Bitter Loser Hillary Clinton Attacks Trump, Pushes Russia Collusion Hoax Again (VIDEO)

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
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Hillary needs to be deported to Libya. She needs to repay this country for every dime wasted on her false Russia Hoax. Even Comey testified no votes were switched to Trump because of Russian meddling.

Hillary needs to be deported to Libya. She needs to repay this country for every dime wasted on her false Russia Hoax. Even Comey testified no votes were switched to Trump because of Russian meddling.

Got to get the collusion cult motivated
Hillary needs to be deported to Libya. She needs to repay this country for every dime wasted on her false Russia Hoax. Even Comey testified no votes were switched to Trump because of Russian meddling.

Hillary needs to be deported to Libya. She needs to repay this country for every dime wasted on her false Russia Hoax. Even Comey testified no votes were switched to Trump because of Russian meddling.

Her and Trump have something in common. Neither of them can shut their pie holes up.
And the world replies with a huge Shit the Fuck Up Bitch.

It has to be tough being the only person who couldn’t beat Trump
Think about how better off we’d all be if she had.

COVID would have been tough under anyone but at least we would have had a sane response and strong steady leadership. There would have been no Jan 6.
Like you , repeatedly making a fool of yourself .
Change the record .
You are such a boring Troll .
How am I making a fool of myself? By refuting your repeated lies that there was no collusion?

Think about how better off we’d all be if she had.

COVID would have been tough under anyone but at least we would have had a sane response and strong steady leadership. There would have been no Jan 6.
We would have been involved in another prolonged war, our nations secrets would have been given away in a quid pro quo scheme, the Ministry of Truth would be in full effect. Taxes would have been raised. The ineffective Covid shot and boosters would have been mandator. Jan 6th would look like a picnic in the park compared to the liberal riots for Justice. Yeah we dogged a huge skanky bullet in her humiliation of a defeat, thank god she stuffed the wrong ballot boxes. I hate Trump and didn’t vote for him but we lucked out Hillary lost
Hillary needs to be deported to Libya. She needs to repay this country for every dime wasted on her false Russia Hoax. Even Comey testified no votes were switched to Trump because of Russian meddling.

That woman has become truly sick in the head. I'm surprised Bill has not kicked her to the curb
Think about how better off we’d all be if she had.

COVID would have been tough under anyone but at least we would have had a sane response and strong steady leadership. There would have been no Jan 6.
Plus she would have plunged us deep into World War Three by now.

Missed opportunity for her & her fellow psychopaths.

Hillary needs to be deported to Libya. She needs to repay this country for every dime wasted on her false Russia Hoax. Even Comey testified no votes were switched to Trump because of Russian meddling.

Hillary had a fake Russia hoax but it was Trumps team that ran the multi year investigation?

Now Trump has a fake Stolen Election hoax, and you’re silent as a mouse?! Haha. You funny
Hillary needs to be deported to Libya. She needs to repay this country for every dime wasted on her false Russia Hoax. Even Comey testified no votes were switched to Trump because of Russian meddling.

She bitches and moans as heavily as that dyed-blonde, make-up-wearing baboon Trump.

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