Renunciations of US Citizenship skyrocket

I read an article somewhere that quite a few Americans living abroad have renounced their American citizenship so they don't have to pay taxes on their earnings, I am sure that has something to do with it.

Companies have been doing it, why not individuals. It isn't just the skyrocketing taxes though. Keep looking into it. It's the burden of reporting, the complicated forms, the constant rule changes that made what was legal yesterday illegal today.
We may need to look into making citizenship a bit harder to get here, should just being born here be enough?

Wong Kim Ark would have to be overturned by the Court, which isn't going to happen, or made null and void by a constitutional amendment. The best bet would be the passage of a legislative initiative that would at least bar anchor babies from citizenship, which would in turn compel the Court to finally and definitively clarify its intent regarding the jurisdictional status of offspring born of illegal aliens on U.S. soil.
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