Rep Chip Roy (R-Texas): "over my dead body will you draft my daughter"


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
edit: another way of saying he's old...his daughter is 10

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Women are too valuable to send off to fight. Send young men. That is the way it has always been and always should be.
Now of course if your woman is a butt fucking ugly dike, send her off to the front line.

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the word man means master. the animals, trees, chickens, everything was put here for man. Woman is for man. women lead men on the dance floor. that's wrong. the man should lead the woman. the man is master
Valuable? Women are too valuable compared to men. How very chauvinistic of you!

Men can't have babies. And a single man can in one ejaculation produce enough sperm to fertilize every woman in North America (500 million). Thus women are inherently more valuable to the future of a nation than men.
Quit sending them off to fight in stupid useless wars and there will be no need for a draft.
what wars would you support? And don't bother replying if it is going to be some bull about "only if our nation is invaded or endangered". That is a pure cop out. If you wait that long before going to war it is far too late.
Over his dead body? His daughter will be 18 if she is drafted and able to decide whether she wants to be drafted or not. He has no say in the matter. She will either go, or suffer the consequences.
UM, he is in Congress. he makes the policy...he could be the deciding vote on the matter...he could run for senate and filibuster

God you're dumb
Over his dead body? His daughter will be 18 if she is drafted and able to decide whether she wants to be drafted or not. He has no say in the matter. She will either go, or suffer the consequences.

They don't draft 18 year olds anymore. IIRC currently planning to to draft 20 year olds if necessary but going beyond that would never be necessary.
what wars would you support? And don't bother replying if it is going to be some bull about "only if our nation is invaded or endangered". That is a pure cop out. If you wait that long before going to war it is far too late.

Trying to define what would be defensible as to going to war is all subjective. We had no business going to North Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, etc, etc, etc. We had NO business being in Afghanistan for nearly 20 years.
Men can't have babies. And a single man can in one ejaculation produce enough sperm to fertilize every woman in North America (500 million). Thus women are inherently more valuable to the future of a nation than men.
Women can't get another woman pregnant. You are assuming massive casualties. There is a historical lesson we should learn from past mistakes. The Russians lost so many men in battle that women significantly outnumbered men for decades. Women made up about 5% of the Russian Army. In 2018, the population of women was 54% female compared to 46% males. The Russian male population hasn't recovered in more than 70 years. Even today, the Russian medical profession is almost completely dominated by women because of shifting gender roles in WWII..
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Women can't get another woman pregnant. You are assuming massive casualties. There is a historical lesson we should learn from past mistakes. The Russians lost so many men in battle that women significantly outnumbered men for decades. Women made up about 5% of the Russian Army. In 2018, the population of women was 54% female compared to 46% males. The Russian male population has recovered in more than 70 years. Even today, the Russian medical profession is almost completely dominated by women because of shifting gender roles in WWII..

Thanks for playing.

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