in-the-open.

Once you attempt to overturn a settled election and remain in power and incite riotous mobs you forfeit the usual nicities.

And Milley showed total incompetence in the disastrous way he conducted the withdraw from Afghanistan.
I have not studied that whatsoever... you may (or may not be right).

But that has zero to do with whether or not he acted in the best interests of the Republic during Rump's End-Game Times.

Clearly what he should have done was to invite the Taliban back to Kabul ahead of time, so the forces would overlap slowly, instead of fear producing instantaneous abandonment.
Immaterial to whether Miley served the Republic and the Constitution and the Rule of Law rather than a sociopathic executive.
Left wing Lunatics - Milley, Dude, are you a traitor?
Milley - No
Left wing lunatics - I think we are done here.
The Q & A lasted several hours and both sides asked Milley relevant questions about the calls. There is testimony from the House as well. But I'm sure your favorite liars on Faux Not News mischaracterized the incident just fine for you, who cares what the Generals say. They're all woke anyway (according to Faux Not News of course.....).

It's no wonder the Neo-GOP are so emotional and reactionary these days!

Rep Paul Gosar R-AZ Suggests General Milley Should Be Hung In Recent Newsletter to Constituents​

It would be a nice start, but really, tar, feathers, and a rail would be sufficient.

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