Renting out the White House


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
Desert Southwest USA
When the press revealed that President Clinton was renting out the Lincoln bedroom in return for mega campaign contributions for himself or the Democratic Party, I wrinkled my nose in disgust but didn't say much.

Now it seems our current fearless leader is raffling off a dinner at the White House with himself and VP Biden to raise money for his re-election campaign.

The campaign is hoping to raise up to $1 billion total for the 2012 election.

The email reiterates a call for donors to give at least $5 in order to be automatically entered into a raffle for dinner with Obama and Vice President Biden.
Obama Campaign Signals Fundraising Fail | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

This particular source doesn't mention the White House specifically but I've seen/heard other sources that did, so if that information is wrong, then it's not that big a deal.

But doesn't this grate on you a little? Selling/renting/raffling what belongs to all of us to pump up your own re-election campaign? I did a cursory search and didn't find any other examples of this, but I wonder if it has been standard practice for any other Presidents?'

Should this be labeled unacceptable for the Chief Executive to do with the people's property?
you will be amazed at how small the white house really is.....

obama has proven to be a disappointment all the way around...and totally classless

I've been there except of course in the President's private quarters. I agree using the people's property to raise money for one's campaign isn't classy. I just wonder if it has been common practice or is it a relatively new trend?
Win $5 Dream Date with Obama or How Low Can the Bidding Go?


Papa Obama has done it again with his great genius. No doubt he is the smartest President, like ever.

In thinking of new ways to raise political donations, Papa Obama has come with the concept of $5 donations to 'Win" a chance to have dinner with him.

A Dream Date, for sure. Of course, expanding on this success demands that we reach out even more for the youth vote.

Yes indeed, what pretty little "devushka" would not love a chance to win a Dream Date with Papa Obama?

This isn't new for Obama. Remember Richard Trumka is a weekly visitor to the Whitehouse and his visits pay of handsomely. Perhaps he has his own key by now.
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Win $5 Dream Date with Obama or How Low Can the Bidding Go?


Papa Obama has done it again with his great genius. No doubt he is the smartest President, like ever.

In thinking of new ways to raise political donations, Papa Obama has come with the concept of $5 donations to 'Win" a chance to have dinner with him.

A Dream Date, for sure. Of course, expanding on this success demands that we reach out even more for the youth vote.

Yes indeed, what pretty little "devushka" would not love a chance to win a Dream Date with Papa Obama?


I'll take my $5.00 and go to the Dollar Store, thanks. :clap2:
well, they say he used the resdience, but that means he does his sunday youtubes form the residence too, as the background is the same.

hey, they do have a living space and working space, but you'd think he'd be sensitive to this kind of thing because he might open himself up to this charge...

does anyone know;is the residence and office spaced delineated for these purposes as such?
oh and I was not oing to pay $5 bucks for a diner with obama, I doubt we would have much to talk about, BUT when he throw in Biden? I am in;)

I cannot even imagine what he says after he has a few scotches in him, that, I would pay to see.
oh and I was not oing to pay $5 bucks for a diner with obama, I doubt we would have much to talk about, BUT when he throw in Biden? I am in;)

I cannot even imagine what he says after he has a few scotches in him, that, I would pay to see.

:thup: I'm with you! Obama would just spew Marxist drivel, but Biden would tell us about alien spaceships and the cure for homosexuality.
oh and I was not oing to pay $5 bucks for a diner with obama, I doubt we would have much to talk about, BUT when he throw in Biden? I am in;)

I cannot even imagine what he says after he has a few scotches in him, that, I would pay to see.

:thup: I'm with you! Obama would just spew Marxist drivel, but Biden would tell us about alien spaceships and the cure for homosexuality.

I hope there aren't any 'ethnic' waiters in the WH, 3 scotches and...I can hear him now...; " hey you can't even get a meal in this town without running into a wetback".....
Bush did it too: Bush Donors Stay The Night - CBS News

I don't know if I like it, but I definitely would prefer that big donors get a night in the lincoln bedroom instead of a billion-dollar federal contract. (As in, it's a little shady, but it certainly could be worse).

Well if Bush did it then it must be OK


My how far the Left has fallen when they must constantly justify Papa Obama's actions by comparing him to Bush
and so often as well.


Hitler was a Community Organizer
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Personally, I don't think any President - whatever party - should use a taxpayer funded venue (cuz that house is ours, not theirs) as a campaign fundraiser.
well, they say he used the resdience, but that means he does his sunday youtubes form the residence too, as the background is the same.

hey, they do have a living space and working space, but you'd think he'd be sensitive to this kind of thing because he might open himself up to this charge...

does anyone know;is the residence and office spaced delineated for these purposes as such?

He doesn't care what the law is. His bud in the DOJ will just ignore the charges.

Besides, anyone who tries to nail him for anything will just be labeled a racist.
Bush did it too: Bush Donors Stay The Night - CBS News

I don't know if I like it, but I definitely would prefer that big donors get a night in the lincoln bedroom instead of a billion-dollar federal contract. (As in, it's a little shady, but it certainly could be worse).

Provide a single source of evidence that any donor got a big contract. I won't wait. By the way? Obama does no bid Contracts too.
Bush did it too: Bush Donors Stay The Night - CBS News

I don't know if I like it, but I definitely would prefer that big donors get a night in the lincoln bedroom instead of a billion-dollar federal contract. (As in, it's a little shady, but it certainly could be worse).

Well if Bush did it then it must be OK


My how far the Left has fallen when they must constantly justify Papa Obama's actions by comparing him to Bush
and so often as well.


Hitler was a Community Organizer

No.... we're just asking where was your outrage then? Same thing you do when Bush did something that Obama did and you are trying to stick up for Bush by saying "Where is your outrage NOW?"
Just reading the article Thedoctorisin posted, it does appear that George & Laura did make public all guests who stayed at the White House or Camp David and it was all personal friends who, by default, would also have been campaign donors. And because he had been critical of the Clintons for 'selling' space in the White House for campaign contributions, he released all the names of those they invited so there would be no question?

I don't know really. I just wish nobody would be so crass and classless to rent out the people's property for campaign donations or any other favors.
Bush did it too: Bush Donors Stay The Night - CBS News

I don't know if I like it, but I definitely would prefer that big donors get a night in the lincoln bedroom instead of a billion-dollar federal contract. (As in, it's a little shady, but it certainly could be worse).

Provide a single source of evidence that any donor got a big contract. I won't wait. By the way? Obama does no bid Contracts too.

Who's to say that we feel Obama gets a pass for no-bid contracts? Who's to say we don't feel Obama has been bought out, just like every other modern day president before him?

That's what kills me about you guys... your blind allegiance to the mantra of "every thing Obama does is bad/Everything the Republicans do is good".


Big Contracts Went To Big Donors - CBS News - Study: Bush donors rake in contracts

All it takes is a search engine. Yeah... I know it's all Liberal opinion pieces like CBS News and USA Today.
Bush did it too: Bush Donors Stay The Night - CBS News

I don't know if I like it, but I definitely would prefer that big donors get a night in the lincoln bedroom instead of a billion-dollar federal contract. (As in, it's a little shady, but it certainly could be worse).

Provide a single source of evidence that any donor got a big contract. I won't wait. By the way? Obama does no bid Contracts too.

Who's to say that we feel Obama gets a pass for no-bid contracts? Who's to say we don't feel Obama has been bought out, just like every other modern day president before him?

That's what kills me about you guys... your blind allegiance to the mantra of "every thing Obama does is bad/Everything the Republicans do is good".


Big Contracts Went To Big Donors - CBS News - Study: Bush donors rake in contracts

All it takes is a search engine. Yeah... I know it's all Liberal opinion pieces like CBS News and USA Today.

And yet no charges, gosh like I said, EVIDENCE, not the mindless prattling of liberal reporters.

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