Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is inspiration behind upcoming comic book

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is inspiration behind upcoming comic book

The comic's creator says it will include a broad range of stories.

1 i only hope its true
2 they've already been told over and over see below

By Annika MerrileesFeb 27, 2019 4:15 AM ET

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who has been described as a rising star in the Democratic Party, will soon star in a comic book entitled: "Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the Freshman Force: New Party, Who Dis?"
Josh Blaylock, the founder of Devil’s Due Comics, told ABC News that the comic book will be an anthology, telling a wide range of stories.

"I have a really, really nice, sweet one that's just like a pleasant commentary on just being excited about things. There are some completely absurd, irreverent ones that are really like just cathartic venting about, you know, the current climate that we’re living in," Blaylock said. "Some are more just like a narrative, educational overview."


MOVE over captain euro

i haven't laughed this hard at a lame propaganda piece since the days of the EUSSR's captn euro.
the evil guys were evil American who hates poor people and likes stealing

the euro on par with the dollar IM STILL LAUGHING after all these years ( i dont need a lecture on fiat currencies. BUT give me viable replacement without saying "basket" or the Chicoms....ive listened to the yen hens and the euros before ...a lot of speculation gets tossed in with a tinge of anti Americanism ).

id be surprised if the euro made it past 2025 and leaning towards disintegration sooner rather than later
I dont even think youll see two euros (No german north/ Latin South)...they're headed for a wall


About Captain Euro

if ya wanna laugh go read the cast of characters BIOs

BUT i guarantee the stories are probably going to be almost identical and they haven't even begun with AOCs

Captain Euro® was originally launched back in the 1990s to help launch the new Euro currency, and solve Europe’s lack of clear identity. It created instant public impact, appearing on the cover of The Wall Street Journal, Time magazine, The Times, BBC, The Sun, CNN and news channels around the world. He was an exciting figure. With the Euro’s successful launch and reception, Captain Euro had done his job!

AT LEAST, UNTIL NOW! Now, Captain Euro has returned to fight evil syndicate VIPERA. He’s back, and this time, it’s personal!

With Captain Euro’s relaunch comes an entirely new approach and audience. The new Captain Euro also uses the power of satire, humour, and international intrigue to raise awareness of critical global challenges.
He is also tasked with exposing and criticizing areas which lack effective global governance, or systems with excess bureaucracy; particularly in the context of contemporary national, European and global politics. These new stories include Captain Euro dealing with global issues and world leaders including Barack Obama, Angela Merkel, Matteo Renzi, European Commission President Juncker, Vladimir Putin and David Cameron, among others. When world leaders want advise and wisdom about EU and global affairs, they come to Captain Euro. Who else!?

AHHH the western Europeans
these are the retards that American democratic socialist look up to .
Our ancestors left Europe for a LOT of reasons ..or ordered to by a court .
if it was never clear to you as to WHY it should be now .:badgrin:

Never surrender the 2nd Amendment

Im just sayin :20:
All white people need to immediately claim refugee status and report to your nearest food stamp center

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